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page one. page two. page three. page four. |
This text driven story briefly charts the history of the Yorkton Docks from its earliest days through to the present time. The Yorkton Dock modular set featured in this story is the largest set I have so far built. (So I’ll have to make sure I get plenty of use out of
it!) Twenty-two 16 x 16 plates were used. Seventeen of the plates were ‘raised’ by the height of three technic bricks. Each modular section was then
connected to other sections using a technic pin. The remaining five blue plates represent the River Flumen. The majority of the buildings featured are building frontages only. This arrangement is similar to a film set so to aid me when photographing.
Eagle-eyed readers will have noticed a British police public call box. These were a common feature in the UK in the 1950’s. I should point out that
that is all it is. It’s not a TARDIS, so no Doctor or aliens on the rampage will be appearing in this series. The Yorkton Docks doesn’t cover a vast waterfront area, although there are warehouses out of view. As can be seen from the photographs there is a
fair bit of activity going on when the photographs were taken. And if readers look closely they will see several familiar characters from this series
and several small set pieces. Green Lion Comics, story and characters © Adrian Banfield, 2016.