The Hornet Index.
Last Updated September 2019. Note this is very much a work in progress page.
Please note that no Hornet annuals or summer specials were published. This index is a work in progress.
I would also like to thank the following people who have provided me with information for this index - Colin Noble, Jeremy Briggs, Steve Holland,
Ray Moore and Jim Croasdale.
Notes on how to use this index.
Note - issue 588 is missing from the British Library's collection of Hornet Comics, thus I haven't been able to index this issue.
Last issue of the Hornet is number 648.
The index below is arranged A to Z by strip title, character and subject headings. Search for characters and artists by their surname.
Please see the diagram below for explanation of how each entry should be read.
Subject Headings include:-
African themed stories
American themed stories
Australian themed stories
Canadian themed stories
Characters# series (that is, a character and main supporting cast (but not necessarily every character to appear in the series), appearing in one
or several series in The Hornet).
Complete# one issue stories
Cover# stories of The Hornet, front and back.
Factual#, true stories
Far East# themed stories
Football# Teams
Games# (that is, "board games" published in the comic and annuals).
Historical# stories (Ancient; Medieval; Elizabethan).
Humorous# Stories
Indian themed stories (that is, the country India).
Middle East themed stories
Military# Medal Winners (true stories)
Norwegian themed stories
Police# Stories
Secret# Service stories
Sci-fi# stories
Sport# stories
Text# stories (non-picture stories)
Western# stories
World War One# (fiction stories)
World War Two# (fiction stories)
Note, if you are searching for a subject heading place an '#' after the first word to aid searching. For example,
Artists# or Military# and so on. For World War One and Two stories, type World War One# and World War Two#.
(Note I have now also added a '#' after each letter for example, A#, B# and so on, to assist with searching.)
If your looking for a particular artist, look under the artist heading. For those wanting to know more about various
artists, please check -
Artist Identify page.
Please note that there may be a few errors in the index, for which I apologise in advance. (I'll be proof reading and
amending the index when time allows). But to the best of my knowledge the information below is accurate. If anyone spots any mistakes, please let me
? = Confirmation required about the information. For example, which artist drew that particular strip or when a particular strip
started or finished.
RP = The story has been reprinted.
A letter in brackets for example, (F) refer to unidentified artists.
col. = part or all of a story has been printed in colour.
Abdul the Terrible (series character; sport; wrestling; humour; artist not known; featuring Abdul).
Across Antarctica (factual; story of Dr. Vivan Fuchs crossing Antarctica on the 24th Nov. 1957; artist Sturrock) 413.
Across Australia (factual; one page story of John McDougall Stuarts attempts to cross the Australia between 1860 - 1862; artist not known) 362.
Advert about the first issue of The Hornet appears in The Victor as a centre pull-out, printed on pink paper, issue 134.
African themed stories see
- Ten Steps to Solomon’s Treasure.
Ainsworth, Lord John (series character; Elizabethan era) see Swordsman of the Queen.
Akim, Sergeant (series character; police) see One Man on a Camel
Alfy's Elephant (series character; humour; featuring Alfie Stubbs; Harold the Elephant; artist not known, but style similar to the Bashford Street Kids).
Allen, Sergeant Bill (series character; WW2 Parachute Regiment; artist Leo Rawlings) see Sky Soldiers.
Allman, Bradley P. (series character; sport; boxing/wrestling; manager) see Silent Rock.
Alone in the Icelands (Dec. 1912; crossing and surviving the Antarctic waste Douglas Mawson, Dr. Metx, Lieutenant Ninnis; true front cover story; artist not known) 211.
Alone to the Niger (factual; Mungo Park, Scottish explorer, 1795, seeking true course of a river; artist not known) 45.
Aylmer, captain Fenton John (V.C.; for capture of Nilt Fort, Kashmir, 1891; then in 1896 saved another man; true front cover story; artist not known) 70.
Amazing Mister Cedric, The (series characters; sport; football; featuring Mister Cedric, a computer; Vic Wallace; Henry Huggett, club chairman).
American themed# stories (included S. American stories too); see also Westerns.
- see
- Buffalo Billena (adventure; Spanish Conquistadors).
- Floating Man, The (series character; adventure).
- Silent Rock (series character; sport; boxing/wrestling).
Ames, Jervis Sergeant (series character; WW2 Norwegian Commandos) see Vengeance of the Snow Wolf.
Anscombe, Sub-Lieutenant 'Tubby' (series character; WW2 RN) see Shadow Ship of Valetta.
Army of the Flames, The (series characters; sci-fi; featuring John Dobie (British), United Nations test pilot; Commander Elmhurst; artist Shone).
Army of the Shadows, The (series characters; WW2 Army, Far East; artist Leo Rawlings; featuring Sergeant 'Bendigo' Baron; Corporal Joe Latimer;
Australian soldiers).
- Arnau# (Spanish artist?).
- see also the Victor Index.
- High Wire Needs Nerve (series characters; circus adventure).
- Year of the Ospreys? (series characters; Canadian adventure).
- Carrion#, Felix (Spanish artist) see
- see also the Victor Index.
- B-17 Flying Fortress (factual; A Fighting Planes of World War 2 feature; artist Carrion?).
- Big Palooka (series character; seventh series?).
- Black Streak (series character; sport; motorbike speed racing).
- Blazing Ace of Space, The (WW2 RAF; series; first series).
- Boss of the Ghost Herd (series characters; western).
- Buffalo Boy (series character; western).
- Conteh, John (factual about boxer; A Hornet Gallery of Sport feature).
- Day of the Dragons? (series characters; sci-fi).
- Dylan, Bob (Spotlight on ... series).
- Eagles of Kambut (series characters; WW1).
- Full Speed Ahead to the Worlds of Fear (series characters; sci-fi).
- Gaunlet of Fate.
- Goalie Clinic (series character; drew some of the stories).
- Green For Danger ? (WW1; Vimy Ridge; complete story).
- Hill, Vince (spotlight on the singer)?
- Kid Coyote (series characters; western).
- Killer in 'K' for King ? (WW2 RAF; complete story).
- March of the Bronze Men (series; sci-fi).
- Mister Frozen Face (series characters; sport; motorbike racing; featuring Jimmy Kelly; Smokestack Team).
- No Return From Zorun? (series; sci-fi).
- One Came Back (series character; WW2 Army; Far East).
- Raid on Wadi Radwan (WW2 LRDG; true story; featuring Captain Ackroyd; North Africa).
- Royal Raiders, The (WW2 Army, after El Alamein 02nd Nov. 1942; Royal Dragoons dashed through lines harressing Germans;
true front cover story; artist Carrion?).
- Run Till You Drop (series characters; adventure).
- Secret of Six Moon Swamp, The. (series characters; adventure).
- Special Squad (WW2 Army; Far East; (series characters).
- Spring-Heeled Jackson (series character; adventure; police; Victorian age).
- Sword of the Fighting Fairchilds? (series characters).
- They Joined The Legion (series; French Foreign Legion).
- Three Hours Until Dawn? (WW2 Army; escape from Norway; complete story).
- Vengeance of Malik Khan (Indian North-West Frontier; series).
- Wonder Dog (series characters; adventure; film business).
- (F)#
- Flynn of the Fighting Horse-Doctors (WW2 Army; humour; series characters).
- Forty Monkeys on his Back! (adventure; series characters).
- Secrets of Jordan's Schooldays (series characters).
- Farrugia#, ‘Harry’ Henricus (British artist) see
see also The Victor Index.
- Axeman Missed - Once Too Often (1669 Sten-Ra-Rezin Cossacks raiding in the Caspian Sea and was killed; true front
cover story).
- Balancing Boy, The (series character; adventure; drew the first three episodes only, first series).
- Ballon Buster (WW1 RFC; shooting down a German observation ballon; true front cover story).
- Bird Catchers, The (Charge of the Royal Scots Greys at the Battle of Waterloo; true front cover story).
- Bogan, Bobby (British Empire Medal; Aden, 1966; atttempted assassination of Bogan, he captured terrorists;
true front cover story).
- Captain Coffins Death Ship! (early 19th century Whaleship was attacked by natives in the Marshall islands; true front
cover story).
- Clarke, Donald Owen (factual; Silver Medal; cover story; title – The Night the Sea Caught Fire; 1941).
- Commerell, Lieutenant (V.C. & French Legion of Honour; Crimean War; Oct. 1855 raid on Russians; Petty Officer Rickard V.C. & French Legion of Honour;
Able Seaman Milestone V.C.; title - Raiders Came at Dawn, The).
- Death Duel in the Atlantic (WW2 RAF; 1943; Wing Commander Ronald Thompson surviving at sea; true front cover story).
- Defenders of the Rock (Story of how the Barbary Apes got to Gibralter; true front cover story).
- Flying Tiger, The (series character; WW2 RAF).
- Hardy, Ben and Ralph Jones (George Cross; factual; cover story; title – Escape or Die; 22nd Australian Garrison
Battalion; POW breakout, Aug. 1944).
- Hover Rovers, The (series characters; adventure).
- Lord, Regimental Sergeant-Major John, story of (episode of the Deeds of Glory factual series).
- Norton, Guardsman (George Medal; 24th Oct. 1964 Aden; true front cover story).
- One Man on a Camel (series character; police).
- Only One Came Back! (James Bristow East India Company, fought against Hyderali, Sultan of Mysore, 1780; only man to escape from the prison; true front
cover story).
- Rin-Tin-Tin (WW1 dog found by American Lieutenant Lee Duncan in German dugout, France; later became a film dog star in
1920's; true front cover story).
- Roberts, Lieutenant Frederick (V.C.; Bengal Artillery Indian Mutiny 1857; Farrugia?).
- Sergeant Sixty (series character; sci-fi; police).
- Spy in the Suitcase, The (series character; WW2 Secret Service).
- Squadron X (series character; WW2 RAF).
- They'll Never Forget That Christmas (WW2 RAF; complete story).
- Young, Lieutenant (V.C.; Nov. 1857 Indian Mutiny; won for storming (with other soldiers), the Shah Nujjiff; true front
cover story).
- Fernandez#, Edmundo (also known as Ripol; Spanish artist) see
- Five Tough Tests for ‘Lofty’ Foster (series characters; sport; athletics).
- Floating Man, The (series character; Victorian adventure).
- 'G' of the Secret Service (series character; Victorian secret service).
- Hornet, Captain (series character; various adventures).
- Luckiest Horse of the Year! (WW1 Cavalry; "Warrior" the horse for Major-General Seely France ; true front cover
- One Bullet Was Not Enough! (1898 Marcus Daly white hunter shooting Buffalo in Africa; true front cover story).
- Seven Swore Vengeance (Corps of Guides, N.W. Frontier 1878; Gurkhas thrown out of the Guides, until they retrieve
guns they lost; true front cover story).
- Sword of Kali (series characters; Victorian India).
- War of the Wasps (series characters; sci-fi).
- Watson, Lieutenant Thomas Colclough (VC; factual; title – Forward the Buffs; NW Frontier, 16th Sept. 1897).
- William Wilson strips (series character; sports athletics and other sports).
- Wilson, William (series character; sport; different sports).
- Ford, Peter (British artist) see
- Garcia#, Antonio see
see also The Victor Index.
- Deep Sea Commandos? (WW2 RN; series characters).
- Grant at Happy Valley? (series character; sport; boxing).
- Hornet, Captain? (series character; crime adventure; 'hero').
- Ninety-Minute Nelsons, The? (series character; sport; football)
- Seven Scarlet Tigers? (series; secret service).
- Shining Fist, The? (series characters; sport; boxing).
- Suitcase of Secrets, The? (complete one issue story).
- Volts of Vengeance (series characters; secret service)?
- Giralt#, Joan (Spanish artist) see
- Bailey Mends Broken Men (series characters; sport; football).
- Bring 'em Back Barney (WW1 Australian Army; series character).
- Amazing Mister Cedric, The (series characters; sport; football).
- Big Palooka, The (series characters; police; artist for one series).
- Blitz Kid (series character; Arnold Tabbs as a boy; football).
- Marvel From Moose Creek (series characters; sport; football).
- never Gamble With a Mississippi Gambler (complete story; western).
- Nick Smith Builds a Team (sport; football; series characters).
- No Game for Jimmy (series character; sport; football).
- One-Legged Crow, The (series character; World War One, RFC).
- Rifleman From the Rocks (series adventure; WW2 Army).
- Tarbuck, Jimmy (British comedian; artist Giralt; Spotlight On...series) 494.
- Team From Trisidium, The (sport; football; series characters).
- Was It a Goal? (sport; football; true covers story; FA Cup Final 23rd April 1932; Arsenal vs Newcastle Utd).
- William Welkins War (series character; WW2 Army).
- Wonder From Winter Island, The (series character; sport; football).
- Harding#, Tony (British) see
see also The Victor Index.
- Briggs, Bernard
- Goalie Clinic story - What's the Matter With Carter?
- Keep Cool Cassidy.
- Horak#, Yaroslav see
see also The Victor Index.
- Bent Copper, The (series character; police).
- Deadline at Dawn! ? (WW2 RN frogmen; complete story).
- Fighters of Force K, The (complete story; WW2).
- Force Viper? (series character; WW2 Army).
- Man Who Knew Too Much, The ? (WW2 British Intelligence rescuing of British Officer from German POW camp; complete story).
- One Pip Wonder ? (series character; WW2 army 1944)
- Operation Pound-note ? (WW2 British Intelligence blowing up of forged British pound notes; complete story).
- ((J) Jellicoe artist) see
- Colorado Kid (series character; humour).
- Congo the Canary (series character; humour).
- Harry the Hitch (series character; humour).
- Hotspur the Hound (series character/dog; humour).
- Inspector Jellicoe (series character; humour; police).
- Mighty Mouth! (series character; humour; western).
- Muscles Malone (series character; sport; wrestling; humour).
- Nickel (series character; humour; school boy adventure about a robot).
- Send for Sid (series character; advertising; humour).
- Which One is the Rogue on the Run? (complete one issue story).
- Judge, Malcolm (British) see
- Colonel Crackpot's Circus.
- Kearon#, Ted see
see also The Victor Index.
- Barefoot Detective (police; series Aboriginal character).
- Castle, Roy (artist Kearon?).
- Day of the Drakkens (series characters; sci-fi; Kearon?).
- Run Away Robinson? (WW2; series character; set in Britain).
- Malcolm#, James see
- Chimps Don't Talk (series character; humour).
- Grapnel Gripp (series character; humour).
- Marti#, Josep
see also The Victor Index.
- Ball of Fire (series character; sport; football; artist drew one of the series).
Bernard Briggs: The Roughneck of the Courts (series character; sport; tennis).
- Deliver That Car (series character; Bernard Briggs).
- Eleven Little Soccer Boys (series characters; sport; football).
- Galloping Ghost, The (series characters; western).
- Go, Man, Go! (series characters; all about music).
- Island of Lost champions, The (series characters; adventure; sport; athletics).
- Laramie (series characters; western; series based on the American T.V. series of the same name).
- Man's a Marvel, The (western; series character).
- Perryman, Steve (footballer; Hornet Gallery of Sport; biography).
- Silent Rock (series character; sport; boxing/wrestling).
- Patrick# Terry see
- Dandy and the Rebel, The (1777 American War of Independence skirmish between 42nd Highlanders and Americans; true front cover story).
- Sellers, Peter (Spotlight on... series).
- Slowest Gun in the West (series characters; humour; British army; American Wild West).
- Sykes, Eric (Spotlight on... series).
- (p)# see
- Thirteen Knots in a Golden Cord? (series characters; western).
- Duel In Dixon City (complete story; western).
- Philpotts#, Frederick Alan see
see also The Victor Index.
- Brain Behind the Boxer (series characters; sport; boxing).
- Coconut Charlie (WW2 RAF; shot down pilot survived on an island using coconuts; complete story).
- Denham, Thomas (George Medal; Glasgow docker 5,6 & 7th May saved lives during Clydebank bombing raid; true
front cover story).
- Farrer, Anthony and Doreen Ashburnham (They fought a Mountain Lion; factual) see Hornet Gallery of Courage.
- Fire Down Below (complete story; factual/fictional?).
- Joe Kane: King of Kanga (complete story).
- Keep Your Cool Collins (complete story;?).
- March of the Sunderland Men (WW2 RAF; crew shot down, adventures returning to British lines; complete story).
- Once They Were warriors (WW1; East Africa; complete story).
- Sign of the ... (series character; adventure; secret service).
- Southwell, Able Seaman Bennett and Sub-Lieutenant Jack Easton (George Cross; factual; cover story;
title – Twelve Seconds to Live; London Blitz, Autumn 1940).
- Tough Tests of 'Lofty' Foster ? (series character; athletics).
- Two Black Streaks, The (series characters; Present day Army Dispatch Riders).
- Two Medals for the ‘Exeter’ Men (WW2 RN; factual; HMS Exeter vs. Graf Spee).
- V for Vengeance (WW2 Resistance; series characters; picture stories, not text versions).
- Rawlings#, Leo (no relation to the artist, Ted Rawlings) see
see also The Victor Index.
- Astro Airways (series character; stories about an airline's Chief Security officer).
- Army of the Shadows, The (series character; WW2 Army)
- Dandy of the Death's Head Hussars (series character; WW1 Army).
- Eye That Never Lies, The (complete story; adventure; TV cameramen)?.
- First of the Iron Men (series characters; ancient Britain).
- Go Get That Gold (series characters; WW2 Australian Army; Far East).
- Sky Soldiers (series character; WW2 Parachute Regiment)
- Watcher, The (series character; WW2 Secret Service).
- Richardson#, John
Marmaduke's Commandos (series characters; WW2 Commandos; humour).
- Ripol# see Fernandez, Edmundo.
- Shone#, Keith see
see also The Victor Index.
- Army of the Flames, The (series characters; sci-fi).
- Blazing Ace of Space (WW2 RAF; series character; second series only).
- Brewster, Major (M.C.; Aden 13th Oct. 1966; Sergeant Austin and Littlewood, Corporal McGuigan awarded M.M.;
true front cover story).
- Brown, Joe (No.17; mountaineer) see Hornet Gallery of Sport.
- Chichester, Sir Francis (factual) see Hornet Gallery of Courage.
- Crimson Kangeroo, The (series characters; flying adventure).
- Dolphin Patrol (series character; WW2; second & third series).
- Fighting planes of World War Two, Story of (factual; true story; series; drew the Messerschmitt 109 story).
- Hailwood, Mike (No.48; motorbike/car rider/driver) see Hornet Gallery of Sport.
- Hawker Hurricane (factual; fighting plane of WW2).
- Hunted by Bear (Joe Hallam, trapper in Canada; true front cover story).
- Killer Whale! (Oct. 1842; Jap schooner hit by hugh white sperm whale; Mocha Dick survived the attack and rescued by fisherman; whale was killed by
Swedish crew; true front cover story).
- Man and the Mountain (story of Edward Whymper climbing the Matterhorn; true front cover story).
- Man-eater of Mashoni, The (killing of lions, Matabeleland; true front cover story).
- No Gun Lawman of Abilene, The (Tom Smith, Marshall of Abilene, Kansas 1869 used no gun; front cover story).
- North American Mustang, The (factual; American airforce fighter).
- Red Hackle, The (story of the Black Watch Bonnets scarlet Vulture feather; true front cover story).
- Shark Squad (series character; sci-fi).
- Terror of the Northland (series; sci-fi; Canada).
- Terror Island (small Caribbean island, still has large creatures living on it, giant turtles; Blue land crabs;
true front cover story).
- Vengeance of the Snow Wolf (series character; WW2 Commandos).
- War Pipes of the 74th (Piper Johnny McLaughlan, 74th Highlanders 1812 Peninsular War; true front cover story).
- Year of the Night Fighters (series characters; WW2 RAF).
- Sturrock#, Freddie see
- Across Antarctica (factual account of Dr. Vivan Fuch's expedition).
- Bee For Barmy (series character; text; police).
- Bee Man, The ? (series character; adventure; main picture for text stories).
- Experiment X (series characters; text; sci-fi).
- Floating Thing, The (series character; text; sci-fi).
- Francis, Gerry (footballer) see Hornet Gallery of Sport.
- Goals That Count, It's (artist only for text series?)
- Golden Blades, The (series; sport; ice-skating; main picture for text stories).
- Harvey, David (Hornet Gallery of Sport; biography).
