A strip from The Victor. Artwork by David Matysiak?
See The Victor
Writer:- The Victor editorial team. Artist:- David Matysiak?
Main cast:- Captain Prouty; Bombardier Bill Booth; Gunner Pete Jones.
Time period:- Europe, World War Two.
This series of adventures about a British forward observation team takes place after the D-Day landings in early June 1944 through to the end of the war in Europe in 1945. The stories are well written and the No Surrender and Hostage to a Killer adventures being my favourites. The artwork is I think by Matysiak and at first glance looks a bit childish. But once you get used to the artwork, its fine. The banner picture at the top of this page for example, is a detailed piece of artwork and a good example of the artist's work. Matysiak's style is unusual and different, but pleasing to the eye. And there's nothing wrong with that.
This series of stories about Captain Prouty and his team were published in the Victor as a 'special complete story'. This is a D.C. Thomson 'code' for meaning that the stories were published originally in the Victor as a series. (The reprinting of a series as 'special complete story' weren't always published in consecutive issues. Although the Prouty stories were). But to my knowledge these stories were never published previously in the Victor.
This suggests two things, a) the series was published in another D.C. Thomson comic or b) this was the first time the stories were published. This is another ofthose mystery's which may never be solved.
There is also no indication of what the original series title was either, as each story has its own title. Hence the long winded title of this webpage.
The following adventures of Captain Prouty and his forward observation team are from issues 857, 858, 861 and 863.