Left to right - Chell Puddock (Victor Annual 1975); Andrew Ferrier (Victor 601) and Sir Jack Jinks (Victor 779).
A strip from The Victor
Writer:- The Victor editorial team. Artist:- Ted Rawlings; also I think several of the final stories were drawn
by another artist drawing in Rawlings style. And not well, it has to be said).
Main cast:- Chell Puddock; Andrew Ferrier (1st series only); Sir Jack Jinks; King Henry V.
Time period:- 15th Century.
See The Victor -
- see also Swordmaker, The 1974; 601 - 610 (title - The Swordmaker; first appearance of this Chell Puddock and Andrew
- 1975; S1975; S1976, col. (featuring Jinks); S1977 (featuring Jinks); 1977; 1978; S1979 (featuring
Jinks); 1979;
- 1980; S1980; 1981; 1982; S1982; 1983; 1984; 1985; 1986
- 1987 (Puddock Lord High Judge of England; presiding over two alchemists who both claim to have invented a new type of gunpowder; Jinks).
- 1988 (Baron Puddock; Christmas guests at Windsor Castle of King Henry V; Jinks).
- 1989 (Baron Puddock; featuring Master craftsman Watts and his mechanical Dragon; Jinks).
- 661 - 674 (Puddock searching for scrap metal for his forge; first appearance on his own?; second series?).
- 742 - 752 (An alien intergrates itself into Sir Arthur Aspick armour!!; featuring Sir Arthur Aspick).
- 779 - ? The Knight of the Hammer (newly made Knight, Sir Chell Puddock joins the Society of the Square Peg which fights evil; first
appearance of Master Jack Jinks).
- 896 - 905 (title - Hammer Highway?; Chell Puddock; Sir Jack Jinks).
- 919 - ? (sailing the known world as travelling salesmen).
- 950 - ? (made outlaws by King Henry V, after they annoy him once too often).
- 987 - 999 (Henry V trying to regain land lost in France sends Puddock and Jinks to spy behind French lines; Baron de Martel and Baron de Malchance are their cover names; story set in 1417).
- 1024 - 1035 (Puddock and Jinks tangle with the Black Booters).
- 1052 - 1062 (title - Hammer For Hire; Baron Chell Puddock and Jinks fighting for money in Europe as Knights for Hire).
- 1088 - 1092 (Puddock and Sir Jack Jinks; artist Ted Rawlings; Puddock's adventures in Chindiam; first panel jousting against an Elephant).
- 1103 - 1115 (Puddock and Sir Jack Jinks help Master Marlar, medieval inventor produce scientific war weapons; artist Ted Rawlings; note issue 1113 has a train in it!)
- 1127 - 1139 (featuring Sir Jack Jinks; fighting at sea on a ship).
- 1150 - 1163 (Baron Chell Puddock; Sir Jinks; King's Heralds for Henry V; first panel - riot at Ye Guildhall).
- 1173 - 1187 (Baron Chell Puddock; Sir Jinks; envoys to Portugal, but end up in Africa).
- 1211 - 1222 (Baron Chell Puddock; Sir Jinks; treasury tax collectors; meets Alchemist Silas Snood).
- 1233 - ? (Baron Chell Puddock; Sir Jinks; journeying to Ireland are shipwrecked on the Western Isles of Scotland; featuring the MacHammer Clan).
- Starts prior to 1265 - ? (Baron Chell Puddock; Sir Jinks; appointed High Lord Judge touring England bringing justice to the Law Courts of
King Henry V domains).
- 1298 - ? (Puddock; Sir Jack Jinks; Puddock becomes Governor of the Island of Dellos; artist Ted Rawlings).
- 1354 - 1367 (Baron Chell Puddock; Sir Jinks; journey to the Far East; first panel smashing nuts).
***Please note that there was a second series published in the Victor called The Hammer Man (series character; 1870's America; mining; western;
featuring Bill Trefussis; Bert Lydd; artist Philpotts; issues 194 - 205), which had no connection with this series.***
This popular character started out as an assistant to a swordmaker Andrew Ferrier. But as the drama series progressed, it becomes obvious
that Puddock is the more interesting of the two characters. And that there is a rich seam of humour to be exploited. The Victor Editorial team
must have thought the same as Puddock set out on this own adventures from the second series. (Ferrier being shown the door with a "don't call us,
we'll call you" ringing in this ears).
Jack Jinks makes his first appeareance in the third series as Puddock's assistant. The pair's humorous adventures then move up through the
gears, usually involving annoying King Henry V and as punishment, being sent abroad. The pair also become involved with mechanical creations,
wizards, an inventor, an alchemist and even an alien.
The artist for the entire run (apart from the final few stories, which look as though they might have been done by another artist in Ted's style)
was Ted Rawlings. And excellent artwork it is too. I make no secret that Ted Rawlings is one of my favourite artists.
For more information about the artist please click on the following link -
Ted Rawlings
The following adventures of Chell Puddock are from the 1975 annual and issues 601; 602; 605; 609; 610; 779; 1304.
***Please note that I am using a standard thumbnail image for all the full size pictures on this page. This is purely being done to save myself
text © Adrian Banfield, 2014; artwork © D.C. Thomson Co. Ltd.