- King of the Eagles (text; series; hunting; Canada).
- Last Stand of F.41 (WW1 tanks; Flanders; complete story).
- Mr. X (series character; text; adventure/crime).
- Ordeal Below Zero (Dec. 1943 British Steamer, sunk by U-Boat in Artic commanded by Captain D.M. William; true
front cover story).
- Rifle of Lalla Singh, The (1858 rebel sepoys being pursued by British officers, Ensign Patrick Roddy; true
front cover story; Sturrock?).
- Send for Slim (Rescue specialist for the Sierra Mountains, America; true front cover story; Sturrock?).
- Singing Knife-Man, The (series character; text; western; main picture for text stories).
- Terhune, Paul ? (series character; detective; main picture for text stories).
- Tin Whistle Grenadiers, The (WW1; Major Tom Bridges uses a tin whistle to lead his men from St. Quentin,
before being over run; true front cover story).
- When Santa Claus Wore Tusks (adventure; text; rescuing of elephants from a burning circus).
- Wickets That Count, Its (series characters; sport; cricket).
- Sutherland, Dave see
- Dolphin Patrol (series character; WW2; first series).
- Sutherland#, Peter see
see also The Victor Index.
- Battlers of Battery K (episode of the Deeds of Glory factual series).
- Big Palooka, The (series character; police).
- Cast, Hook and Strike (series characters; fishing).
- Champion Nobody Knew, The (series character; boxing).
- Coonskin Grenadier (WW2 Army; series characters; humour).
- Muscles Malone (series character; wrestling; humour; artist drew first series only).
- Nightingale Nobbs (series character; sport, wrestling; humour).
- One Bullet From the Fire-gun! (Oct. 1899 Mafeking Siege; true front cover story).
- Sergeant Leather Lungs (complete one issue story; army; humorous).
- Stand Back – A Crook’s Gonna Burst! (complete one issue story; police).
- Stirling, David (D.S.O.; China 1901; attempted to halt the advance of Chunchuses; true front cover story).
- Suffolk, 20th Earl Of (George Cross; leader of an experimental UXB squad (included his chauffeur & secretary
dealing with unexploded UXB's in 1940; true front cover story).
- Three Fights at Broken Hill (factual; sport; boxing; covers story, Australia).
- Trevillion, Paul see
- Vandeput#, Bert see
- see also The Victor Index.
- Spotlight on... entry (factual).
- Watson#, Jim see
see also The Victor Index.
- Gloster Gladiator (factual; fighting planes of World War 2).
- Hornet, Captain (series character; various characters).
- Messerschmitt 163 Komet (factual; fighting planes of World War 2).
- Winslade#, Harry (also known as Redvers Blake) see
see also Cover stories of The Hornet, front and back.
- Driver, Tom Leading Seaman (series characters?; WW2 RN)
- Diggers Were There, The (series; WW1 & 2).
- First Prize (WW1 RN; use of a German schooner as a British "Q" ship; true front cover story; artist Winslade?).
- One Year to Live (series characters; WW1 RN).
- Astro Airways: A Fly Fox story (series character; flying stories about Mike Fox, the airline's Chief Security Officer; artist Leo Rawlings).
- RP?418; 433; 434; 456; 457; 473.
- Australian# themed stories see
- Army of the Shadows, The (series character; WW2 Army).
- Barefoot Detective (series character; police).
- Big Boomer, The (series character; adventure; a giant mechanical kangeroo!).
- Black Streak (series character; sport; motor-cycle speedway racing).
- Bring 'em Back Barney (WW1 Army; series character).
- Deadline Dan (series character; journalist).
- Diggers Were There, The (series characters; WW1 & 2 Army).
- Fuzzy Wuzzy Phantoms, The (WW2 Army, Far East; series characters).
- Go Get That Gold. (series characters; WW2 Australian Army; Far East).
- Harry the Camel (series characters; humour; Australian Police).
- Moorak, the Little Racer (sport; pony trotting).
- Swamp Rat (series character; WW2 Coastal Watch Service).
- Swim, Jim, Swim (series character; sport; swimming).
- Treasure of Deep 99 (WW2 Australian Army; Far East; series characters).
- Axeman Missed - Once Too Often (1669 Sten-Ra-Rezin Cossacks raiding in the Caspian Sea and was killed; true front cover story; artist Farrugia) 84.
- Azak, boxer (series character; sport; boxing) see Shining Fist, The.
- Badges of Courage on the Island of Darkness, S. America (factual; artist not known) 258.
- Bailey Mends Broken Men (series characters; sport; football; artist Giralt; featuring Bailey).
- Baker, John (sport; athletics) see Island of Lost champions, The.
- Baker, Mike (series character; WW2 RN; text) see Island in U-Boat Alley, The.
- Balancing Boy, The (series character; adventure; artists Farrugia and an unknown artist; featuring Dick Reid).
- 397 - 405. (note Farrugia drew issues 397 - 399, then an unknown artist took over).
- 546 - 557 Second series (Kearon? if not an unknown artist).
- Ball of Fire (series characters; sport; football; various artists; featuring Wally Brand).
- 237 - ?
- 339 - 342 (Brickley Albion Football Club).
- 346 - ? (artist Marti; Rudford Rovers Football Club).
- Ballon Buster (WW1 RFC; shooting down a German observation ballon; true front cover story; artist Farrugia) 172.
- Banzi Assassins, The (attack on the British artist legation at Yedo, Japan 05th July, 1861, only Laurence Oliphant survived; true front cover story; artist not known) 203.
- Barefoot Detective (series character; police; artist Kearon?; Australia; featuring Brutus Brown)
- Barker, Sergeant Harry (WW2 RAF; series character) see Flying Tiger, The.
- Barlow, Jim (series; text; sci-fi) see Experiment X).
- Barry, Ken (series character; journalist/wrestler) see Nightingale Nobbs.
- Barry, Reg (sport; motor-cycling speedway racing) see Black Streak
- Barton, Bill (series character; western) see Kid Coyote.
- Baxter, Cliff (series character; western) see Galloping Ghost.
- Beard, Private Terence (series characters; WW2; text) see Bluff's our Business.
- Beating The Rubber Ban (factual; Henry Wickham; Rubber only grew in Brazil; Wickham raced against time to carry rubber seeds from Brazil to Britain
to germinate before they died; Britain then planted them in countries in the Far East; Britain then had its own rubber industry; artist
not known) 51.
- Bee For Barmy (series character; text; police; artist Sturrock; featuring Detective Sergeant Jim Sterling).
- Bee Man, The (series character; text; adventure; artist Sturrock ?; featuring John Saxon)
Note – each week’s episode is a complete story.
- Starts 72
- 72 (Story synopsis – Death of Bees, S. America ).
- 73 (Story synopsis – African village attacked by millions of bees).
- 74 (Story synopsis - Grim test for young African boys, involving bees).
- 75 (Story synopsis – Mystery of the Anatolian Bee, N. Africa).
- 76 (Story synopsis - Removing bees from sacred face of idol, India).
- 77 (Story synopsis - Missing bees, Russell Island, off the coast of Australia).
- 78 (Story synopsis – Strangely garbed cowboys in Arizona, U.S.).
- 79 (Story synopsis - A car knocking over bee hives! U.S.).
- 80 (Story synopsis - The ceremony of the bees in the Place of Blood, Peru, S. America).
- 81 (Story synopsis – Chinese pirates, Hong Kong).
- 82 (Story synopsis – 2,000 year old killer bees, British Columbia , Canada).
- 83 (Story synopsis – Saxon kidnapped in Mexico )
- 84 (Story synopsis - Central India, killer bees. Saxon takes cover in a river).
- 85 (Story synopsis – Bees on the rampage on a plane, Libya).
- 86 (Story synopsis - Island of Sicily, Italy, bandits from the mountains rounded up by bees).
- 87 (Story synopsis – Angry bees on ramage, Sussex , England).
- Benson Bullet, The (sports car race; artist not known) 519.
- Bent Copper, The (crime series; featuring ex-policeman John Bright, Misterio, a circus mind reader and Darli, a make-up artist issue 103 only; artist Yaroslav Horak)
- Bernard Briggs (series character; sport) see Briggs, Bernard.
- Big Fellow (series character; codename for Pilot Officer ‘Jumbo’ Tate) see Squadron X.
- Big Mouth Muldoon. (complete one issue story; WW2 Army, Kohima, Malaysia; featuring R.S.M. Muldoon; artist not known) 4.
- Big# Palooka, The (series character; police; artist Sutherland unless otherwise stated)
75 – 86 (1st series title - The Big Palooka; based in New York , USA . Featuring Serg. Joe Rooney, Captain Mike Logan, Lieutenant Lew Morgan, Serg. Carter; Temporary member of the General Purpose Det. Squad.)
- 120 – 130 (2nd series; Chicago , USA . Featuring Serg. Sam Morgan, Captain Guthry.)
- 210 - ? (3rd series; London , UK . Featuring Sergeant Bill Dunn.)
- 267 – 284 (4th series; title - Big Palooka at the Olympics Games. ( Mexico ) featuring Sergeant Bill Dunn.)
- 380 – 390 (5th series; The Big Palooka and the Killers of Kelmira, USA).
- 456 – 464 (6th series, New York ; artist Joan Giralt; featuring Detective Lew Maxi).
- 498/499? - ? (7th series; police, Interpol; featuring ?; artist Carrion?).
- 583 - ? (follows Ransom's adventures during WW2; artist not known).
- 636 - 647 RP of 1st series 75 - 86).
- ? - ? (8th series, a young Ransom during WW2, training sergeant).
- Note- this series continued in The Hotspur after The Hornet was cancelled.
- Hotspur 852 – 865 (Ransom as a Commando during WW2. Note, story originally started in The Hornet issue ?).
- Hotspur 905 – 913 (How Ransom became a member of SIDAP (Special Investigation Dept Allied Powers, during WW2).
- Hotspur 968 – 978 (RP of 2nd series; artist Sutherland).
- Hotspur 988 – 1000 (WW2 Commando; artist Ripol, imitating Peter Sutherland’s work?)
- Hotspur 1071 – 1084 (Spin-off series, ‘Son of the Big Palooka’; police series; artist unknown)
- Hotspur annual 1986 (title - Sword of Shibo; artist not known; story set two months after end of WW2 in the Far East, fighting last pocket of
Japanese troops).
Big Red (series characters; sport; boxing; humour; featuring Big Red, a boxing Kangeroo; Jim Belcher; artist same as Send for B Team?).
Bill Battle's Beetle (complete story; WW2 Army, LRDG; June 1941; mysterious beetle cars in desert, North Africa; artist not known) 628.
Bird Catchers, The (Charge of the Royal Scots Greys at the Battle of Waterloo; true front cover story; artist Farrugia) 93.
Black Streak (series character; sport; motorbike speed racing; artist Carrion; featuring Reg Barry).
Blake, Redvers see Artists - Winslade, Harry.
Blazing Ace of Space, The (series; WW2 RAF; featuring pilots Richard Starr, Pilot Officers Jimmy/Johnny Penrose, Don Kendal, Flight Lieutenant Hamilton, Sergeant Fred Ludd, Wing Commander Perrot).
- 173 to 184 (first series; artist Carrion?).
- 245 to 253 (second series; artist Shone).
Blecher, Jim (series character; sport; boxing; humour) see Big Red.
Blitz Kid, The (series character; sport, football; featuring Arnold Tabbs; artist Joan Giralt).
see also Smith, Nick.
- 123 - ? (1st series; sent to live in Kent away from the WW2 London Blitz; runs away back to London, but finds his parents killed in the Blitz.
- ? - 199 (2nd series; 1945 Tabbs gave up playing for a top class football team to help Baldy Blair manage Ironbury, a non-league side;
1949 - met Nick Smith for the first time at a charity match and signed for Chidsea).
- 524 - ? RP of first series ?).
- ? - 540 RP of second series ?).
- 579 - 598 RP of ? series; first panel issue 583 Tabbs with pigeons).
- 1st series RP and collected as Red Dagger issue 25.
Bluff's our Business (series characters; WW2; text; featuring Major Falcon; Private Terence Beard).
Bogan, Bobby (British Empire Medal; Aden, 1966; atttempted assassination of Bogan, he captured terrorists; true front cover story; artist Farrugia) 199.
Boomerang Burke (complete one story issue; WW2 RAF; featuring Burke; artist not known) 6.
Boss of the Ghost Herd (series characters; western; featuring Sir John Doone; artist Carrion).
Boy and the Bull, The (Ancient Rome gladiators Heros and Tor fighting in the ring against Tigers; true front cover story; artist not known) 37.
Brain Behind the Boxer (series characters; sport; boxing; featuring ?; artist Philpotts).
Brand, Wally (series character; sport; football). see also Ball of Fire.
Brannigan, Spud (series character; humorous) see Colorado Kid, The.
Brazen Bull, The (series characters; ancient Greece; artist not known; featuring Theron).
Brass Barnet (WW2 Army; fighting Japanese advance through Burma early 1940?; artist not known) 8.
Brett, Al (series character; western) see We Always Deliver.
Brewster, Jimmy (series character; sport; football) see No Game for Jimmy.
Brewster, Major (M.C.; Aden 13th Oct. 1966; Sergeant Austin and Littlewood, Corporal McGuigan awarded M.M.; true front cover story; artist Shone) 254.
Bridge at Ravisso, The (complete story; WW2 Army; Sergeant Rich Harris, S.A.S., blowing up a bridge, winter 1944, Italy; artist not known) 618.
Brigas the Briton (complete story; Ancient Britain, AD 306; saving Julius Caesar from assassins) 417.
Briggs#, Bernard (series character; various sports; present day; artist not known for some strips).
- 1 - 16 Bouncing Briggs (sport; football; Blackton Rovers; Briggs playing in goal; artist not known).
- 56 – 72 Briggs the Goalie. (sport; football; regular artist, not known).
- 79 – 88 Briggs the Goalie. (sport; football; regular artist, not known; Blackton Rovers; European Cup) RP 414 - ?
- 104 – 119 (Bernard the Boot; Rugby League; regular artist, not known).
- 201 - ? (title - Bernard Briggs, the No Goal Goalie; artist not known; playing for Stockley Rovers).
- starts prior to issue 254 - 258 (Bernard Briggs, the boxer; artist not known).
- 278 - 294 (Bernard the Boot; Rugby; touring Australia).
- 352 - 367 (Bouncing Briggs; Athletics, general; regular artist, not known).
- 414 - ? (title - Briggs the Goalie; playing for Blackton Rovers RP of 79 - 88).
- 439 - 463 (King Bernard; ruler of an old oil rig, just of coast of England; also stars Alf Tupper; Adele Boyle or as
Alf nicknames her Blooming Ade; raises a football team called the Scraplanders and they win the Amateur Nations Cup; artist Harding).
- 470 - 477 (Bernard Goes For Gold; featuring the Scraplanders, minus Tupper who had lost his sight; regular artist,
not known; see the Victor Index for this story).
- 479 - 494 (title - Bernard Goes for Goals). Last panel - A week later Bernard was back at Worbridge Town).RP of 104 - 119).
- 495 - ? (title - Briggs the Goalie; first panel fishing junk from an old quarry; Grafton Albion near bottom of 4th Division; artist regular one?)
- 554 - 568 (title - Bernard Briggs: The Roughneck of the Courts; Briggs playing tennis; artist Marti).
- 569 - ? (title - Bernard the Bullet; moto-cross racing on a bike called The Bullet; regular artist).
- ? - 612 (Death Rider; RP?).
- 614 - 632 (title - Deliver That Car; story set in America; artist Marti).
- 633 - 646 (title - Briggs the Goalie; RP issues 56 - 72)?
- 647 - 648 (title - Bernard Briggs, Champion of Champions; note final issue of the Hornet is 648, series continues in the Hotspur.
- stories published in the New Hotspur comic -
- 940? - finishes before 955 The New Hotspur; ? title - Bernard Briggs, No-goal Goalie; artist not known)
- starts prior to 962 - ? The New Hotspur; ? title - The Boyhood of Bernard Briggs).
- Hotspur annual 1986 (title - Bouncing Briggs; artist not known; living in a disused railway signal box, interested in pole-vaulting;
competes with American airmen on their sports day at baseball and pole-vaulting.
- Series featuring Briggs as a motor-cyclist RP and collected as Red Dagger issue 26.
Bright, John (series character; ex-policeman; crime) see Bent Copper, The.
Bring 'em Back Barney (WW1 Australian Army; series character; featuring Private Barney Hines; artist Giralt).
236 - finishes after 253.
Bring 'em Back Barret (WW2 RAF; North Africa; shot down pilot Sergeant Roger Barret gets back to allied lines; complete story; artist not known) 84.
Broke of the Shannon (American War of Independence; story and destruction of the American ship Shannon and Captain Broke by Captain James Lawrence; artist Winslade) 367.
Brown, Bobby (factual?; title – Black Saturday for Rangers; artist not known) 12.
Brown, Brutus (series character; police; Aboriginal character) see Barefoot Detective.
Brown, Lieutenant 'Shifty' (series; World War One, RFC) see One-Legged Crow, The.
Brown, P.C. (series character; policeman; adventure; Victorian age) see Spring-Heeled Jackson.
Buffalo Billena (series character; Mexico 16th century; featuring William Downey; artist not known).
Buffalo Billena (series character; helping Hopi Indians fight against Spanish Conquistadors;artist not known).
Buffalo Boy (series character; western; artist Felix Carrion; featuring Keeper, a young Sioux boy).
Bunting, Bert (series character; sport; cricket) see Runs That Count, It’s.
Note - Bunting also appeared with Rob Higson and William Wilson in 'Wilson Did it' strip; see Wilson, Willam.
Burma Bell, The (factual; Third Burma War 1885; Royal Welch Fusiliers bought back to Britain a Burma Bell after the campaign; artist not known) 93.
Buzzes from the pop field (news from the pop music world). Starts in issue 466, then in most issues through to 486.
Byers, William (Albert Medal; 31st July, 1878; Harlow shipwrecked on Tung Sha Bank; true front cover story; artist not known) 197.
Byrne, Trooper Tom (V.C.; Battle of Omdurman; Sept. 1898; 21st Lancers; a Men in Battle story; true front cover story; artist not known) 33.
Cairney,'Big' Joe and his sons Dan, Jake and Peter (series; sci-fi) see Day of the Dragon, The.
Cairns, Charlie (series character; manager; sport boxing) see Champion Nobody Knew, The.
Calvert, Ensign Hugo (series character; adventure Ceylon) see Search For The Sacred Tooth, The.
Calvin, Peter (adventure; secret service) see Sign of the Fifth Dagger.
camp of Broken Men (series character; sport; ?; artist ?; featuring ?).
Campbell, Private Jack (series character; WW1 Army) see Campbell of the Camels.
Campbell of the Camels (series characters; WW1 Army, North Africa; artist not known - Richardson?; featuring Private Jack Campbell).
Canadian# themed stories see
- Golden Blades, The (series character; sport; ice skating; text).
- King of the Eagles (text; series; hunting; Canada).
- Mountie Muldoon (series character; humour; R.C.M.P.).
- Terror of the Northland (series character; sci-fi).
- Year of the Ospreys (series characters; adventure).
Captain Coffins Death Ship! (early 19th century Whaleship was attacked by natives in the Marshall islands; true front cover story; artist Farrugia) 69.
Captain January (series character; WW2 Royal Military Police) see January, Captain.
Captain Hornet (series character; ‘superhero’) see Hornet, Captain.
Carradine, ‘Frenchy’ (series character; villain; adventure) see Run Till You Drop.
Carter, Corporal Andy (series character; WW2 Army, S.A.S. Quarter-master; humour) see Corporal 'Q'- Can Do!
Carter, Flying Officer Jack (series character; sci-fi) see Day of the Drakkens.
Carter, Sergeant (series character; New York policeman. Met Ransom in Dundee , Scotland during WW2) see Big Palooka, The.
Carter, Sergeant Jack (series character; Victorian times, fighting in a lost world in Abyssinia, Africa) see Lost Platoon, The.
Casey, Jack (series character; sport; football) see Mudtown Marvels, The.
Casper, Billy (series character; sport; ice-skating) see Golden Blades, The.
Cass, Monty (series character; WW2; Secret Service; artist Farrugia) Spy in the Suitcase.
