A strip from The Wizard picture comic
See The Wizard issues 16-07-77; 06-08-77; 10-09-77; 16-09-77; 25-02-78; 04-03-78; 11-03-78; 18-03-78.
Writer:- The Wizard editorial team. Artist:- Ted Rawlings.
Main cast:- Trooper Jim Logan, 10th Lancers.
Time period:- First World War.
There were at least two series of Logan's adventures, one set in France and the second series set in the desert's of North Africa.
***Please note that I am using a standard thumbnail image for all the full size pictures on this page. This is purely being done to save myself some time.***
Several examples of Logan Wizard front covers.
front covers |
wiz16-07-7 |
wiz06-08-77 |
wiz10-09-77 |
wiz25-2-78 |
wiz04-3-78 |
wiz11-03-78 |
wiz18-03-78 |