A World War One drama/comedy strip from The Hornet
Barney Hines with some of his souveniers from the First World War. From the Hornet issue 235.x
See The Hornet issues 236 - finishes after issue 253.
Writer:- The Hornet editorial team. Artist:- Joan Giralt.
Main cast:- Mayor / Private Barney Hines.
Time period:- The First World War.
Barney Hines is the Mayor of Walla Wogga, a small town in Australia, who has a big problem. Namely, that the citzens have built a new town museum, but have nothing to exhibit within its structure. Barney sees an opportunity in obtaining some souvenirs by joining the Australian Army and fighting on the Western Front. He soon manages to collect various items for the museum and earns the nickname of "Bring 'em Back Barney."
Collecting the items though seems to be easy enough (even if Barney does have to brave shot and shell to collect them), keeping hold of them is the difficult part. The Germans get upset and even forces on his own side seem to resent his efforts. Will Barney be able to keep and get his souvenirs back to Walla Wogga (what a splendid name)?
Note - further episodes to be added in due course during December.
The following adventures of Barney Hines are from issues 239, 240, .