Cast, Hook and Strike (series characters; artist Sutherland; featuring Joe and Ernie Dodds.)
- 475 - 494. (last panel on bus - well Joe, you certainly with cup).RP of issues ?
- ? - ?
- 594 - 605 RP of issues ?
- 641 - 648 RP of issues ? (1st panel Ernie cleaning his truck; last panel, "I can't talk and eat at the same time").
- Hotspur annual 1986 (Joe and Ernie now live in Australia running a haulage business with Merve, although they are both still interested
in fishing, in this case deep sea fishing; artist not known).
- a series from this strip and collected as Red Dagger issue 28.
Cat's Eyes Cooney (complete story; WW2 RAF; use of experimental Radar Beaufighter; artist Horak?; featuring Flight Lieutenant Max Cooney; Flying Officer Ron Sutton) 151?
"Cat-fish" Keane's Biggest Catch (modern western; complete story; artist not known) 605.
Champion Nobody Knew, The (series characters; sport; boxing; artist Sutherland; featuring Mr. Pearson; Charlie Cairns, Manager; Mel Mitchell, trainer; Vale, Mr. Pearson’s valet.)
Champions Don't Pull Punches (complete story; sport; boxing; training Jack Daniel not to pull punches; artist not known) 648.
Champagne Bottle Staff of the Munsters, The (factual; Sikh Wars; Battle of Sobraon, 10th Feb. 1846; Two British East India Company officers fought
two Sikhs with a bottle. The bottle was then made into the Drum Major's staff of the Royal Munster Fusiliers; artist not known) 96.
Characters# series
- Abdul (sport; wrestling; humour) see Abdul the Terrible.
- Akim, Sergeant (police) see One Man on a Camel.
- Allen, Sergeant Bill (WW2; Parachute Regiment) see Sky Soldiers.
- Allman, Bradley P. (sport; boxing/wrestling; manager) see Silent Rock.
- Ames , Jervis Sergeant (WW2 Norwegian Commandos) see Vengeance of the Snow Wolf.
- Anscombe, Sub-Lieutenant 'Tubby' (WW2 RN) see Shadow Ship of Valetta.
- Azak, boxer (series; sport; boxing) see Shining Fist, The.
- Bailey (sport; football) see Bailey Mends Broken Men.
- Baker, John (sport; athletics) see Island of Lost champions, The.
- Baker, Mike (WW2 RN; text) see Island in U-Boat Alley, The.
- Balancing Boy, The (adventure; otherwise known as Dick Reid) see Balancing Boy, The.
- Barker, Sergeant Harry (WW2 RAF) see Flying Tiger, The.
- Barlow, Jim (text; sci-fi) see Experiment X).
- Barry, Ken (journalist) see Nightingale Nobbs.
- Barry, Reg (sport; motorcycling speedway racing) see Black Streak
- Barton, Bill (western) see Kid Coyote.
- Battle , Sergeant (WW1 Army) see Monsters of No Man’s Land.
- Baxter, Cliff (western) see Galloping Ghost, The.
- Beard, Private Terence (WW2; text) see Bluff's our Business.
- Bee Man, The (Bee scout; adventure; text)
- Big Fellow (WW2 RAF; codename for Pilot Officer ‘Jumbo’ Tate see Squadron X).
- Big Red (series; sport; boxing Kangeroo; humour) see Big Red.
- Billena, Buffalo (series; adventure; Spanish Conquistadors) see Buffalo Billena.
- Blecher, Jim (series; sport; boxing; humour) see Big Red.
- Boyton, Paul (adventurer; salesman; Victorian times) see The Floating Man
- Brand, Wally (sport; football). see also Ball of Fire.
- Brannigan, Spud (American school boy) see The Colorado Kid
- Brett, Al (western) see We Always Deliver.
- Brewster, Jimmy (sport; football) see No Game for Jimmy.
- Briggs, Bernard (sportsman; various sports) see Briggs, Bernard.
- Bright, John (ex-policeman) see Bent Copper, The (police)
- Brough, Pete (western) see Thirteen Knots in a Golden Cord.
- Brown, Brutus (police; Aboriginal character) see Barefoot Detective, The.
- Brown, Lieutenant 'Shifty' (series; World War One, RFC) see One-Legged Crow, The.
- Brown, P.C. (policeman; series; adventure; Victorian age) see Spring-Heeled Jackson.
- Buffalo Billena (series character; Mexico 16th century) see Buffalo Billena.
- Bunting, Bert (sport; cricket) see
- Runs That Count, It’s.
- Cairney,'Big' Joe and his sons Dan, Jake and Peter (series; sci-fi) see Day of the Dragon, The.
- Cairns, Charlie (series; sport; boxing) see Champion Nobody Knew, The
- Calvert, Ensign Hugo (series; adventure Ceylon) see Search For The Sacred Tooth, The.
- Calvin, Peter (adventure; secret service) see Sign of the Fifth Dagger.
- Campbell, Private Jack (WW1 Army) see Campbell of the Camels.
- Captain Hornet (‘superhero’) see Hornet, Captain.
- Carradine, ‘Frenchy’ (villain; adventure) see Run Till You Drop
- Carter, Corporal Andy (series; WW2 Army, S.A.S. Quarter-master; humour) see Corporal 'Q'- Can Do!
- Carter, Flying Officer Jack (series; sci-fi) see Day of the Drakkens.
- Carter, Sergeant (New York policeman; Met Ransom during WW2) see Big Palooka, The.
- Carter, Sergeant Jack (Victorian times, fighting in a lost world in Abyssinia, Africa) see Lost Platoon, The.
- Casey, Jack (sport; football) see Mudtown Marvels, The.
- Casper, Billy (sport; ice-skating) see Golden Blades, The.
- Cass, Monty (WW2; Secret Service) see Spy in the Suitcase.
- Cheeser, Super-Chimp (series; humour) see Chimps Don't Talk.
- Chard, Colonel (Indian Political Service) see Sword of Kali.
- Chubb, Luke (sci-fi; thief) see Full Speed Ahead to the Worlds of Fear.
- Chum, the Alsatian police dog see Vengeance on Four Legs (text; police).
- Claudius, an aboriginal boy (sport; pony trotting) see Moorak, the Little Racer.
- Colorado Kid (American school boy; school boy adventures).
- Cope, Doctor (adventure) see Run Till You Drop.
- Crackpot, Colonel (series; humour) see Colonel Crackpot's Circus.
- Craig, Sergeant Bill (WW2 Army) see Fuzzy Wuzzy Phantoms, The.
- Crimp, Cuthbert (humour; western) see Mighty Mouth!
- Daw, sergeant Jack (series; humour; Australian Police) see Harry the Camel.
- Dawkins, Albert - an enquiry agent (sport; cricket) see Wickets That Count, It's.
- Darli, Circus make-up artist (police) see Bent Copper, The.
- Dawson John and Brian (adventure) see Shadow Men of the Sahara.
- Dawson, Johnnie (WW2 adventure; Pacific Ocean) see Dolphin Patrol.
- Deadline Dan: the Headline Man (Aussie journalist).
- Dexter, Sergeant (WW2 Army) see Dexter of Squad 'D'.
- Dixon, Danny (music) see Go, Man, Go!
- Dobie, John (sci-fi; United Nations test pilot) see Army of the Flames.
- Dodds, Ernie (sport; fishing; related to Joe Dodds) see Cast, Hook and Strike.
- Dodds, Joe (sport; fishing; related to Ernie Dodds) see Cast, Hook and Strike.
- Doone, Sir John (series; western) see Boss of the Ghost Herd.
- Dopey Dan (sport; text; humour) see Dopey Dan.
- Drake, Sergeant (WW2 Army Gilders) see Lion With Wings, The.
- Driver, Tom Leading Seaman (RN; true stories?).
- Duffy 'Plum' Somerest (adventure) see Greg Stewart - Special Agent.
- Dunn, Sergeant Bill (policeman) see Big Palooka, The.
- Dusty (humour) see Dusty.
- Ellyk, Jimmy (series; sport; motorbike racing) see Mister Frozen Face.
- Elmhurst, Commander (series; sci-fi) see Army of the Flames.
- Falcon, Major (WW2 Army; text) see Bluff's our Business.
- Farchard (historical series) see Sword of the Fighting Farchards.
- Fenwick, John (WW2 Secret Service) see Twelve Days to Save Britain.
- Fitch, Bert (series; sport; boxing; humour) see Handsome Harry.
- Flash, a dolphin (friend to Johnnie Dawson; WW2 adventure; Pacific Ocean) see Dolphin Patrol.
- Flood, Zeb (WW2 Army; humour; American Hilly Billy) see Coonskin Grenadier.
- Flynn, Private Wilf (WW2 Army; humour; see Flynn of the Fighting Horse-Doctors.
- Foster, 'Lofty' (series; sport; athletics) see Tough Tests of 'Lofty' Foster.
- Fox, Mike (Flying adventures; Chief Security Officer) see Astro Airways.
- Gain, Larry (sci-fi/adventure; Canada) see Terror of the Northland.
- Gaines, Peter Flying Officer (WW2 RAF; Norway) see Phantom Fliers, The.
- 'G' (secret agent; Far East) see 'G' of the Secret Service.
- Gann, Tom Charter pilot (adventure) see Run Till You Drop.
- Gibson, Sergeant (WW2 Army signalman) see Gibson of the Guns.
- Gifan (series; sci-fi; villain) see No Return From Zorun Space.
- Gill, Sergeant Bluey (series; WW2 Australian Army) see Go Get That Gold.
- Graham, Jock Squadron Leader (series; flying adventure) see Crimson Kangeroo.
- Grant, Corporal (WW2 Army) see Sampson the Signaller
- Grant, Jim (sport; boxing) see Grant at Happy Valley.
- Grapnel Gripp (humour; security guard) see Gripp, Grapnel.
- Gregson, Aylmer (Also known as Jack One and double agent Colonel Von Reich; British Secret Agent; WW2) see V for Vengeance.
- Grimston, Lord (Highshire Chairman; sport; cricket) see Wickets That Count, It's.
- Gripp, Grapnel see the series with the same name.
- Guthry, Captain (Chicago policeman in charge of the Special Squad). see Big Palooka, The.
- Haddie (sport, football) see Haddie.
- Halsey, Sergeant Mike (WW2; Secret Service) see Spy in the Suitcase.
- Hamilton, Flight Lieutenant (WW2 RAF) see Blazing Ace of Space, The.
- Hamilton, Sheriff Pike (western; text) see Gunless Sheriff of Shotgun Gulch.
- Hamlet, Len (series; sport; cricket) see Runs That Count, It’s.
- Hammond, Sergeant (WW2 Army; Far East) see Force Viper.
- Handsome Harry (series; sport; boxing; humour) see Handsome Harry.
- Hank the Yank (series; WW2 army; humour) see the series with the same name.
- Harding, Major (series; WW2 Australian Army) see Treasure of Deep 99.
- Hargreaves, Jack (sport; football) see Mudtown Marvels, The.
- Hargreaves, Jimmy (sport; football) see The Team From Trisidium.
- Harkness, Lachie (series; adventure; film business) see Wonder Dog.
- Harmon, Eddie see Volts of Vengeance (WW2; British Secret Service).
- Harmon, Jack and Mat (western) see Thirteen Knots in a Golden Cord.
- Harold, the elephant (humour) see Alfy's Elephant.
- Harper, Jess (western) see Laramie.
- Harrison, Jim (humour) see Congo Canary, The.
- Harry the Camel (series; humour; Australian Police) see Harry the Camel.
- Harry the Hitch (humour; hitch hiking).
- Hartley, Flight Lieutenant 'Sailor' (flying adventure) see Crimson Kangeroo.
- Harvey, Sergeant Dick (WW2 Army) see Rifleman of the Rocks, The.
- Haynes, Jim (sport; swimming; Australian) see Swim, Jim, Swim.
- Hawke, Danny (sport; football) see Eleven Little Soccer Boys.
- Hawkins, Captain Paul (Indian Political Service) see Sword of Kali.
- Helga, Private (WW2 Norwegian Commandos) see Vengeance of the Snow Wolf.
- Henry V see Red Jester, The.
- Hicks, Bill (WW1 & 2 Army; Aussie) see Diggers Were There, The.
- Higson, Rob (sport; cricket) see Wickets That Count, It’s.
- Hines, Private Barney (WW1 Australian Army; series).
- Hood, Cadet Alix (sci-fi) see No Return From Zorun Space.
- Hotspur the Hound (adventure see Hotspur the Hound.
- Hurricane Hutch (sport; football) see Hurricane Hutch.
- Hutton, Ralph (adventure; early 16th century see King’s Tests of Courage.
- Hyde, Mr. Saul (school boy adventure) see Secret of Jameson's School Days, The.
- Jack (numerous characters Jack One, Jack Two and so on; WW2 Resistance) see V for Vengeance.
- Jackson, John (series; adventure; Victorian age) see Spring-Heeled Jackson.
- Jackson, Luke (western) see Galloping Ghost, The.
- Jackson, Sid (humour; salesman/ideas man) see Send for Sid.
- Jackson, Spring-Heeled (police; Victorian age).
- Jacky-Jacky, Aboriginal tracker (series; humour; Australian Police) see Harry the Camel.
- James, the Butler (series; sport; cricket; humour) see Just Isn't Cricket, It.
- Jameson, Mr. (school boy adventure) see Secret of Jameson's School Days, The.
- January, Captain (WW2 Royal Military Police).
- Jarvis, Toby (adventure; mechanic) see Hover Rovers, The.
- Jem (series; a dog; adventure; film business see Wonder Dog.
- Jinx, Jonah's sister (humour; series) see Jonah.
- Jobson, Jim (WW2 mining story) see Prisoner of the Rock, The.
- Jonah (humour; Aaaah! yes, that Jonah) see the strip of the same name.
- Jones, Lieutenant Brad (WW2 RN) see Deep Sea Commandos.
- Jones, Gordon (sport; football) see Wonder From Winter Island, The.
- Jonesey (series; western) see Laramie.
- Jonkeer, Major (series; WW2 Australian Army) see Go Get That Gold.
- Justice, Assistant Inspector Matt (police) see One Man on a Camel.
- Keeper, a goalie trainer (sport; football) see Goalie Clinic.
- Keeper, a young Indian Sioux boy see Buffalo Boy (western).
- Kelly, Jimmy (series; sport; motorbike racing) see Mister Frozen Face.
- Kendal, Don Pilot Officer (WW2 RAF) see Blazing Ace of Space, The.
- Kendall, Lieutenant Joe (series; WW2 RN) see Shadow Ship of Valetta.
- Khan, Malik (series; Indian North-West Frontier) see Vengeance of Malik Khan.
- Kid Coyote (western) see the series with the same name.
- King, Tom (text; hunting; Canada) see King of the Eagles.
- Kipps, Tom (sci-fi) see Men Beneath the Ice, The. Professor Lessup;.
- Kirby, [first name?] (sport; football) see Striker Kirby's Kid.
- Kirk, Sam (western) see We Always Deliver.
- Koronas, Krazy (circus adventure on the high wire; high wire family of six) see High Wire Needs Nerve.
- Kritch, Manny (sport; football) see Incredible Manny Kritch, The.
- Lamb, Harry (WW1 RN) see One Year to Live.
- Landon, John (secret service) see Seven Scarlet Tigers.
- Laraby, Doc (western) see Galloping Ghost, The.
- Latimer, Deuce (western) see Lost Gold of the Haunted Canyons, The.
- Lessup, Professor (sci-fi) see Men Beneath the Ice, The.
- Lim, a Gurkha boy (WW1) see Eagles of Kambut.
- Limping Man, The (Captain Spencer; WW2; Secret Service) see the series with the same name.
- Lindsay, Joe (WW1 & 2 Army; Aussie) see Diggers Were There, The.
- Loder, Lucky see Duels of Lucky Loder (western).
- Logan, Captain Mike (New York policeman) see Big Palooka, The.
- Ludd, Fred Sergeant (WW2 RAF) see Blazing Ace of Space, The.
- MacGregor, Rory (series; sport; football) see Marvel From Moose Creek.
- McGraw, Jock (WW2 Far East) see McGraw’s Marauders.
- Mace (series; sci-fi) see Day of the Drakkens.
- Madden, Sergeant Pilot Mike (WW2 RAF; Norway) see Phantom Fliers, The.
- Majurki, Mike (fellow wrestler to Ugg) see Ugg.
- Malone, Bat (western) see Man Who Couldn't Die!, The.
- Malone, William (sport; wrestling) see Muscles Malone.
- Marshall, Doug (pilot; adventure) see Hover Rovers, The.
- Marshall, Jim (humour; artist not known) see Forty Monkeys on his Back!
- Martin, Frank Sergeant (sci-fi; police; also known as Sergeant Sixty) see Sergeant Sixty.
- Martin, Lance-Corporal Jeff (series; present day Army adventure; Royal Signal Corps) see Two Black Streaks. Lance-Corporal "Sparker" Nolan; artist Philpotts).
- Mason, Mike (music promoter; sport; wrestling) see Nightingale Nobbs.
- Meade, Andy (sci-fi; dinosaurs) see Terror Mountain.
- Milton, Bruce (series; sci-fi; text) see Lost Men in Space.
- Minchin, Sergeant-Major (WW2 Army; humour) see Coonskin Grenadier.
- Mister Frozen Face (sport; motorbike racing) see Mister Frozen Face.
- Misterio (police; circus performer) see Bent Copper, The.
- Mitchell, Mel (sport; boxing) see Champion Nobody Knew, The.
- Moorak, a pony (sport; pony trotting) see Moorak, the Little Racer.
- Morgan, Glyn (sci-fi; younger brother to Will) see War of the Wasps, The.
- Morgan, Johnny (series character; western; humour) see Saddle Tramp.
- Morgan, Lieutenant Lew (New York policeman, dislikes Ransom). see Big Palooka, The.
- Morgan, sergeant (series; WW2 Army; special intelligence unit) see Morgan, Sergeant).
- Morgan, Sergeant Sam (Chicago policeman, partner to Ransom) see Big Palooka, The.
- Morgan, Will (older brother to Glyn) see War of the Wasps, The.
- Mountby, Lieutenant Lord Vere (WW1 Army) see Dandy of the Death's Head Hussars.
- Muir, Captain (sci-fi) see Full Speed Ahead to the Worlds of Fear. Luke Chubb - thief
- Muldoon, Mountie (humour; police; R.C.M.P.) see Mountie Muldoon.
- Muntar (ancient Britain) see First of the Iron Men.
- Muscles Malone (sport, wrestling).
- Nelson, Barnstorm (western) see Man's a Marvel, The.
- Nelson, Dick (sport; football) see Ninety-Minute Nelsons, The.
- Nelson, Squadron Leader Grant (series; sci-fi) see Day of the Drakkens.
- Nettlefield, Willoughby T. (series; sport; cricket; humour) see Just Isn't Cricket, It.
- Nickel (series; school boy adventure) see Nickel.
- Nightingale Nobbs (sport; wrestling).
- Nolan, Lance-Corporal "Sparks" (series; present day Army adventure; Royal Signal Corps) see Two Black Streaks.
- O’Rourke, Iron (western) see Lost Gold of the Haunted Canyons, The.
- O'Rourke, Private (series; WW2 Australian Army) see Treasure of Deep 99.
- Olav, Pilot (WW2 RAF; Norway) see Phantom Fliers, The.
- Ollard, Jeff (series; sci-fi) see Men Beneath the Ice, The.
- One-Eyed Hooker Hawke (pirates; swashbuckling adventure).
- Parkin, Professor (semi-series character; Secret service; WW2) see Watcher, The.
- Partridge, Sergeant Leader (WW2 RAF) see Flying Tiger, The.
- Patton, Lieutenant (series; WW2 Australian Army) see Treasure of Deep 99.
- Peake, Danvers (series; school adventure) see School Bell Rings at Batty Green, The.
- Pearson, Mr. (sport; boxing) see Champion Nobody Knew, The.
- Penrose, Jimmy/Johnny (WW2 RAF) see Blazing Ace of Space, The.
- Pepper, Fred (humour) see Fred's Flying Bed.
- Perrot, Wing Commander (WW2 RAF) see Blazing Ace of Space, The.
- Peters, Jeff (sport; pony trotting) see Moorak, the Little Racer.
- Poote, Reggie (WW2 Army; humour) see William Welkins War.
