Harry the Hitch: a Hornet strip.
An example of an old British road sign. A second example of an old British road sign.

Above are two examples of old British road signs. These can still be found on many country roads.

See The Hornet (first issue series started in, not known) issues 288, 290, 294, 295, 298, 299, 300, 302, 305, 308, 310, 311, 312, 322 (final issue?).

Writer:- The Hornet editorial team? Artist:- Not known.

Main cast:- Harry the Hitch.

Time period:- late 20th Century.

As the title suggests Harry is a hitchhiker who enjoys travelling around the country and the world if he gets the chance free of charge. He even try's to stow away on a plane and a train. (I suspect if Harry tried these sort of tactics in today's security conscious world he would find himself behind bars faster than a driver could read a hitchhiker's sign saying, 'To London please').

Most of Harry's adventures usually end up with him ending back at his original starting point or ending up the worse for wear. Although occasionally, he does triumph. The artwork is by the same artist who drew the Inspector Jellicoe series and again he does an excellent job.

Each of Harry's adventures each week only fill the one page. The stories are not printed consecutively, which suggests that the episodes were used when there was a spare page to be filled in the that week's comic.

You can view three of Harry's adventures below.

The following episodes are from issues 288, 299 and 300.

Issue 288. Artist unknown. © D.C. Thomson Co. Ltd Issue 299. Artist unknown. . © D.C. Thomson Co. Ltd issue 300. Artist unknown. © D.C. Thomson Co. Ltd

© Adrian Banfield, 2008.