- Potter, Percy (WW2 Army) see Private War of Percy Potter.
- Powers, Monkton (sci-fi) see Full Speed Ahead to the Worlds of Fear.
- Prentice, Captain Joe (Sci-fi) see Red Dust of Derza.
- Prince, John V.C. (WW1 RN) see One Year to Live. Harry Lamb.
- 'Proper Poorly' (horse; western; humour) see Saddle Tramp.
- Ransom, Inspector (police) see Big Palooka strip.
- Rayder, John (series; sci-fi) see Sign of the Clutching Hands.
- Red-Eye, Indian native (series; sport; football) see Marvel From Moose Creek.
- Red Jester, The (Henry V in disguise; text stories).
- Reich, Colonel Von (also known as Aylmer Gregson, Jack One; British Secret Agent; WW2 Resistance) see V for Vengeance.
- Reid, Dick (adventure) see Balancing Boy, The.
- Roberts, Petty Officer Greg (WW2 RN) see Deep Sea Commandos.
- Robinson (humour) see Robinson and his dog Crusoe.
- Robinson, Robert 'Robbie' (WW2 Britain) see Run Away Robinson.
- Rodgers, Private Will (WW1 Army) see Todger the Dodger.
- Rooney, Sergeant Joe (New York Policeman, partner to Ransom. see Big Palooka, The.
- Sammy, Mr. (humour; school boy shennigans) see Jammy, Mr. Sammy.
- Sampson, Sergeant (WW2 Army) see Sampson the Signaller
- Saxon, John (Bee scout; adventure) see Bee Man, The.
- Sherdil, mystic (sport; boxing) see Shining Fist, The.
- Sherman, Andy (younger brother of Slim Sherman) see Laramie.
- Sherman , Slim (older brother of Andy Sherman) see Laramie.
- Sherwood, Professor Neil (text; sci-fi) see Experiment X).
- Silent Rock (sport; boxing/wrestling; American Indian) see Silent Rock.
- Simon, Doctor (sci-fi) see Full Speed Ahead to the Worlds of Fear.
- Sinclair, Jack (text; western) see Singing Knife Man, The.
- Sinclair, Jerry (adventure; S. Africa) see Ten Steps to Solomon’s Treasure.
- Sixty, Sergeant (police; sci-fi) see the strip with the same name.
- Skallagrim, Private (WW2 Norwegian Commandos) see Vengeance of the Snow Wolf.
- Skinner, Major (series; World War One, RFC) see One-Legged Crow, The.
- Slade of the Pony Express (western) (Note this character also appeared in The Victor).
- Smith ‘Gunboat’ (school form master) see The Colorado Kid.
- Smith, ‘Jacko’ Flying Officer (WW2 RAF; Norway) see Phantom Fliers, The.
- Smith, Nick (sport, football) see Smith, Nick
- Spade (seaman; pirates; swashbuckling adventure) see One-Eyed Hooker Hawke.
- Steel, John (secret service) see Voice With Wings, The.
- Sparrow, Bob (series; school boy adventures; humour) see Nickel.
- Sparrow, Nick (series; school boy adventures; humour) see Nickel.
- Spencer, Captain (WW2; Secret Service) see Limping Man, The.
- Starkad, Kol (series; 10th century) see Starkad Curse, The.
- Stephenson, Harry (sport; cricket) see Still - it's Cricket!)
- Sterling, Detective Sergeant Jim (text; police) see Bee For Barmy.
- Stevenson, Jack; boxing manager (sport; boxing) see Shining Fist, The.
- Stewart, Greg (adventure) see Greg Stewart - Special Agent.
- Stoker, Ken (text; sci-fi; Merchant Navy) see Floating Thing, The.
- Strong, Doctor (school headmaster) see The Colorado Kid.
- Stubbs, Alfie (humour) see Alfy's Elephant.
- Swamp Rat, The (WW2 coastal watcher).
- Swann, Johnny (musical adventure) see Johnny Guitar.
- Tabbs, Arnold (sport, football) see Blitz Kid, The.
- Tehrune, Paul (private detective) see the series with the same name.
- Thanki, Oon (sport; athletics) see Friendly Flyer, The.
- Theron (ancient Greece) see Brazen Bull, The.
- Thornton, Chris (series; sci-fi) see Men Beneath the Ice, The.
- Tranter, Jock and Alex (nephew) (series; adventure) see Year of the Ospreys.
- Trumper, Major (humour) see Forty Monkeys on his Back!
- Tubal (ancient Egypt) see Searcher of the Nile.
- Tudor, Somerset (adventure) see Greg Stewart - Special Agent.
- Tyson, Silvester J. (Tight wad) (sport; football) see Eleven Little Soccer Boys.
- Ugg (stone age wrestler; sport).
- Ugg (sport; athletics; from the planet Znort) see Miracle Man From Mars.
- Vale, Mr. Pearson’s valet (sport; boxing) see Champion Nobody Knew, The.
- Walker, Private (WW2 Army) see Dexter of Squad 'D'.
- Watcher, The (WW2; Secret service).
- Watters, Slick (Manager) see Ugg.
- Webster, Jerry (salesman; ideas Man) see Send for Sid.
- Welkins, William (WW2 Army; humour) see William Welkins War.
- Whinge, Constable Bruce (series; humour; Australian Police) see Harry the Camel.
- White Star (series character; a dog) see Wonder Dog.
- Wilson, William (sport, various) see the series with the same name.
- Winston, Pilot Officer see Hurricane Commando, The (WW2 RAF).
- Wyatt, Flying Officer ‘Shorty’ (WW2 RAF; Norway) see Phantom Fliers, The.
- Zamonides (sport; football; alien being) see The Team From Trisidium.
Chard, Colonel (series character; Indian Political Service) see Sword of Kali.
Charge of the Football Brigade (factual; Combat men in battle; WW1 France 1916; B Company 08th East Surrey charged across no-mans land kicking
footballs; artist not known; cover story) 20.
Cheeser, Super-Chimp (series character; humour) see Chimps Don't Talk.
Chimps Don't Talk (series characters; humour; featuring Cheeser, Super-Chimp; artist James Malcolm).
Chubb, Luke (series character; thief; sci-fi) see Full Speed Ahead to the Worlds of Fear.
Chum, the Alsatian police dog (text; police; series character) see Vengeance on Four Legs.
Claudius, an aboriginal boy (sport; pony trotting; series character) see Moorak, the Little Racer.
Clue of the Speckled Swan (adventure; complete story; artist not known; boy breaks up an Cup Final ticket forgery scam) 64.
Coarse Fish and How to Catch Them (factual; description of various types of ships; artist not known) 425.
Coconut Charlie (WW2 RAF; shot down pilot survived on an island using coconuts; complete story; artist Philpotts) 404.
Colonel Crackpot's Circus (series characters; humour; artist Malcolm Judge; note series originally published in The Beano).
Colorado Kid, The (series character; humorous; artist (J); featuring Spud Brannigan; Doctor Strong; ‘Gunboat’ Smith)
Commerell, Lieutenant (V.C. & French Legion of Honour; Crimean War; Oct. 1855 raid on Russians; Petty Officer Rickard V.C. & French Legion of Honour;
Able Seaman Milestone V.C.; title - Raiders Came at Dawn, The; artist Farrugia) 51.
Complete# one issue stories.
- see also
- Deeds of Glory and Pride of the Regiment series (true factual stories; complete one story series).
- Big Mouth Muldoon. (WW2 Army).
- Bill Battle's Beetle (WW2 Army, LRDG; June 1941).
- Boomerang Burke (WW2 RAF).
- Brass Barnet (WW2 Army; fighting Japanese advance through Burma early 1940?).
- Bridge at Ravisso, The (WW2 Army; Sergeant Rich Harris, S.A.S., blowing up a bridge, winter 1944, Italy).
- Brigas the Briton (Ancient Britain, AD 306; saving Julius Caesar from assassins; artist not known).
- Bring 'em Back Barret (WW2 RAF; North Africa).
- Broke of the Shannon (American War of Independence; story and destruction of the American ship Shannon and Captain Broke by Captain James Lawrence; artist Winslade)
- Cat's Eyes Cooney (WW2 RAF; use of experimental Radar Beaufighter).
- "Cat-fish" Keane's Biggest Catch (modern western).
- Champions Don't Pull Punches (sport; boxing; training Jack Daniel not to pull punches).
- Clue of the Speckled Swan (adventure; boy breaks up an Cup Final ticket forgery scam).
- Coconut Charlie (WW2 RAF; shot down pilot survived on an island using coconuts).
- Cossack From the Old Kent Road, The (WW2 Army).
- Crackshot of Crete, The (WW2 RAF).
- Deadline at Dawn! (WW2 RN frogmen).
- Death in the Swamp (young John Dunn sets off after a killer elephant in Zululand).
- Death Switch (WW2 RAF).
- Die Hard Drummond (WW2 Commandos).
- Don't Mock the Crock! (vintage car rally).
- Duel in Dixon City (western).
- Eye That Never Lies, The (adventure; TV cameramen).
- Fighters of Force K, The (WW2 Army).
- Fire Down Below (American clipper 'Hornet'; Tom Thatch, cabin boy saves ships rations, after ship catches fire whilst at sea).
- Five Minutes From Disaster (adventure; preventing the destruction of the bridge).
- Fogarty's Fists (WW2 Army; Gunner Tim Fogarty captured, but escapes from Germans in time to get back to London for a boxing match).
- Four-Storey Foster (fire brigade story).
- From Gold to Dust (story of a western town, America).
- Great Train Robbery, The (western).
- Green For Danger (WW1; Vimy Ridge).
- Harpoon Hanson (WW2, Norwegian fisherman).
- Jinx on Johnny Falcon, The (WW2 RAF; Falcon can shoot down clay pigeons, but not enemy fighters).
- Joe Kane: King of Kanga.
- Kerrigan's Kukri (WW2 Army; Gurkhas).
- Killer in 'K' for King (WW2 RAF).
- Lads of the Lively (WW2 RN; 18th Century).
- Last Ship from Paleros (WW2 Army, retreat from Greece).
- Last Stand of F.41 (WW1 Army, tanks).
- Laughing Stock of the 52nd (Napoleonic War).
- Long, Long Crawl, The (adventure story about saving an oilwell in Venezuela).
- Lost Treasure of Castle Gap (buried treasure in Mexico).
- Man Who Knew Too Much, The (WW2 British Intelligence rescuing of British Officer from German POW camp).
- March of the Sunderland Men (WW2 RAF; crew shot down, adventures returning to British lines).
- Message For The General (Boxer Rebellion, 1900; Quee Ban took a message from Peking to Tientsin asking for help).
- Miracle of the Seagulls (Seagulls eating grasshoppers, Salt Lake City, America).
- Minden Boys, The (complete story; two thrilling deeds performed on Minden Day in two different centuries - 1st Aug 1759 and 1916 (Battle of the Somme;
true stories; artist not known) 627.
- Mosquito Had Too Many Secrets, The (WW2 RAF; Destruction of shot down Mosquito over France; Mike Bailey; artist not known).
- Mud-Larks, The (complete story; N.W. Frontier 1847; Lumsden and the Corp of Guides; defeating Huzards with three pots of clay).
- Nelson Story - Trail Driver (western; 1866 cattle drive to Montana from Texas; artist not known).
- Never Gamble With a Mississippi Gambler (western).
- No Place For an Englishman (Foreign Legion story).
- Old Blue (western).
- Once They Were warriors (WW1; East Africa; complete story).
- One Bullet Too Many (WW2 Army; complete story; Sergeant Trent did everything by the book, if he hadn't his men would have died).
- One Way to Win a Medal (WW2 RN seaman winning an Iron Cross).
- Operation Pound-note (WW2 British Intelligence blowing up of forged British pound notes).
- Outcast of the Green Jackets, The (WW2 Army; disgraced officer redeeming himself).
- Sergeant Craddock's Christmas (WW2 RAF).
- Sergeant Leather Lungs (WW2 Army).
- Skeletons Rode By Night, The (Georgian Britain; Bow Street Runner).
- Skulls Last Kill, The (WW1 Royal Flying Corp; artist not known).
- Slave of the Lion Men (featuring Mbopa, story set in Kenya before white men arrived; boys becomes a lion, after he has killed a lion).
- Suitcase of Secrets, The (secret agent).
- Ten Red Troopers, The (present day display team of motor-cyclists).
- They'll Never Forget That Christmas (WW2 RAF).
- Three Hours Until Dawn (WW2 Army; escape from Norway).
- Tower of Terror, The (adventure).
- Treasure Plane to Toruna (adventure, escaping from S. American rebels).
- Two Men on a Torpedo (WW2 RN).
- Valley of the Monsters, The (WW2 Army; Austrian Alps, just after end of war).
- Very Important Professor, The (WW2; Professor escaping from Germans).
- When Santa Claus Wore Tusks (adventure; rescuing of elephants from a burning circus).
- Which One is the Rogue on the Run?
- Winger From Pit 19 (complete story; sport; football; featuring Nick Smith).
- Wreck That Never Was, The (WW2 RN 1941).
- You Can't Drink Gold Dust! (western set in 1960).
- You Can't Hold Your Drink (western).
Congo Canary, The (series character; humorous; artist (j); featuring Jim Harrison)
Coonskin Grenadier (WW2 Army; series characters; humour; artist for all series Sutherland; featuring Zeb Flood, American Hilly Billy; Sergeant-Major Minchin).
- 348 - 365 (second series).
- 374 - ?
- Hotspur annual 1986 (now accompanied by Alexander, the ape and Lighting, the hound; also featuring Flood's cousin, Erik von Fludd;
artist not known;
Cope, Doctor (series character; adventure) see Run Till You Drop.
Corporal 'Q'- Can Do! (series character; WW2 Army, S.A.S. Quarter-master; humour; featuring Corporal Andy Carter; Private Lofty; artist not known;
note - episodes not published in consecutive issues).
Cossack From the Old Kent Road, The (WW2 Army; drafted into the Russian Army to drive a truck, escapes with American soldiers; complete story; artist not known) 228.
Courage of Captain Carlson, The (factual; American freighter 'Flying Enterprise' in trouble during storm Boxing Day, 1951 in the Atlantic, Carlson
eventually saved his ship, January 11th 1952; artist not known) 624.
Cover# stories of The Hornet, front and back. (Note - all stories are of true factual events).
- Bridgestock, Sergeant (D.C.M.; Northamptonshire carried their colours into battle for the last time, in 1877, in Transvaal, S. Africa;
carrying the Regiment's colours into battle for the last time; artist not known) 631. see also Hill, Lieutenant Alan.
- Clarke, Donald Owen (Silver Medal; cover story; title – The Night the Sea Caught Fire; 1941; San Emiliano; saved man at Mersey Docks, Liverpool; artist Farrugia) 294.
- Craig, Lieutenant Charles (M.C.; title - Snipers of Battery 4; WW1, July 1915, Flanders; village of Givenchy; artist not known) 617.
- Hardy, Ben and Ralph Jones (George Cross; cover story; title – Escape or Die; 22nd Australian Garrison Battalion; POW breakout, Aug. 1944; artist Farrugia) 293.
- Hill, Lieutenant Alan (V.C.; Northamptonshire carried their colours into battle for the last time, in 1877, in Transvaal, S. Africa;
carrying the Regiment's colours into battle for the last time; artist not known) 631. see also Bridgestock, Sergeant.
- Jenkins, Lieutenant (M.C.; N.W. Frontier, 58th Vaughan's Rifles, 1921; also Sepoy Kartar Singh, Posthumous Indian Order of Merit; artist Winslade) 279.
- Last Ship From Death Island! (08/05/1902, Tramp steamer 'Roddam' escaping from volcanic eruption of Monte Pelee, Martinique Island) 367.
- Last Stand at Saraghari (N.W. Frontier, 1897; Sepoys holding out against Pathans; no names mentioned or medals issued; artist Winslade) 283.
- Man in the Big Black Hat, The (chimney sweep exchanging goods and escape equipment with British P.O.W. troops; name of chimney sweep not known; artist Winslade) 285.
- Riley, Flight Lieutenant Peter (D.F.C.; WW2 RAF; title - The One Who Wanted to Die; artist not known) 547.
- Singh, Sepoy Kartar (M.C.; N.W. Frontier, 58th Vaughan's Rifles, 1921; also Jenkins, Lieutenant, M.C.; artist Winslade) 279.
- Southwell, Able Seaman Bennett and Sub-Lieutenant Jack Easton (George Cross; cover story; title – Twelve Seconds to Live; London Blitz, Autumn 1940; artist Philpotts) 295.
- Tale of a Tail, The (Oct. 1856; Navy saving Business's in Canton, China; artist Winslade; no names mentioned or medals issued) 361.
Crackpot, Colonel (series character; humour) see Colonel Crackpot's Circus.
Crackshot of Crete, The (complete story; WW2 RAF; March 1942; a timid Aircraftman Horace Potts, shooting down German fighters, after they destroyed a
valuable antique vase; artist not known) 624.
Craig, Sergeant Bill (WW2 Army; series character) see Fuzzy Wuzzy Phantoms, The.
Crimp, Cuthbert (humour; western; series character) see Mighty Mouth!
Crimson Kangeroo, The (series characters; between world war's flying adventure, crossing the Atlantic Ocean; artist Shone; featuring Squadron Leader Jock Graham; Flight Lieutenant 'Sailor' Hartley).
Dandy of the Death's Head Hussars (series characters; WW1 Army; artist Leo Rawlings; 'Warforce'; featuring Lieutenant Lord Vere Mountby; Captain Jim Warren; Private Jenkins).
Dandy and the Rebel, The (1777 American War of Independence skirmish between 42nd Highlanders and Americans; Sergeant Jock MacGregor knocked out, but
saved by an American; artist "S"; true front cover story) 48.
Darli (series character; circus make-up artist, assistant to John Bright in issue 103 only; crime) see Bent Copper, The.
Davidson, Dan (series character; sport) see Dopey Dan.
Daw, sergeant Jack (series; humour; Australian Police) see Harry the Camel.
Dawkins, Albert - an enquiry agent (series character; sport; cricket) see Wickets That Count, It's.
Dawson John and Brian (adventure; series characters) see Shadow Men of the Sahara.
Dawson, Johnnie (WW2 adventure; Pacific Ocean; series character) see Dolphin Patrol.
Day of the Dragons (series characters, underground tunnellers; sci-fi; dinosaurs; artist Carrion?; featuring father 'Big' Joe Cairney and sons Dan, Jake and Peter).
Day of the Drakkens (series characters; sci-fi; featuring Squadron Leader Grant Nelson; Flying Officer Jack Carter; Mace; artist Kearon?).
Deadline at Dawn! (WW2 RN frogmen; clearing the sea-bed of German defences in advance of British attack; Lieutenant Greg Peterson; complete story; artist Horak?)
211. RP 633.
Deadline Dan: the Headline Man (series character; Australian journalist; present day; artist not known)
- 68 - 74.
- 595 - 604 RP with a different artist.
Death Duel in the Atlantic (WW2 RAF; 1943; Wing Commander Ronald Thompson surviving at sea; true front cover story; artist Farrugia) 201.
Death in the Swamp (complete story; young John Dunn sets off after a killer elephant in Zululand; artist Ripol) 502.
Death Switch (WW2 RAF; complete story; artist not known) 94.
Deeds of Glory (true military factual stories).
- see also factual, true stories and Pride of the Regiment.
- Note episodes don't appear in every issue.
- Baird, Captain David (73rd Highlanders; in battle against Tipu Sultan, the Tiger of Mysore, 1780; artist not known) 11.
- Battlers of Battery K (Retreat of British Army back to Dunkirk, May 1940; artist Sutherland) 21.
- Bray, Major and his son Tom Bray (29th Dec. 1843; artist not known) 15?
- Cowan, Sir Walter Admiral (the Oldest Commando; fought during the First World War in the Royal Navy and in the Second World War as
the oldest Commando; artist not known) 10.
- Death in the Desert (Sergeants Mike Casey; Jock McDougal; John Drew; Sudan 1884; race to save General Gordon at Khartoum. No medals
awarded; artist not known) 4.
- Find, Fix and Strike (a Deeds of Glory story; complete story; WW2 Fleet Air Arm; Lieutenants Ted Porter & Peter Ford; artist not known) 13.
- FitzGibbon, Andrew (Youngest V.C.; Bengal Medical Corps; Fort Taku, 12th Aug. 1859; aged 15; artist not known) 1.
- Grieve of the Heavy Brigade (V.C.; charge of the Heavy Brigade at Balaclava and of Grieve's horse Silver) 7.
- Invincible Rock, The (story of the defence of Gibralter; artist not known) 6.
- Lord, Regimental Sergeant-Major John (Lord of the Red Devils, his story Arnhem 1944; artist Farrugia) 22.
- MacKenzie, Captain Colin (rebellion of Dost Mohammed, Afghanistan; artist not known) 9.
- Martin-Leake, Arthur (won the V.C. twice; medical orderly; Boer War 1899 first V.C.; Battle of Ypres, WW1; second V.C.; artist not
known) 8.
- Raynor, William Lieutenant (Oldest V.C.; 1857 Indian Mutiny; Attack on Delhi Magazine; aged 65; artist not known) 2.
- Rorke's Drift (7 V.C's awarded 22nd Jan. 1879; Lieutenant Bromhead; Corporal Allen; Privates Williams, Hook, William Jones, Robert.
Jones, Hitch; also Lieutenants Melvill and Coghill awarded V.C.'s posthumousley for saving the Regiment's colours at Isandhlwana; artist not known) 3.
- Sartorius, Captain Reginald (V.C.; awarded in the Ashanti War, Gold Coast (today Ghana), 1874; artist not known) 12.
- Stott, Lieutenant Don (D.S.O.; title - "On Top of Old Soapy"; [the codename for the Asopos Viaduct]; WW2 SOE operation to destory the
viaduct, Greece; artist not known; note - others awarded medals that day included - Morton, Sergeant (no medal awarded);
Gordon-Creed, Captain D.S.O.; Scott, Captain M.C.; McIntyre, Lieutenant M.C.) 198.
- Werewolves, The (German escapees from a prisoner of war camp in Italy WW2, hold a German family prisoner; artist not known) 44.
- Women and Children First (Jan. 1852; sinking of the troopship Birkenhead after ripping her bottom out of ship on rocks; artist not known) 5.
- Young, Major (WW2 Commandos; holding the Ponte Dei Malati bridge in Sicily 1943. Bridge renamed No.3 Commando Bridge; artist not known) 14.
Deep Sea Commandos (series characters; WW2 RN; artist not known; featuring Lieutenant Brad Jones; Petty Officer Greg Roberts. Note a second series
followed the pair’s adventures after WW2.)
280 – 295 (first series)
- 542, 549, 558, 560, (second series, set after the Second World War).
Defenders of the Rock (Story of how the Barbary Apes got to Gibralter; true front cover story; artist Farrugia) 92.
Denham, Thomas (George Medal; Glasgow docker 5,6 & 7th May saved lives during Clydebank bombing raid; true front cover story; title - Hero With The
Hook, The Battlers of the Blitz; artist Philpotts) 111.
Dexter of Squad 'D' (series characters; WW2 Army, Royal Engineers, 1940; artist not known; featuring Sergeant Dexter; Private Walker).
Die Hard Drummond (WW2 Commandos; complete story; artist not known) 413.
Diggers Were There, The (series characters; WW1 & 2 army; artist Winslade, unless otherwise stated; featuring Joe Lindsay; Bill Hicks)
- 82 – 90 (1st series; WW1 Gallipoli).
- ? - 199 (2nd series; WW2 Far East, 1942; featuring privates Jackie Okus, Aboriginal soldier; Crackpot O'Kelly; Boofhead Johnston).
- 259 - 264 (3rd series; WW2 The Diggers in New Guinea; artist not unknown. WW2).
Dixon, Danny (series character; all about music) see Go, Man, Go!
Dobie, John (series; sci-fi; series character; United Nations test pilot) see Army of the Flames.
Dolphin Patrol (series character; WW2 Pacific Ocean; artists Shone & unknown; featuring Johnnie Dawson; Flash, the dolphin).
- 413 - 431 (first series; artist Dave Sutherland).
- 476 - ? (second series; artist Shone).
- 518 - 527 (third series; artist Shone).
- 618 - 631 RP? of series ?
Don't Mock the Crock! (complete one issue story; vintage car rally; artist not known; featuring Pete Johnson; Jonah, 1913 Standish Special car) 3.
Doone, Sir John (series character; western) see Boss of the Ghost Herd.
Dopey Dan (series character; sport; text; humour; featuring Dan Davidson; groundsman at Carthouse sports ground; artist not known).
- 7 - 12? (first series).
- 30 - 38 (second series; artist Sturrock?)
Duel in Dixon City (western; Pinkerton agent; complete story; artist not known, but the same as 13 Knots) 354.
Duels of Lucky Loder (series character; western; artist not known; featuring Lucky Loder).
Duffy 'Plum' Somerest (series character; adventure) see Greg Stewart - Special Agent.
Dunn, Sergeant Bill (series character; policeman) see Big Palooka, The.
Dodds, Ernie (series character; sport; fishing; related to Joe Dodds) see Cast, Hook and Strike).
Dodds, Joe (series character; sport; fishing; related to Ernie Dodds) see Cast, Hook and Strike).
Drake, Sergeant (series characters; WW2 Army Gilders) see Lion With Wings, The.
Driver, Tom Leading Seaman (series character; WW2 RN; complete story each issue; artist Winslade; featuring Leading Seaman Tom Driver).
- 417 Germans Were Waiting!, The (Naval Survey vessel H.M.S. Shackleton).
- 416 Message Most Urgent! (Story set in Iceland, May 1941; Driver; Dusty Miller; Harry Nelson; Knocker White).
Dusty (series character; humour; artist not known; featuring Dusty; note series does not appear in consecutive issues).
- starts prior to issue 396; 397; 402; 406 - 408; 410; 415; 493; 520; 560; 609.
Eagles of Kambut (series character; WW1; Himalayas; artist Carrion; featuring Lim, a Gurkha boy).
Eleven Little Soccer Boys (series characters; sport; football; artist Marti; featuring Danny Hawke, football manager; Joe Kenton, trainer;
Silvester J. (Tight wad) Tyson; Ashfield Rovers).
- 273 - 292.
- ? - ? RP.
- series RP and collected as Red Dagger issue 30.
Ellyk, Jimmy (series character; sport; motorbike racing) see Mister Frozen Face.
Elmhurst, Commander (series character; sci-fi) see Army of the Flames.
Experiment X (series characters; text; sci-fi; featuring Professor Neil Sherwood; Jim Barlow; artist Sturrock).
Eye That Never Lies, The (complete story; adventure; TV cameramen; artist Leo Rawlings?) 536.
Factual#, true stories
Across Antarctica (factual; story of Dr. Vivan Fuchs crossing Antarctica on the 24th Nov. 1957).
Across Australia (John McDougall Stuarts attempts to cross Australia).
Alone to the Niger (Mungo Park, Scottish explorer, 1795, seeking true course of a river; artist not known).
Badges of Courage on the Island of Darkness , S. America (factual; artist not known).
Beating The Rubber Ban (Henry Wickham; Rubber only grew in Brazil; Wickham raced against time to carry rubber seeds from Brazil to Britain
to germinate before they died; artist not known).
Burma Bell, The (Third Burma War 1885; Royal Welch Fusiliers bought back to Britain a Burma Bell after the campaign; artist not known).
Champagne Bottle Staff of the Munsters, The (Sikh Wars; Battle of Sobraon, 10th Feb. 1846; Two British East India Company officers fought
two Sikhs with a bottle. The bottle was then made into the Drum Major's staff of the Royal Munster Fusiliers; artist not known) 96.
Coarse Fish and How to Catch Them (description of various types of ships).
Courage of Captain Carlson, The (factual; American freighter 'Flying Enterprise' in trouble during storm Boxing Day, 1951 in the Atlantic, Carlson
eventually saved his ship, January 11th 1952; artist not known) 624.
Cover stories of The Hornet, front and back.
Deeds of Glory - true military stories see series with the same name.
Fighting planes of World War Two, Story of (series; true stories).
Fights For The Flag (series).
Fire Aboard the Sarah Sands (saving of the ship after a fire broke out 11/12 November 1857; artist not known) 615.
Forward With the Flag (RN; Sept. 1864, China; artist not known).
Grenadiers, The (story of how 1st Foot Guards became 'The Grenadiers', by breaking the Grenadiers of the French Imperial Guard at the Battle of
Waterloo, 1815).
Little Soldier of Kolapore, The (Indian Mutiny 1857; Lieutenant William Kerr of the South Mahratta Horse; artist not known).
Maida Tortoise, The (Colonel James Kempt; 81st Regt. 2nd Battalion, Loyal North Lancashire; July 1806; ran out of supplies, after attacking
the French, thus ate a tortoise; the shell now mounted in silver and Regt. souvenir; artist not known).
Man-eaters of Surrarum, The (man eating panther on loose in India ; Hussain Khan acts as bait at his request; artist not known).
Nansen of the North (Dr. Fridjof Nansen; artic explorer and the 24/6/1893 to 13/08/1896 expedition).
North American Mustang, The (factual; American airforce fighter).
Harry the Hornet’s Hotch-Potch (one page of interesting facts).
Raid on Wadi Radwan (WW2 LRDG; true story featuring Captain Ackroyd).
Raiders Came at Dawn, The (Korean War 1951-53; cover story; Canadian 25th Brigade).
Silver Hand of Kashkai, The (How the Poona Horse was awarded the famous battle honour the silver hand of Khoosh-Ab defeating the Persian
Field Army, India, in 1830; artist not known) 620.
Short Sutherland (RAF coastal plane, history of).
Snipers of Battery 4, The (M.C.; WW1 Canadian Army; July 1915, France; Lieutenant Charles Craig; artist not known).
Tigers of Crete, The (factual; Battle for Crete; 20th May, 1941 Royal Leicestershire Regt. 2nd Battalion; artist not known).
Tomahawk - the Curtiss P40 (US fighter; artist not known).
Two Medals for the ‘Exeter’ Men (WW2 RN; Able Seaman Bill Gwilliam, CGM; Midshipman Arthur Cameron, DSC; factual; HMS Exeter vs. Graf Spee; artist Philpotts).
Two Thousand Miles From the Sea (factual; story of taking two British motorboats across land to Lake Tanganyika to attack three German motor launches; artist Antonios?; note story also told in The Victor issue, ?).
Waterloo 150th Anniversary 1815 - 1965. (factual; Facts about the battle; 1 page; artist not known).
Watson, Lieutenant Thomas Colclough (VC; title – Forward the Buffs; also Corporal Smith, VC; NW Frontier, 16th Sept. 1897; story told in a text box, within the text story; artist Ripol).
Who Dares Wins! (WW2 Army, North Africa ; story of David Stirling founder of the Special Air Service (SAS); artist not known).
Yellow Jacket of Courage (factual; story of ‘Chinese’ Gordon and the Ever Victorian Army; artist not known).
Far East# themed stories see
- Alfy's Elephant (WW2 Army; series character; humour).
- Army of the Shadows (WW2 Army; series characters).
- Flynn of the Fighting Horse Doctors (second series; series characters; humour).
- Force Viper (WW2 Army; series characters).
- Forty Monkeys on his Back! (series characters; Vet in Malaya).
- Fuzzy Wuzzy Phantoms (WW2 Army; series characters).
- 'G' of the Secret Service (series character; secret service).
- McGraw’s Marauders (WW2 Army; series characters).
- Search For The Sacred Tooth, The (series characters; adventure Ceylon).
Falcon, Major (series characters; WW2; text) see Bluff's our Business.
Farchard (series characters; historical series) see Sword of the Fighting Farchards.
Farrugia, ‘Harry’ Henricus (artist) see Artists.
Fenwick, John (WW2 Secret Service) see Twelve Days to Save Britain.
Fernandez, Edmundo (artist; also known as Ripol) see Artists.
Fielding That Counts, It’s (series; cricket) see Wickets That Count, It’s.
Fifth Wicket Foster (series character; cricket) see Wickets That Count, It’s.
Fighters of Force K, The (complete story; WW2 Army; featuring Captain Dave Crowly fighting with Sean Casey plantation manager, in Burma against the Japs;
artist Horak) 625
Fighting planes of World War Two, Story of (factual; true stories; series; various artists).
- B-17 Flying Fortress (artist Carrion?) 590.
- Douglas Dakota (artist Watson?) 550.
- Fairey Swordfish (artist not known) 530.
- Gloster Gladiator (artist Watson) 589.
- De Havilland Mosquito (artist not known) 533.
- Hawker Hurricane (artist Shone) 532.
- Messerschmitt 109 (artist Shone) 544.
- Messerschmitt 163 Komet (artist Watson) 577.
- Messerschmitt 262 the first jet-fighter (artist not known) 558.
- Mitsubishi Zero (artist not known) 549.
- Stuka, diver bomber (artist not known).
Fighting Terrier of the 24th Foot (story of Dick the dog at Rorke's Drift; true front cover story; artist not known) 94.
Fights For The Flag (series).
- No.1 Two Trophies for the Twenty-Second (factual; complete story; 22nd Foot, Cheshire Regt.; India, February 1843; artist not known) 177.
Find, Fix and Strike (a Deeds of Glory story; complete story; WW2 Fleet Air Arm; artist not known) 13.
Fire Aboard the Sarah Sands (factual; saving of the ship after a fire broke out 11/12 November 1857; artist not known) 615.
Fire Down Below (complete story; factual?; American clipper 'Hornet'; Tom Thatch, cabin boy saves ships rations, after ship catches fire whilst at sea; artist Philpotts) 459.
First of the Iron Men, The (series characters; ironsmith maker of swords; ancient Briton, 700 B.C.; featuring Muntar, son of Chief Irgud; artist
Leo Rawlings).
First Prize (WW1 RN; use of a German schooner as a British "Q" ship; true front cover story; artist Winslade?) 198.
Fitch, Bert (series; sport; boxing; humour) see Handsome Harry.
Fitzsimons, Chris (writer of scripts) see Writers.
Five Minutes From Disaster (adventure; preventing the destruction of the bridge in mountainous region of Pakistan; complete story; artist not known) 360.
Five Tough Tests for ‘Lofty’ Foster (series characters; sport; athletics; featuring ’Lofty’ Foster; artist Ripol).
Flash, a dolphin (WW2 adventure; series character; friend to Johnnie Dawson; Pacific Ocean) see Dolphin Patrol.
Floating Man, The (Paul Boyton, series character; adventure; late 19th century; artist Ripol)
251 - 257 (first series – America )
- 337 - 351 (second series - Great Britain, South Africa, Australia and other countries).
Floating Thing, The (series character; text; sci-fi; Merchant Navy; artist Sturrock; featuring Ken Stoker).
Flood, Zeb (WW2 Army; series character; humour; American Hilly Billy) see Coonskin Grenadier.
Flying Tiger, The (series character; WW2; writer Fitzsimons; artist Farrugia; featuring Sergeant Harry Barker; Squadron Leader Partridge).
Flynn of the Fighting Horse-Doctors (WW2 Army; series character; humour; artist unknown; featuring Private Wilf Flynn; Captain Potter).
409 - 418 (first series; Lieutenant Kempster; Italy).
- 438 - 448 (second series; Captain Potter; Far East).
Fogarty's Fists (complete story; WW2 Army; Gunner Tim Fogarty captured, but escapes from Germans in time to get back to London for a boxing match;
artist not known) 632.
Football# Teams (note - this entry only features those teams that appear more than once)
- Chidsea
65 – 73 (artist unknown; featuring Arnold Tabbs; Nick Smith)
- Redburn Rovers
104 - ? (artist unknown; featuring Tabbs and Smith)
- Force Viper (series characters; WW2 Army; Far East , artist Horak? Featuring Sergeant Hammond).
- Forty Monkeys on his Back! (series characters; Vet in Malaya; artist (F); artist not known; featuring vet Jim Marshall; Major Trumper, Government Inspector).
- Forward With the Flag (factual; RN; Sept. 1864, China; artist not known) 455.
- Foster, 'Lofty' (series character; sport; athletics) see Tough Tests of 'Lofty' Foster.
- Four-Storey Foster (complete one issue story; fire brigade story; featuring fireman Johnny Foster; artist not known) 5.
- Fox, Mike (series character; Flying adventures; Chief Security Officer) see Astro Airways.
- Fred's Flying Bed (series character; humour; artist not known; featuring Fred Pepper).
- Friendly Flyer, The (series characters; sport; athletics; artist not known; featuring Oon Thanki).
- From Gold to Dust (story of a western town, Bodie, America; complete story; artist not known) 33.
- Front Covers see
- Cover stories of the Hornet
- Hornet, Captain (series character).
- Hornet Gallery of Courage
- Hornet Gallery of Sport
- Front cover listing by issue no.
- For those issues with a common theme please see
- Cover stories of the Hornet.
- Hornet, Captain (series character).
- Hornet Gallery of Courage.
- Hornet Gallery of Sport.
- 112 no cover story, instead details of a competition.
- 123 no cover story, instead advertising the World Cup 1966 diary.
- 124 no cover story, instead advertising a football plastic wallet and photographs of four top teams.
- 212 no cover story, instead the advertising of a free gift and new stories.
- 213 no cover story, instead the advertising of a free gift and new stories.
- Full Speed Ahead to the Worlds of Fear (series characters; sci-fi; featuring Monkton Powers, Doctor Simon, Captain Muir, Space Yacht, Luke Chubb -
thief; artist Carrion).
- Fuzzy Wuzzy Phantoms, The (series characters; WW2 Army; New Guinea; artist unknown; Australian, featuring Sergeant Bill Craig; Haka, a native.)
- G#
- 'G' of the Secret Service (series character; secret agent; Far East, late 19th Century/early 20th Century?; artist Ripol).
- Gain, Larry (sci-fi/adventure; series character; Canada) see Terror of the Northland.
- Gaines, Flying Officer Peter (series character; WW2 RAF; Norway) see Phantom Fliers, The.
- Galloping Ghost, The (series character; western; artist Marti; featuring Cliff Baxter; Luke Jackson; Doc Laraby).
- Gann, Tom Charter pilot (adventure; series character) see Run Till You Drop.
- Gibson of the Guns (series character; WW2 Army; featuring Sergeant Gibson; artists Farrugia and another not known artist.)
- 1 - 10 (first series; artist Farrugia),
- 23 – 34 (second series; artist not known; in charge of a top secret piece of artillery; featuring Bombardier Clarke).
- Gibson, Sergeant (series character; WW2 Army) see Gibson of the Guns.
- Gifan (series character; sci-fi; villain) see No Return From Zorun Space.
- Gifts# (free inside the comic. Please note this section is spilt into two sections, - football and toys gifts. Note booklets A6 sized (105mm x 148mm), unless stated).
- Football free gifts.
- Banner - (featuring stars of sport and pop No. 1; advertised on the front cover) 526.
- Banner - (featuring stars of sport and pop No. 2; advertised on the front cover) 527.
- Banner - (featuring stars of sport and pop No. 3; advertised on the front cover) 528.
- Football photographs (for the booklet Fast Action Football. A6 sized album) 3.
- Football/Rugby Dramatic Moments in Sport Booklet. (Twenty pages; A6 size; B+W) 4.
- Football colour photographs for plastic wallet (issue 23), (Wolverhampton Wanderers, Hearts, Tottenham Hotspur, Leicester) 24.
- Football colour photographs for plastic wallet (issue 23), (Sheffield Wednesday, Linfield, Birmingham F.C., Rangers) 26.
- Football plastic wallet and photographs of four top teams - Brazil, West Ham, Wales & Celtic) 124.
- Great Goals!/Great Tries! (booklet; twenty pages; B+W; A6 size) 5.
- Hornet plastic wallet of International Cup Teams + four full colour photocards of Burnley, Manchester United, Dundee and Ipswich 23.
- Souvenir of Most Thrilling Sporting Events of 1966, (booklet; includes football, rugby, athletics, cricket, motor racing and boxing; 32 pages; B+W; A6 size) 180.
- Souvenir of a Wonderful Year of Sport 1966. (booklet; A6 size; 32 pages; col. / B+W) 199.
- World Cup cards 1966 (advertised on the front cover).
- World Cup Diary 1966. (32 pages for facts and pictures; booklet; A6 size) 123.
- World Cup Stars football photographs + plastic wallet to keep the cards in (cigarette card size; 72 in the set; note some of the
cards were only available in The Hotspur comic; note - don't know the players featuring in this set) 352.
- World Cup 1966 diary 123.
- World Cup 1966 Stars football photographs (cigarette card size; 72 in the set; note some of the cards were only available in
The Hotspur comic; Ron Springett, England no. 17; Alex Elder, Ireland no. 18; Gerry Byrne, England no. 19; John Toshack, Wales no. 20;
Jimmy Johnstone, Scotland no. 21; Geoff Hurst, England no. 22; Derek Dougan, Ireland no. 23; Paul Madeley, England no. 24;
Eddie Gray, Scotland no. 25; Teddy Paine, England no. 26) 353.
- World Cup 1966 Stars football photographs (cigarette card size; 72 in the set; note some of the cards were only available in
The Hotspur comic; note card numbers not known for these players; Bobby Moncur, Scotland; Ian Callaghan, England; Bobby Charlton,
England; Keith Newton, England; Roger Hunt, England; John Mahoney, Wales; Paul Reavey, England;
Colin Bell, England) 354.
- World Cup 1966 Stars football photographs (cigarette card size; 72 in the set; note some of the cards were only available in
The Hotspur comic; Mike England, Wales no. 53; Martin Harvey, Ireland no. 54; Norman Hunter, England no. 55;
Billy McNeil, Scotland no. 56; Alan Ball, England no. 57; Bobby Moore, England no. 58; Pat Stanton, Scotland no. 59;
Tony Dunne, Eire no. 60; Alan Oakes, England no. 61; Jimmy Armfield, England 62) 355.
- Toy free gifts
- All Star Ring (worn on a finger - complete with twenty super photographs of stars) 476.
- Boomerang (advertised on the front cover) 374.
- Boomerang, Hi-Flyer 419.
- Catapult skimmer 2.
- Flying Disco, The 212.
- Glider, Kestral plane (made from balsa wood) 1.
- Hi-Speed Glider 475.
- Hi-Speed Hummer Plane 213.
- Gill, Sergeant Bluey (series character; WW2 Australian Army) see Go Get That Gold.
- Giralt, Joan (Spanish artist) see Artists.
- Gladiator! (Marius Roman soldier strikes an officer and reduced to a gladiator, survives the arena, retires rich; true front cover story; artist not known) 67.
- Go Get That Gold. (series characters; WW2 Australian Army; Far East; featuring Major Jonkeer; Sergeant Bluey Gill; artist Leo Rawlings).
- Go, Man Go (series characters; all about music; series; artist Marti; featuring Danny Dixon).
- 526 - 532 (1st series).
- starts 543 - 552 (2nd series).
- Goalie Clinic (series; sport; football; featuring Keeper; artists as mentioned below).
- 465 (title - What's the Matter With Carter?; featuring Bob Carter; Newton Albion FC; artist Harding?).
- 507; 520; 521; 522; 526; 535; 544; 545; 609 (kill or cure); 610 (Goalies can't make mistakes; artist Carrion);
- 611 (They Called The Kid a Coward; artist Carrion).
- Goals That Count, It's (series characters; sport; football) see Smith, Nick.
- Golden Blades, The (series characters; sport; ice-skating; text; featuring Billy Casper; Arnold Gottlieb, trainer; artist Sturrock?).
- Golden Gaunlet, The (series characters; ?).
- Golden Guys (one page article about musical Gold Disc winners) 499.
- Graham, Jock Squadron Leader (series character; flying adventure) see Crimson Kangeroo.
- Grant, Corporal (series character; WW2 Army) see Sampson the Signaller.
- Grant, Jim (series character; sport; boxing) see Grant at Happy Valley.
- Grant at Happy Valley (series character; sport; boxing; artist Garcia?; featuring Jim Grant).
- Grapnel Gripp (series character; humorous; artist James Malcolm; security guard)
- 300, 302, 303, 304, 306, 307, 393, 421, 616, 617
- Great Train Robbery, The (western; complete story; artist not known; featuring the Reno brothers robbing a train on 22nd May 1868; the $80,000 has never been found) 22.
- Green For Danger (WW1; Vimy Ridge; Lieutenant Lord Basil Nayland learning a lesson of war the hard way from a Sergeant; complete story; artist Carrion?) 408.
- Greg Stewart - Special Agent (adventure; series characters; featuring Greg Stewart, Somerest 'Plum' Duffy, Somerset Tudor; artist not known).
- 142 - 147 (first series).
- 218 - 229 (second series).
- Gregson, Aylmer (series character; also known as Jack One and double agent Colonel Von Reich; British Secret Agent; WW2) see
V for Vengeance.
- Grenadiers, The (factual; story of how 1st Foot Guards became 'The Grenadiers', by breaking the Grenadiers of the French Imperial Guard at the Battle of
Waterloo, 1815) 112.
- Grimston, Lord (series character; Highshire Chairman; sport; cricket) see Wickets That Count, It's.
- Gunless Sheriff of Shotgun Gulch (series characters; western; text; featuring Sheriff Pike Hamilton; artist Sturrock).
- Guthry, Captain (series character; Chicago policeman, in charge of the Special Squad) see Big Palooka, The.
- H##
- Halsey, Sergeant Mike (series character; WW2; Secret Service) see Spy in the Suitcase.
- Hamilton, Flight Lieutenant (series character; WW2 RAF) see Blazing Ace of Space, The.
- Hamilton, Sheriff Pike (series; western; text) see Gunless Sheriff of Shotgun Gulch.
- Hamlet, Len (series character; sport; cricket) see Runs That Count, It’s.
- Hammond, Sergeant (series character; WW2 Army; Far East) see Force Viper.
- Handsome Harry (series character; sport; boxing; humour; featuring Harry Handsome; Bert Fitch; artist same as Send For the B Team (Victor).
- Hank the Yank (series; WW2 army; humour) series not published in consecutive weeks?
- 534 - 541, 543, 556, 557, 563, 564.
- Hanlon, Patrick Sergeant (George Medal; 28th Aug. 1965; saving of workers trapped in a building being constructed by British troops playing football
nearby; Royal Irish Fusiliers; true front cover story; artist not known) 159.
- Harding, Major (series character; WW2 Australian Army) see Treasure of Deep 99.
- Hargreaves, Jack (series character; sport; football) see Mudtown Marvels, The.
- Hargreaves, Jimmy (series character; sport; football) see The Team From Trisidium.
- Harkness, Lachie (series character; adventure; film business) see Wonder Dog.
- Harmon, Eddie see Volts of Vengeance (wW2; series character; British Secret Service).
- Harmon, Jack and Mat (series; western) see Thirteen Knots in a Golden Cord.
- Harold, the elephant (series character; humour) see Alfy's Elephant.
- Harpoon Hanson (WW2, Norwegian fisherman; complete story; artist not known) 12.
- Harrison, Jim (series character, humour) see Congo Canary, The (series character).
- Harry the Camel (series characters; humour; Australian Police; featuring Harry, the Camel; Sergeant Jack Daw; Constable Bruce Whinge; Jacky-Jacky,
Aboriginal tracker; artist same as Send for the B Team?).
- Harry the Hitch (series character; humour; artist (J).
151 (1966 World Cup Special); 288, 290, 294, 295, 298, 299, 300, 302, 305, 308, 310, 311, 312, 322, 330 final issue?.
- Harry the Hornet’s Hotch-Potch (factual; interesting tit-bits of information. Note – one page per issue.)
86; 88; 90; 92; 94; 103; 139; 146; 150; 153; 170; 172; 329; 396.
- Harry the Hornet strip (three panel cartoon strip, featuring Harry the Hornet; artist not known; strip doesn't appear in every issue).
starts in issue 9 and then onwards. Final appearance ?
- Hartley, Flight Lieutenant 'Sailor' (series character; flying adventure) see Crimson Kangeroo.
- Harvey, Sergeant Dick (series character; WW2 Army) see Rifleman of the Rocks, The.
- Hawke, Danny (series character; sport; football) see Eleven Little Soccer Boys.
- Hawke, One-Eyed Hooker (series character) see One-Eyed Hooker Hawke.
- Hawkins, Captain Paul (series character; Indian Political Service) see Sword of Kali.
- Haynes, Jim (series character; sport; swimming; Australian) see Swim, Jim, Swim.
- Hazelrigg, Dick (series character; Elizabethan era) see Swordsman of the Queen
- Helga, Private (series character; WW2 Norwegian Commandos) see Vengeance of the Snow Wolf.
- Henry, Sergeant-Major (V.C.; 2ndd Division Royal Artillery at the Battle of Inkerman 1855, Crimean War; title - Battling Gunners of Battery "G", The;
true front cover story; artist not known) 38.
- Henry V see Red Jester, The.
- Heroes of the Air War (V.C.; WW2 RAF; Hannah, Sergeant; 15th Sept. 1940; fought a fire on board his Hampden bomber; artist not known) 647.
- Hicks, Bill (series character; WW1 & 2 Army; Aussie) see Diggers Were There, The
- High Wire Needs Nerve (series characters; circus adventure on the high wire; artist Arnau?; featuring Krazy Koronas, a family of six high-wire artists).
- Highshire Cricket Club (series) see Wickets That Count, It’s.
- Higson, Rob (series character; sport; cricket) see
- Secret of the Mystery Spinner, The.
- Wickets That Count, It’s.
- Note Higson also appears with Bert Bunting and Wilson in the strip Wilson Did It.
- Hines, Private Barney (WW1 Australian Army; series character) see Bring 'em Back Barney.
- Historical# stories (Ancient; Medieval; Elizabethan).
- Brazen Bull, The (Ancient Greece; series).
- Brigas the Briton (Ancient Britain; complete story).
- First of the Iron Men (Ancient Britain; series).
- King's Tests of Courage, The (16th Century England; series).
- Muntar (Ancient Britain; series).
- Red Jester, The (Medieval, Henry V; series; text).
- Searcher of the Nile (Ancient Egypt; series).
- Swordsman of the Queen (Elizabethan; series).
- Hitter From The Hills (series character; sport; cricket; artist ?; featuring ).
- Hood, Cadet Alix (series character; sci-fi) see No Return From Zorun Space.
- Hoodoo Destroyer (H.M.S. Lucifer unluckiest ship fought in WW1 & WW2; Ben Bellamy V.C.?; true story?; artist not known) 604.
- Horak, Yaroslav (artist) see Artists.
- Hornet#, Captain (series character; ‘superhero’; crime; various artists, one being Jim Watson; takes over front page duties as of issue 477, but he replaced later in his run by the Hornet Gallery of Sport).
- 475 - ? series starts.
- 478 - 479 (Giant plastic ball used in robbery; artist Garcia?).
- 480 (Black Diamond Country Club; artist Garcia?).
- 481 - 482 (Iceman; artist Garcia?).
- 483 - 484 (Gasmen steal paintings; artist Garcia?).
- 485 - 486 (Gang of Forgers; artist Garcia?).
- 487 - 488 (Aircraft carrying gold bullion shot down; artist Garcia?).
- 489 - (Protecting Luigi Cantello from Italian Mafia).
- 490 - (Joyriders; artist Ripol).
- 491 - 492 (Case of the Kidnapped child, held for ransom; artist Garcia?).
- 493 - (Department stores blowing up; artist Ripol).
- 494 - 495 (On trail of criminals setting fire to buildings parts 1 & 2; artist Garcia?).
- 496 - (crooks killing race horses using a pea shooter; Hornet's mobile base is a removals van; artist Ripol?).
- 497 - (Armed gang throwing designers out of an aircraft at Cranborough Air Show, unless a ransom of a million pounds is paid; artist not known).
- 499 - 500 (bank robbers using an inventors ray, the Craven Ray to rob banks; the ray made people forget temporarily; artist Ripol).
- 501 - 502 (bank robbers make use of a tank to rob banks and a robotic grasshopper to tacklet Hornet; parts 1 & 2; artist Garcia?).
- 503 (Hornet investigates someone trying to kill a Grand Prix driver; Hornet going swimming in concrete boots; artist Garcia?).
- 505 - 506 (Hornet vs. Birdman who uses condors with steel tipped beaks and talons to attack his targets; pts 1 & 2; artist not known).
- 507 - 508 (Hornet robs a bank, but does he? Hornet arrested by police, but escapes to track down the impersonator whilst avoiding the police; pts 1 & 2; artist Ripol).
- 511 - 512 (Hornet and the train robbers; pts 1 & 2; artist Ripol).
- 513 - 514 (Clown bank robbers; artist Garcia?).
- 517 - 518 (Armoured car robbery; artist Garcia?).
- 520 - 521 (Flying saucer case; artist Garcia?).
- 523 - 524 (Sir Oswald Morseby; artist Garcia?).
- 526 - 528 (No Captain Hornet story; advertising of a free gift - all star banner).
- 531 - 532 (Attack on train with P.M. on board; artist not known).
- 534 - (Blackmail of Arthur Moresby; artist not known).
- 535 - 536 (Bank robbers featuring Pistol Pete; artist not known).
- 539 - 540 ('Big Ed' Sullivan; artist Garcia?).
- 541 - (Sinking of a Nuclear Powered Submarine; complete story; artist Garcia?).
- 542 - 543 (Jail break story; artist not known).
- 544 - No Captain Hornet story. See Hornet Gallery of Courage.
- 545 - 546 (The Bat).
- 547 - 548 (Genetically engineered giant bat; artist Jim Watson?).
- 549 (German latter day pilot bombing London using a Stuka plane; complete story; artist Jim Watson).
- 550 (protecting a pop group; complete story; artist Smith?)
- 552 - 553 (Kidnapping an England football player; artist not known).
- 554 - 555 (artist Ripol).
- 556 - 557 (Armoured car robbery; artist Jim Watson).
- 558 (Protecting animals; complete story; artist not known).
- 559 - 560 (Stealing of luxury cars; artist Jim Watson).
- 561 - 564 (Wanted dead or alive, featuring the Crime Master; artist Jim Watson).
- 565 - 566 (oil rig trouble; artist not known).
- 567 - (single issue story - set in Scotland on Lake Garvie; artist Watson).
- 568 - 569 (Hornet vs the Red Baron; artist Watson).
- 570 - 571 (saving a film star from being killed; artist not known).
- 572 - 574 ?
- 575 - 576 (a kidnapping by the Candy Man + killer dogs; artist Watson).
- 577 - 578 (tracking down a German U-Boat in Iceland; uses a Pantechnicon vehicle as a mobile HQ; also uses a Hoverer craft; artist not known).
- 579 - 580 (bank robbers using flame throwers to rob banks; artist Watson).
- 581 - 584 (a recurring villian, the Wasp Man begins his first of several victories over Captain Hornet, indeed he also avoids capture;
artist Watson).
- 585? (?; artist ?).
- 586 - (vs. Gelignite Joe; artist not known).
- 587 - 588? note - 588 missing from British Library's collection (Hornet tackles a giant metal bird and its creator a robot maker; artist Watson).
- 589 (protecting Ajax Security vans; artist not known).
- 590 - No Captain Hornet story; front cover devoted to the Hornet Gallery of Sport.
- 591 - 594 (Hornet tracks down and recaptures four dangerous criminals after they make a successful prison break; artist for each episode Watson).
- 591 Birdman, Bernard Dee).
- 592 - ?
- 593 - Bee Master).
- 594 - ?
- 595 - 596 (no story, replaced by Hornet Gallery of Sport).
- 597 (single issue story about smugglers; artist Watson).
- 598 - no Hornet story.
- 599?
- 600 (story?; artist not known).
- 601 - 607 (return of Wasp Man for final time; continues to outwit Captain Hornet; Hornet avoids being gored to death by a bull in Spain;
but is destroyed by a ground to air missle whilst flying over a missle testing area; artist Watson).
- 608 - 609 (no stories).
- 610 - (single issue story about pirates using a mechanical Octupus to take over a lighthouse and a ship; artist not known).
- 611 - (single issue story about a modern day Richard Turpin robbing people using a motorbike; artist Watson).
- 612 - (single issue story about the escape and capture of a banknote plate engraver Inky JOnes who escapes from prison using a motorised umbrella; artist not known).
- 613 - 614 (no stories).
- 615 - (single issue adventure about featuring giant prehistoric monsters.
- 616 - (an adventure featuring a flying Tiger; artist Watson).
- 617 - (part 2 Hornet vs. the Flying Tiger; artist Watson).
- 618 - (part 3 Hornet vs. the Flying Tiger; artist Watson).
- 619 - (part 4 Hornet vs. the Flying Tiger; artist Watson).
- 620 - (part 5 Hornet vs. the Flying Tiger; artist Watson).
- 621 - (part 6 Hornet vs. the Flying Tiger; artist Watson).
- 622 - (fighting criminals attempting to steal the relics of an Egyptian Pharoah from a museum in London, part one; artist not known).
- 623 - (Part two of the story started in issue 622; artist not known).
- 627 - (Peseado, the Fish-Lord returns. Action in the jungle of Central America; artist not known)
- 628 - (protecting an airliner carrying a million pounds from giant metal robot birds; artist Watson).
- 632 - (tackling a terrorist group holding hostages; artist not known).
- 633 - (Capt. Hornet captures a bank robber by telephone; artist Watson).
- 635 - (tangling with bank robbers; artist Watson).
- 637 - (Hornet is kidnapped and replaced with an imposter, who has had his face altered by a plastic surgeon to resemble him; artist Watson; part one0.
- 638 - (part two of the story above; artist Watson).
- 639 - (Hornet investigates an attack of flying camels in an Middle Eastern country, part one; artist not known).
- 640 - (part two of the story begun in issue 639).
- 641 - (a villain who can control the weather, uses it to rob banks, part one; artist not known).
- 642 - (part two of the story begun in issue 641; artist not known).
- 643 - (note - no story).
- 644 - (saving a stunt man from danger, pt. 1; artist not known).
- 645 - (pt. 2 of the above story; artist not known).
- 646 - (Robbery of the Crown Jewels by Alex Bronston by using a paralysing ray he had invented; artist not known).
- 647 - (pt. 2 of the above story; artist not known).
- Hornet File on...
- Barker, Ronnie 499.
- Brandon, Tony 589.
- Bunstone, Colin 495.
- Campbell, Junior 512.
- Chinn and Chapman 571.
- Clayton-Thomas, David 600.
- Connolly, Billy 502.
- Corbett, Ronnie 497.
- Crush, Bobby 503.
- Davis, Rob 591.
- De Paul, Lynsey 568.
- Denver, John 587.
- Dyan, Bob 558.
- Edmonds, Noel 511.
- Emperor Rosko 570.
- Fletcher, Nigel 501.
- Ford, Glen 494.
- Ford, Hudson 616.
- Gallagher and Lyle 617.
- Goldsboro, Bobby 633.
- Harley, Steve 614.
- Hill, Vince 504.
- Holder, Noddy 508.
- Jacks, Terry 565.
- Jones, Kenny 596.
- Kenny 622.
- King, Jonathan 496.
- MacLean, Don 507.
- McTell, Ralph 611.
- Noone, Peter 505.
- Pitney, Gene 610.
- Puckett, Gary 590.
- Quatro, Suzi 567.
- Ruffin, Jimmy 612.
- Sayer, Leo 607.
- Splinter 619.
- Stiles, Ray 569.
- Townsend, Pete 500.
- Wonder, Stevie 506.
- Hornet Gallery of Courage (These true accounts of bravery appeared on the front cover of The Hornet in colour, with additional information about the
award appearing in a text box within that issue's text story).
- Chichester, Sir Francis (Yachtsman who sailed round the world alone; artist Shone) 415.
- Errington, Harry (First Cross for the Auxiliary Fire Service (AFS); 17th Sept. 1940; awarded The George Cross for saving the
life's of two fellow firemen; artist not known) 408.
- Farrer, Anthony and Doreen Ashburnham (They fought a Mountain Lion; artist Philpotts) 416.
- More, Alister (title - Six Trips to the Death Ship; awarded the Air Force Cross) 544.
- Probyn, Captain D.M. (V.C.; Bengal cavarly; N. W. Frontier, India) 459.
- Hornet Gallery of Sport# (Note - these are front & back colour covers biographies of sportsmen or events. A half page of the front cover was devoted
to a drawing of the head of that week's sportsman. Artist for this part of the cover not known. A different artist was used to tell the sportsman's
- All-Black Day at Cardiff (sport; rugby union; 1905 New Zealand vs. Wales . Wales beat an unbeaten NZ All Blacks; artist not known) 4.
- Astle, Jeff (No.3; footballer; West Bromich Albion; artist Sturrock) 278.
- Ball, Alan (No.5; footballer; Leeds United, England; artist Marti) 287.
- Banks, Gordon (No.7; footballer; England goalkeeper; artist Sturrock) 292.
- Battlers from Bangor, The (Hornet Gallery of Sport; Bangor vs. Napoli 06th Sept. 1962; Bangor lost 2-1; artist not known) 18.
- Beckenbauer, Franz (West Germany; international footballer) 595.
- Bentley Boys at Le Mans, The (story of Bentley cars race at Le Mans, 1927; S.C.H. "Sammy" Davis and Benjafield were the drivers; artist not known) 19.
- Brown Bomber Came Back - With a Bang (sport; boxing; 19th June 1936; Joe Lewis ‘Brown Bomber’ beaten by Max Schmeling, then Louis beat him; artist not known) 5.
- Brown, Joe (No.17; mountaineer; artist Shone) 376.
- Boycott, Geoffry (No. 34; cricketer; Yorkshire & England; artist Philpotts) 418.
- Bremner, Billy (No.70; Leeds Utd football player; artist Giralt) 472.
- British Lions, The (No. 42; story of the Rugby Union side and some of the stories about their matches; artist Philpotts) 432.
- Buchanan, Ken (No. 23; ?; artist Sturrock?) 400.
- Bugner, Joe (No. 31; boxer; artist Philpotts) 413.
- Charlton, Bobby (No.27; footballer; Manchester United; artist Sturrock) 407.
- Connors, Jimmy (tennis player) 614.
- Conteh, John (boxer; artist Carrion) 590.
- Cruyer, Johan (Dutch international footballer) 596.
- Dean, Dixie (No. 22; footballer; Everton; artist Carrion?) 399.
- Dobson, Martin (footballer; Everton) 613.
- Dougan, Derek (No. 55; footballer, Wolverhampton Wanderers; artist Giralt) 455.
- East African Safari Race, The (No. 68; story of and some of the events that have happened on race days; artist not known) 470.
- Edwards, Gareth (No.71; Welsh Rugby player; artist not known) 473.
- European Cup (No. 58; story of the football European Cup; artist not known) 458.
- F.A. Cup (No. 38; history of the Football Association Cup and some of the stories associated with the competition; artist Giralt) 425.
- Foster, Brendan (no number in the series mentioned; running athlete; artist not known) 624.
- Francis, Gerry (footballer; no number in the series mentioned; artist Sturrock) 643.
- German Formula One Grand Prix (No. 41; story of and some of the events that have happened on race days; artist Carrion) 431.
- Giles, Johnny (No.72; footballer; artist Girlitz) 522.
- Gillette Cup (No. 61; story of and some of the events that have happened during the competion; artist not known) 462.
- Gonzales, Pancho (No.65; US Tennis player; artist Marti) 467.
- Greaves, Jimmy (No.4; footballer; Chelsea, Tottenham Hotspur, England; artist Sturrock) 281.
- Gypsy’s Curse, The (Derby County acquired a new ground, but evicted a gypsy who then laid a curse on the club. Eventually it was
lifted; artist not known) 10.
- Hailwood, Mike (No.48; motorbike/car rider/driver; artist Shone) 445.
- Harvey, David (no number mentioned; footballer; artist Sturrock 636.
- Haston, Dougal (No. 32; mountaineer; artist Shone) 414.
- Hemery, David (athletic runner; artist not known) 648.
- Hulme, Denny (No. 29; New Zealand Formula One racing driver; artist Shone) 410.
- Hurst, Geoff (No.6; footballer; West Ham United, England; artist Giralt) 289.
- Illingworth, Ray (No.18; Yorkshire cricketer; artist Sturrock) 380.
- Isle of Man Tourist Trophy (No.25; story of and some of the events that have happened on race days; artist not known) 404.
- International Championship, football (No. 57; story of the yearly matches between England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland; artist not known) 457.
- Johansson, Ingemar (Swedish boxer; title- The Kid They Called a Coward; artist not known) 13.
- John, Barry (No. 56; rugby player, Wales; artist Giralt) 456.
- Keegan, Kevin (footballer) 598.
- Knot, Alan (No. 52; cricketer, England; artist Sturrock) 451.
- Laver, Rod (No. 35; tennis player, Australian; artist Giralt) 421.
- Law, Dennis (No. 20; footballer; Manchester United and City; artist Giralt) 396.
- Liddell, Eric (No. 409; athletics runner; artist Sturrock) 409.
- Lorimer, Peter (footballer) 608.
- MacDonald, Malcolm (no number mentioned; footballer; artist same as for Slowest Gun in the West series) 631.
- Matthews, Stanley (title – Team of Past Masters; 28/10/1961; winning the second division football Championship; artist not known) 15.
- Mitchell, Flight Lieutenant (title – Three Runs for the Cresta Crown; first Briton to win the Toboggan Championship 1959; artist not
known) 16.
- Monaco Grand Prix (No.24; story of and some of the events that have happened on race days; artist not known) 402.
- Moore, Bobby (No.2; footballer; Westham and England; artist not known) 271.
- Newcombe, John (No. 69; Australian Tennis player; artist Vandeput) 471.
- Norris, Ken (Hornet Gallery of Sport; first British runner to win the ‘Round the Houses’ race in Sao Paulo, Brazil, 1955; artist not known) 17.
- Nurmi, Paavd (No. 33; Finnish athletics runner; artist not known) 416.
- Pele (No.26; footballer; Brazil; artist not known) 406?
- Perryman, Steve (no number mentioned; footballer; artist Marti) 625.
- Piggott, Lester (No.62; horse riding jockey; artist not known) 463?
- Revie, Don (football player and manager) 609.
- Robbed By the Bell (sport; boxing; June 1962; Daan Bekker vs. Stoffell Willemse; Bekker won the fight; artist not known) 9.
- Rosewell, Ken (No. 39; tennis player; artist Giralt) 426.
- Sadler, David (No.63; ?; artist Giralt?) 466.
- Simpson, Tommy (title - First Man to Paris ; 1963 Bordeaux to Paris bicycle race; first Englishman to win since 1896; artist not known) 14.
- Smith, Gordon (sport; football; story of the Hibs and Dundee player; artist Sturrock?) 6.
- Sobers, Gary (No.21; cricketer; West Indies; artist Sturrock?) 398.
- Spider of the Dolomites, The (sport; mountaineering; March 1963; Alpine guide Cesare Maestra scaled 9,480ft Great Laneredo peak in the Dolomites; artist Shone) 8.
- Taylor, Roger (No.67; English Tennis player; artist ?)469.
- Three Fights at Broken Hill (sport; boxing; New South Wales, Australia; artist Sutherland) 2.
- Dec. 1954 stadium flooded, Vince Blake boxer had to walk through water to reach the ring.
- 21st Nov. 1953 – Mickey MacDonald vs. Mike Rhuman fought in a plague of grasshoppers.
- 20th Nov. 1954 – Alan Cartwright vs. Teddy McCoy fought in a cloud of moths.
- Trueman, Freddie (No.60; cricketer; Yorkshire) ?
- Wakefield Kicker, The (sport; rugby league; 1962 Rugby League Challenge Cup, Wakefield Trinity vs. Huddersfield ; artist Sturrock) 7.
- Was It a Goal? (sport; football; FA Cup Final 23rd April 1932; Arsenal vs Newcastle Utd; artist Girault) 3.
- Williams, Bill (title – Killer Elephant; Williams Assistant Forest Manager shoots a rogue elephant; artist Farrugia) 21.
- Hotspur the Hound (series characters; adventure; featuring Hotspur the Hound; artist ‘J’).
- Hover Rovers, The (adventure series; Doug Marshall – pilot; Toby Jarvis – engineer; writer Fitzsimons; artist Farrugia)
- Humorous# stories see
- Abdul the Terrible (series character; sport; wrestling).
- Alfy's Elephant (series character).
- Big Red (series characters; sport; boxing Kangeroo).
- Chimps Don't Talk (series character).
- Colonel Crackpot's Circus (series character).
- Colorado Kid (series character).
- Congo Canary, The (series character).
- Coonskin Grenadier (WW2 Army; series characters).
- Corporal 'Q'- Can Do! (series character; WW2 Army, S.A.S. Quarter-master).
- Dopey Dan (series character; sport; text).
- Dusty (series character).
- Flynn of the Fighting Horse-Doctors (WW2 Army; series character).
- Forty Monkeys on his Back! (series character).
- Fred's Flying Bed (series character).
- Grapnel Gripp (series character).
- Handsome Harry (series character; sport; boxing).
- Hank the Yank (series character; WW2 army).
- Harry the Camel (series characters; Australian Police).
- Harry the Hitch (series character; hitch-hiker).
- Harry the Hornet strip.
- Inspector Jellicoe’s Case-book (series character; police).
- Jammy Mr. Sammy (series character).
- Jonah (series characater) [Aaaah! yes, that Jonah].
- Just Isn't Cricket, It (series characters; sport; cricket).
- Marmaduke's Commandos (series; WW2 Army).
- Medicine Man From Grimsby (series character).
- Mighty Mouth! (series character; western).
- Miracle Man From Mars (series character; sport).
- Mountie Muldoon (police; R.C.M.P.).
- Muscles Malone (series character; sport; wrestling).
- Nickel (series character; humour; school boy adventures).
- Nightingale Nobbs (series character; sport; wrestling).
- Robinson and his dog Crusoe (series character).
- Saddle Tramp (series characters; western).
- Send for Sid (series character).
- Slowest Gun in the West (series characters; late nineteen century; army; American Wild West).
- Ugg (series character; sport)
- Which One is the Rogue On the Run? (complete one issue story).
- William Welkins War (series; WW2 Army).
- World Cup Capers (one page humorous true stories).
- Hunted by Bear (Joe Hallam, trapper in Canada; true front cover story; artist shone) 61.
- Hurricane Commando, The (WW2 RAF; series characters; featuring Pilot Officer Joe Winston ; artist not known).
- Hurricane Hutch - But He Doesn't Blow Much (series character; sport; football; featuring "Hurricane" Hutch Hutchinson; Ollie Peake).
? - 372.
- Hotspur annual 1986 (Playing for first division Midford City,on tour in Spain, playing in the Holiday Cup; artist not known.
- Hutton, Ralph (series character; adventure; early 16th century) see King’s Tests of Courage.
- Hyde, Mr. Saul (series character; school boy adventure) see Secret of Jameson's School Days, The.
- I#
- Incredible Manny Kritch, The (series character; sport; football; artist Marti; featuring Manny Kritch).
352 - 359.
- 976? - 983? RP of series with a different unknown artist in The Hotspur.
- Indian themed stories (the country India).
- Sword of Kali (series; Indian Political Service fighting robbers 1920's).
- Inspector Jellicoe’s Case-book (Police; humorous; artist(J); featuring Inspector Jellicoe).
- Island in the U-Boat Alley, The (series character; WW2 RN; text; artist not known; featuring Mike Baker; giant monster).
- Island of Lost champions, The (series characters; adventure - athletics must win races to save their lives; sport; athletics; artist Marti;
featuring John Baker; Richie Logan; Gils Lermer).
- J#
- (J) (artist) see Artists.
- Jack (series characters; numerous Jack’s members of V for Vengeance resistance fighters; WW2) see V for Vengeance.
- Jackson, John (series character; adventure; Victorian age) see Spring-Heeled Jackson.
- Jackson, Luke (series character; western) see Galloping Ghost, The.
- Jackson, Sid (series character) see Send for Sid.
- Jacky-Jacky, Aboriginal tracker (series character; humour; Australian Police) see Harry the Camel.
- James, the Butler (series character; sport; cricket; humour) see Just Isn't Cricket, It.
- Jameson, Mr. (series character; school boy adventure) see Secret of Jameson's School Days, The.
- Jammy Mr. Sammy (series character; humour, shennigans set in a boys school; artist not known; note - episodes do not appear in consecutive issues).
- starts prior to 396 - 400; no episode in 401; 402; no episode in 403; 404; no episode in 405; 406 - 409.
- 413, 415, 418, 524, 545, 556, 613, 616, 617, 619, .
- January, Captain (series character; WW2 Royal Military Police; artist not known; featuring Captain January).
- ? - ? (first series?)
- 386 - 396 (second series?; fighting against the V-X Flying Bomb).
- Jarvis, Toby (series character; adventure) see Hover Rovers, The.
- Jellicoe, Inspector see Inspector Jellicoe’s Case-book.
- Jem (series character; a dog; adventure; film business see Wonder Dog.
- Jinx, Jonah's sister (humour; series character) see Jonah.
- Jinx on Johnny Falcon, The (WW2 RAF; complete story; Falcon can shoot down clay pigeons, but not enemy fighters; artist not known) 504.
- Jobson, Jim (series character; WW2 mining story) see Prisoner of the Rock, The.
- Joe Jowler's Guinea (19th Oct. 1799; private Jowler of the Sussex Militia recieves a guinea every day for saving Officer Fitzmaurice; true front cover
story; artist not known) 63.
- Joe Kane: King of Kanga (complete story; artist Philpotts) 561.
- Johncook, Major (V.C.; 18th March, 1879; Battle of Peiwar Kotal; 2nd Afghan War 1878-79; 5th Gurkhas; true front cover story; artist not known) 256.
- Johnny Guitar (series character; muscial adventure, musical group 'The Signets'; artist not known; featuring Johnny Swann; Scott Vettis; Dick Russell).
- Jonah# (humour; [Aaaah! yes, that Jonah!]; series character; Jonah originally appeared in The Beano; writer - Walter Fearne; artist - Ken Reid).
- 396 - Jonah Goes to Sea. (first episode?).
- 397 - Meet Jonah the Jinx - when he goes on a ship, it sinks! (firing a harpoon gun and causing an ice floe to shatter).
- 398 - Jonah doesn't sink a ship, but the crew thinks he has and abandons ship.
- 399 - Sinking of S.S. Unsinkable. Ship launched by Lady Cynthia De-La-Bloop.
- 400 - The luck of the 'Ocean Queen' runs out when Jonah runs into a water spout!
- 401 - The 'Ocean Queen' crew try to get rid of Jonah, but he comes on coming back like a bad penny, it's a bubbling affair. Part two.
- 402 - The clot stood on the sinking deck, whence all but he had fled! Guess who? Jonah sinks a submarine.
- 403 - A submarine under the control of Jonah sinks the S.S. Empress and Jonah is put in charge of a ship!
- 404 - An ice-breaker breaks up when Jonah drops an ice-cube.
- 405 - A Navy pilot's got the blues - Jonah's a jinx he just can't lose!
- 406 - Stranded on an desert island, jonah sends a message asking to be rescued in a bottle. But as the bottle travels around the world it is ignored. But a ship collides with the island anyway.
- 407 - Crew of a banana boat slip up when they set a trap for the sea-going sap!
- 408 - Jonah is the keeper of the Bleakrock Lighthouse. He turns it out before he goes to bed at night. No need to guess what happens next!
- 409 - Jonah shines a whole regiment's boots till they gleam, but the soldiers don't take a shine to the shoe-shine boy. Lighthouse jinxs, part two.
- 410 - The British Army gets a shock, when a goon called Jonah runs amok!
- 411 - Jonah running amok in a DUKW. Part two - duck shooting in the marshes.
- 412 - Our hero smuggles himself on board a lugger, 'The Pearly Queen'. No need to guess what happens next!
- 413 - Who is the menace on water skis? Jonah, the Jinx of the Seven Seas!
- 414 - From 'The Star of Hope's' crew came despairing wails, for Jonah's aboard and Jonah never fails!
- 415 - Hard-bitten seamen get a scare when they sail into the Sea-serpent's lair! Jonah and a panto horse.
- 416 - Hold that bucket a minute! Something horribe's in it! Dredger story, part one.
- 417 - Dredger story, part two.
- 418 - Jonah is delivered to a mailboat and the crew are posted missing!
- 419 - The lightship 'Glow-worm' won't glow when Jonah's on the go!
- 420 - A river bridge is reduced to rubble - and Jonah's the cause of the trouble!
- 421 - Jonah acts as a ferryman.
- 422 - A broadside from a coconut tree - and down goes another ship to the bottom of the sea! Part two.
- 423 - No wonder our Jonah's in a bad mood - that bloke he's just rescued has a head made of wood. Part Three.
- 424 - If Jonah can't sink a ship, don't worry, Jock McShoggle Fae Auchentogle will instead. Caper cabers.
- 425 - Jock McShoggle, part two.
- 426 - Jonah on a Junk in China.
- 427 - The dreaded pirate was the scourge of the China Sea but he was no match for Jonah, the jinx of the Seven Seas!
- 429 - The captain was anything but full of joy when he saw who was aboard the Tor-Point buoy!
- 430 - The brand-new liner is a ship without hope - Jonah is the captain and he can't cope! (Jonah's dumplings cause havoc; Pedro the cook).
- 431 - A Captain gets an awful shock, when Jonah brings his ship safely into dock. S.S. Sanity.
- 432 - Two scientists come to the end of a long search for a scare animal, when they meet Jonah and his new pal, a half human, half walrus creature.
- 433 - It's Christmas - and the ship's crew are all at sea when the "fairy" comes down off the Christmas Tree!
- 434 - Jonah joins the Commandos - the propah soldiers are all at sea! (The Commandos charge ashore on rubber horses; note Jonah has a longer neck from this issue).
- 435 - Jonah launches his motor-less motor launch - and barges into a barge! (Jonah builds his own boat, minus an engine; Othello). Part one.
- 436 - Jonah dreams of skimming over the seas and lakes - but his boat goes too far when the elastic breaks! (Othello). Part two.
- 437 - Jonah enjoying a game of football on the quay-side.
- 438 - Jonah the ball-boy becomes a bawl-boy - and it's boo-hoo for the crew!
- 439 - The aircraft carrier 'Abominable' gets the Jonah treatment!
- 440 - Splitting the 'Atom' Jonah style. (T. Bulge and Simkins).
- 441 - Jonah is thrown over the side in a Bathysphere, part one.
- 442 - Jonah's adventures in the Bathysphere continues. Exit one fleet, 'H.M.S. Pompey'.
- 443 - Part three of Jonah's Bathyspere adventures. Exit 'S.S. Dedloss'.
- 445 - Jonah goes on holiday to a parched waterless desert.
- 446 - South America, Jonah operates the Pajama Canal and, oh dear there goes the 'Pride of the Clyde'.
- 447 - Jonah's Snack Bar. Ramsbottom of Crump Ltd, stonemasons, 'City of Mugchester' part one.
- 448 - H.M.S. Warhorse destroyed by Jonah driving a truck, to Mugchester, part two.
- 449 - Jonah continues his destructive path to Mugchester, finally sinking the 'City of Mugchester', part three.
- 450 - The skipper looked through the periscope and really got a scare - he didn't know his submarine was flying through the air! Part one.
- 451 - Submarine flying Fish flying into the Graf Hite Airship. Part two.
- 452 - The flying submarine, part three.
- 454 - No episode.
- 455 - A six gun salute from our nautical clot sinks the King of Bolonia along with his yacht!
- 456 - A new Captain Hook is left loose on the main when Jonah cuts loose with a sea-going crane. Captain McHaggis and stays at home and his wife Agnes goes to sea.
- 457 - Agnes McHaggis on board a ship with Jonah, part two.
- 458 - It's enough to make any foreman feel ill, Jonah has offered to operate this ship borne drill!
- 459 - Part two of on going events from issue 458.
- 460 - The super new yacht stands secure on the ground - and that's where it will stay until Jonah's been found!
- 461 - Jonah sinks another proud ship - and its never been to sea! (featuring Captain Neverwell, a seasick captain).
- 462 - Slurpton Harbour hadn't ever seen such a fuss - until Jonah got tied up with an octopus - part one.
- 463 - The boys in blue are looking green - Jonah the Jinx has just been seen! Octopus story continued, Part two.
- 465 - Bert Prim's barge 'Spike-'n'-Span' barge - part one.
- 466 - There's no hope for Bert Prim's barge, with Jonah at large. Part two.
- 467 - A ten-ton terror trundles over the ocean floor, Jonah the Jinx is on the rampage once more!
- 468 - Sunken village of Clammouth-on-Sea, Professor Spooke.
- 469 - Jonah's fans are no longer jolly, when their hero boards the S.S. Lolly!
- 470, 471 - Note - the Jonah strip does not appear in these issues.
- 472 - Here's a job which Jonah can't let slip - his orders are to sink a ship!
- 473 - A worried Captain McGrab paces the Wreck-Markers deck, he has to get rid of Jonah before his ship is a wreck, part two.
- 474, 475 - Note - the Jonah strip does not appear in these issues.
- 476 - The fates are against him, it's not very nice - Jasper's the first skipper that Jonah's sunk twice. Jasper McGrab, part three.
- 477 - Poor Jasper McGrab's the most miserable of men - Jonah has struck and wrecked him again, part four.
- 478 - The crew are on the lookout for our chum - they should look behind!
- 479 - Note - the Jonah strip does not appear in this issue.
- 480 - The plant that grew and grew and grew, till it did away with the ship and the crew, part two.
- 481 - Jonah 'Drake' was in control, but he shouldn't have fired this cannon-bowl.
- 483 - Jonah's job is to sink one solitary hulk, but he works so much better when he's sinking ships in bulk!
- 484 - Jonah helps a speedboat to break the world water-speed record, on dry land!
- 485 - Fifty miles from the nearest sea, Basil thought his ship as safe as can be, but he didn't know our Jonah.
- 487 - The work of art that tore a ship apart.
- 488 - They thought he was a normal member of the human race - till he lifted his hat and they saw that face.
- 489 - Jonah comes bouncing back on deck and seconds later, the boat's a wreck.
- 490 - Cortez the bandit has made a rich catch, he thinks - but who's going to pay 500 dollar's for Jonah the Jinx?
- 491 - Colonel Grenade - what a fella - he charges the bandits with only a rolled up umbrella.
- 493 - The captain shouts to the engineer - but there are beans in his ears and he can't hear!
- 494 - In two different places the same schemes hatch ten thousand pounds the price- Johah the catch.
- 495 - The crook who won the card draw thought he'd won a lot - but all he'd won was 10,000 pounds of shipwrecking clot!; Musk Ox Trading Post, pt.1.
- 496 - To hit its target the harpoon can't fail - but that's a boat it's homing on - not a whale! Musk Ox Trading Post pt.2.
- 497 - Down to the sea bed speeds the cable ship in a proper spin - and all because of Jonah and a fish-paste tin.
- 499 - Jonah does a double job on the Honourable Percy's yacht. First he makes it sink - then he makes it stink.
- 500 - The captain though it was impossible, but now he knows it ain't - his ship is sunk in dry dock in a sea of red paint.
- 501 - Captain Prawn thought his house-boat as safe as can be - but nothing's safe from Jonah, even five miles from the sea.
- 502 - From sprite's wild roar it's plain to see - that Jonah's not his cup of tea.
- 503 - Mister Spratt is a fool and he's in for a shock he though that Johah couldn't sink a ship because it was in dry dock.
- 504 - There's many a slip, when Jonah helps launch a ship!
- 505 - Jonah's harmless, though Captain McClark - that's why his ferry-boat sank!
- 506 - Jonah doesn't have a hunch, that's he's the meat course in the cannibals lunch, pt.1
- 507 - pt.2 of the story started in issue 506.
- 508 - Jonah's timing couldn't he finer - he was just passing by but he still sank a liner!
- 509 - The "Nameless" will never sink - that's what they think.
- 512 - Captain Jitters is nervous and no wonder poor chap he has to put to sea in a floating (for the time being) Jonah Trap
- 509 - The Skipper's hopes of promotion rose when he saw our nautical clown - but he went up while his ship went down!
- 513 - Captain Jitters' direst nightmare has just come true - he's left alone on the "Jonah Hunter" with you-know-who.
- 514 - The Jonah Victims' Society have got the score all wrong - it's a lamant they should be singing - not a victory song! Part three.
- 515 - Well "oil" be blowed - a tanker's k.o'd! (Dan Doyle, fearless alligator hunter).
- 516 - The biggest shipping disaster that's ever been and all because of Jonah and his wee submarine.
- 517 - The gallant old 'bulldog' is safe or so the tenth sea lord thinks - but not even stout oaken decks can thwart Jonah the Jinx.
- 518 - Jonah canna sink it while it's in dry dock! Foolish words that'll never be forgotten by poor old Jock!
- 519 - The 'Happy Aggie' is blown to smithereens - by Jonah's kingsize tin of beans!
- 522 - Jonah plays the part of a Roman slave - so down goes the gallery to a watery grave.
- 523 - When Jonah gets down to work, he's never ever petty - so down goes a gondola in an enormous sea of spaghetti! (Venice).
- 524 - McNoodle's safe upon the poop - till down falls two-ton gluggle loop.
- 525 - It's a horrible fate for the Sloshton rowing eight! (Also chased by a bull).
- 526 - The skipper must be going mad - Jonah is his favourite lad!
- 527 - Jonah's the boy, praised the skipper, Jonah's just great - but that was before our seagoon got abroad the skate.
- 528 - He flies through the air with the greatest of ease - he's our ship-sinking scourge of the seven seas.
- 529 - Note - the Jonah strip does not appear in this issue.
- 534 - Jonah says he's innocent but the editor know's he's not - no one else can sink ships like our sea - going clot!
- 535 - Jonah excels himself, he really does his stuff when he sinks the S.S. Crayfish - in a sea of Plum Duff.
- 536 - Jonah's his name - disaster's his game.
- 537 - Walking down the Golden Mile, you'd fairly get a fright - it's full of Blackpool people shining brightly through the night! (Sid Floggit).
- 538 - Dopy Mick - part one.
- 539 - Dopy Mick - part two.
- 540 - Dopy Mick - part three.
- 541 - Jonah 1653AD - After years of toil, ye old 'Prince Royal' floats proudly upon the main - but, believe it or not, ye horrid clotte
- 542 - No episode?
- 543 - Der Barge - men on der Danube are feeling oh so - blue - they've just had a fleeting visit from you know who!
- 544 - Don't be a donkey, Admiral lad, better to be wise - that guy 'ain't no flunkey, he's Jonah in disguise.
- 545 - Pardon me, Admiral - but the ship hath been blown in twain!, says the jinx of the seven seas - and he's done it again.
- 546 - It's another astonishing record for our ship - Sinking clown - even in the dead sea, an Arab dhow goes dhown.
- 547 - The Vikings rowed across the sea to seek out Englands pleasant shore. The visit was to have been friendly - but it ain't friendly
- 548 - Sea Serpent/old coaster, 'Calamity'.
- 549 - The captain of the coaster is fairly going crackers, he's said goodbye to his ship and 50,000 smackers.
- 550 - They said it was impossible, but little did they know it takes a genius jinx like Jonah to sink a boat show.
- 551 - It was a sleepy little harbour and had never seen a wreck - till the skipper of the "Puffer" got hot chestnuts on his neck!
- 552 - They're the bravest of the brave and know no fear. So why are they quaking? Yes, Jonah's here.
- 553 - The crew are in for a nasty surprise - it really is Jonah at the wheel, not Bert Blunt in disguise!
- 554 - Glug, glug the S.S. Luxurious, worth 30m. the most expensive sinking job that even Jonah ever did.
- 555 - At last the Navy is forced to recognise the bitter bit - there just ain't no defence against our nautical nit! (Training-ship "Wooden Walls").
- 556 - When they built the stately home of Nuttley Castle, they expected it to stay for good - they never thought anyone could sink a
castle but Jonah could!
- 557 - Sinking a ship is as easy as falling off a log. Especially if your name is Jonah and you're the other Jonah's dog!
- 559 - The shipboard rats would rather swim - when the dreaded cry goes forth, "it's him!"
- 560 - The hungry hounds of seaport ain't never had it so good - when the 'Saucy Sue' blew, it started raining dog food).
- 561 - 'Fetch it, boy' and 'hup you go' - sends two fine ships to their doom below.
- 562 - It's strange and black and 'orrible is the ghost of which sailors talk - but it wasn't a ghost, it was Jonah, who made that dreaded
midnight walk!
- 563 - It isn't right, it isn't fair - he's even sunk a polar bear!
- 564 - Life is hard and the outlook's grim - how is the crew going to get rid of 'im?
- 565 - No wonder that captain can't help but sleep you know what it's like when you start counting sheep.
- 566 - Ship-owners of the world unite - in a bid to rid the seas of their one deadly blight!
- 567 - For sailors and the ship-owners, the situation is grave, Jonah's got back to sea riding the crest of a wave; featuring Simkins; pt. 1
- 568 - You couldn't really blame the look-outs for the chances were so remote - whoever else but Jonah would fly a dive-bombing boat; Simkins; pt.2
- 569 - In most places in the world, it wouldn't really matter - only in the artic can Jonah sink a ship with chatter.
- 570 - They are safe on a ship that can't sink - that's what they think!
- 571 - The rumour was one that ships crews everywhere fear - Jonah's on the bridge and he's going to steer.
- 572 - Jonah falls heir to a lobster boat - but, like the others, it can't stay afloat! (Leopold the lobster).
- 573 - Black magic torments our nautical clown - but Jonah won't take it "lion" down! (Jomo, the Witch Doctor).
- 574 - The crew of "S.S. Content" now know what is meant - when people talk of an accident! (Felix, the ship's cat).
- 575 - Of the capsule there's no trace - cos Jonah's sunk a ship from space; featuring US Navy Capt's. Ephiram K. Dooley & Capt. Elmer P. Mullen.
- 576 - The crew of the Fearnout are in for a fearful surprise - just wait till they pentrate that 'old guy's disguise!
- 577 - 20 metres of cruiser glides gracefully down the slip - just in time to become HMS Fearnuts 50th sunken ship.
- 578 - The Balonian Navy chief made a vital error and it's one he'll not repeat - he though a clot called Jonah was an Admiral of the fleet.
- 579 - Gives two flags a couple of careless waves and two more fine ships glugge down to their watery graves!
- 582 - The passengers do not know it but the outlook for them is grim - with Jonah and his dog aboard , they'd better learn to swim;
Dog called Jonah's first appearance.
- 583 - Note - the Jonah strip does not appear in this issue.
- 585 - Oh what a stupid, ridiculous thing to say - he's just signed on Jonah and called it "My lucky day"! (Jonah the dim-witted dog).
- 586 - No Jonah story in this issue.
- 587 - The Maid o' Somerset's crew have got the blues - sunk by a broadside of lucky horseshoes!
- 589 - Capt. McMean sure made a bad slip - fancy ordering Jonah to chop up his ship.
- 590 - It was a proud day for the Jap when he launched his mammoth tanker - but Jonah was there and guess who sank 'er?
- 591 - No wonder the vengeance seeking Jap nearly had a fit, his second mammoth tanker is sunk by our fang-faced nit!
- 592 - It's a challenge for Jonah which he'll take up in a trice - a twin-hulled ship which he'd have to sink twice!
- 593 - Two terrific shocks for Benjamin Brain when our nautical nit, Jonah puts his ships together again.
- 594 - Only a sinking genius like our nautical fool - could sink a posh ship with a swimming pool.
- 595 - Two more fine ships slide down to the bottom of the sea - and yet our deadly sea goon is heard to say, "They can't blame me."
- 596 - For the monster epic film crew the outlook's grim - the ship's crew have just abanded ship, shouting it's 'im.
- 597 - Director Kranz has made a crazy deal - his ship hasn't a hope with Jonah at the wheel.
- 598 - Lake Calm was placid and peaceful as can be - till someone (guess who), turned it into a raging sea!
- 599 - Prepare to shed tears for the poor old "Saucy Sue" - it just has to be her last voyage - Jonah's the crew! (Fred Fatworth).
- 600 - You can bet your sea-boots the captain wishes he'd hired someone else to do the dishes!
- 601 - 'arry and Sid were onto a winner - till our rare sea-goon dropped in for his dinner.
- 602 - Cover your ears all you brave commandos for there's sure to be some din - there's a box of hand grenades aboard and Jonah's pulled the pin!
- 603 - Fearless Buster McGrew knew no fear - till suddenly he realised Jonah's here!
- 604 - The old steamer is doomed, she is sure to come to grief - only Jonah is aboard and she's heading for a reef.
- 605 - No wonder the sub crew look up with rancour - they've been sunk by a combination of clown and anchor.
- 606 - Sounds just like the job - okay for a speed boat but not a yacht called Snob.
- 607 - Most times when our sea-goon sinks a ship the crew get somewhat niggled, but the lads of S.S. Mirth, they just lounged around
and giggled!
- 608 - The sea goon's really excelled himself, but it was a dreadful crime - no, he hasn't sunk another ship, he's sunk a pantomine.
- 609 - When our sea-goon got the excavator going, it fairly let rip, but it should have been digging holes in land, not in a ship.
- 610 - Straight into action our nit-wit wades - to quench a fire with hand grenades!
- 611 - Da ship of da desert is a ship that even Jonah cannot sink - a comforting thought that two Italian gun-runners used to think.
- 612 - What a surprise - a ship that flies.
- 613 - No wonder no one wants our goonish sailor boy - he's even sunk so low as to sink a toy.
- 614 - Down goes a sleek new racing boat and her crew - doomedby a clot with a home-made canoe.
- 615 - Three ships in one's a crazy notion - a terrible chance cert for our scrouge of the ocean.
- 616 - Well, what do you know! Two ships at one go!
- 621 - A new tug sinks - Thanks to Jonah and Jinx!
- 622 - You can be sure of one thing - the survivors didn't come to hear Jonah sing! (also featuring Jinx).
- Jones, Lieutenant Brad (series character; WW2 RN) see Deep Sea Commandos.
- Jones, Gordon (series character; sport; football) see Wonder From Winter Island, The.
- Justice, Assistant Inspector Matt (series character; police) see One Man on his Camel.
- K#
- K9 (WW2 secret service; complete story) see Suitcase of Secrets, The.
- Kearon, Ted see Artists.
- Keep Your Cool Collins (Professor Sparta; artist Philpotts; series/complete story?) 591.
- Keeper, a goalie trainer (sport; football) see Goalie Clinic.
- Keeper, a young Indian Sioux boy (series character; western) see Buffalo Boy.
- Kelly, Jimmy (series; sport; motorbike racing) see Mister Frozen Face.
- Kendal, Don Pilot Officer (series character; WW2 RAF) see Blazing Ace of Space, The.
- Kendall, Lieutenant Joe (series character; WW2 RN) see Shadow Ship of Valetta. Sub-Lieutenant 'Tubby' Anscombe).
- Kerrigan's Kukri (WW2 Army; Gurkhas; complete story; artist not known) 200.
- Khan, Malik (series; Indian North-West Frontier) see Vengeance of Malik Khan.
- Kid Coyote (western; series characters; artist Carrion; featuring Kid Coyote; Bill Barton, Gopher).
- 400 - 407 (1st series).
- 572 - 583 (2nd series).
- 956 - 963 RP of first series in The Hotspur; original artist Carrion.
- Killer in 'K' for King (WW2 RAF; ground crew; complete story; artist Carrion?) 109.
- King of the Eagles (text; series character; hunting; Canada; featuring Tom King; artist Sturrock).
- King’s Tests of Courage (series characters; adventure; early 16th century; featuring Ralph Hutton; artist not known).
- Kipps, Tom (series character; sci-fi) seeMen Beneath the Ice, The.
- Kirby (series character; sport; football) see Striker Kirby's Kid.
- Kirk, Sam (series characters; western) see We Always Deliver. Al Brett
- Koronas, Krazy (series characters; circus adventure on the high wire; high wire family of six) see High Wire Needs Nerve.
- Kritch, Manny (series character; sport; football) see Incredible Manny Kritch, The
- L##
- Lads of the Lively (WW2 RN; 18th Century; complete story; artist not known) 371.
- Lamb, Harry (WW1 RN) see One Year to Live.
- Landon, John (series character; secret service) see Seven Scarlet Tigers.
- Laraby, Doc (series character; western) see Galloping Ghost, The.
- Laramie (western; artist Marti; featuring Slim Sherman, Andy Sherman son, Jess Harpur, Jonesey;
(Note this series is based on the American TV series of the same name).
- 192 – 217.
- Last Ship from Paleros (WW2 Army, retreating from Greece, soldiers hi-jack an oil tanker; complete story; artist not known) 71.
- Last Stand of F.41 (WW1 Army, tanks; Ypres; Captain D. Richardson; 22nd May 1917; complete story; artist Sturrock?) 69.
- Latimer, Deuce (western) see Lost Gold of the Haunted Canyons, The.
- Laughing Stock of the 52nd (Napoleonic War; Captain Jack Jones spooked in a quiet forest and how he redeemed himself; complete story; artist not known) 294.
- Lim, a Gurkha boy see Eagles of Kambut (series character; WW1).
- Limping Man, The (series character – Captain Spencer; WW2; Secret Service; artist Farrugia).
126 – 135 (first series)
- 223 – 234 (second series)
- Lindsay, Joe (series character; WW1 & 2 Army; Aussie) see Diggers Were There, The.
- Little Soldier of Kolapore, The (factual, Indian Mutiny 1857; Lieutenant William Kerr of the South Mahratta Horse; artist not known) 254.
- Lion With Wings, The (series characters; WW2 Army Gilders; featuring Sergeant Drake; artist Bevan?).
- Loader, Wal (series character; western) see Slade of the Pony Express.
- Loder, Lucky see Duels of Lucky Loder (series character; western).
- Logan, Captain Mike (series character; New York policeman) see Big Palooka, The.
- Long, Long Crawl, The (adventure story about saving an oilwell in Venezuela; complete story; artist not known) 20.
- Lost Gold of the Haunted Canyons, The (series; western; artist not known; featuring Iron O’Rourke; Deuce Latimer).
254 - 260 (first series)
- 296 - 303 (second series)
- Lost Platoon, The (series characters; Victorian times, fighting in a lost world in Abyssinia, Africa; artist not known; featuring Sergeant Jack Carter).
16 - ?
- ? - 940 RP in The Hotspur comic, different artist
- Lost Treasure of Castle Gap (buried treasure in Mexico; complete story; artist not known) 18.
- Ludd, Fred Sergeant (series character; WW2 RAF) see Blazing Ace of Space, The.
- M#
- ’M’ Marks the Spot (series characters; WW2 Resistance; A V for Vengeance story; featuring ?; artist Philpotts).
- see also V for Vengeance heading.
- 213 - ?.
- McGraw, Jock see McGraw’s Marauders (WW2 Far East)
- McGraw’s Marauders (WW2 Far East; artist unknown, but same as Run Till You Drop series?; featuring Jock McGraw)
- Mr. X (series character; text; adventure/crime; artist Sturrock).
- 116 House of Horrors (a complete one story issue).
- 123 The Hoodoo Horse Never Won (a complete one story issue; final story?).
- Madden, Sergeant Pilot Mike (series character; WW2 RAF; Norway) see Phantom Fliers, The.
- Maida Tortoise, The (factual; Colonel James Kempt; 81st Regt. 2nd Battalion, Loyal North Lancashire; July 1806; ran out of supplies, after attacking
the French, thus ate a tortoise; the shell now mounted in silver and Regt. souvenir; artist not known) 98.
- Majurki, Mike (fellow wrestler to Ugg) see Ugg
- Malone, Bat (series character; western) see Man Who Couldn't Die!, The.
- Malone, William (series character; sport; wrestling) see Muscles Malone
- Man in the Big Black Hat, The (factual; chimney sweep exchanging goods and escape equipment with British P.O.W. troops 285.
- Man Who Couldn't Die!, The (series character; western; artist not known).
- Man Who Knew Too Much, The (WW2 British Intelligence rescuing of British Officer from German POW camp; complete story; artist Horak?) 212.
- Man's a Marvel, The (western; series character; artist Marti; featuring Barnstorm Nelson; Ben and Bella, elephants).
- Man-eaters of Surrarum, The (factual; man eating panther on loose in India ; Hussain Khan acts as bait at his request; artist not known) 258.
- March of the Bronze Men (series characters; sci-fi; featuring Richard Lord; Wilson; artist Carrion).
- March of the Sunderland Men (WW2 RAF; crew shot down, adventures returning to British lines; complete story; artist Philpotts).
- Marmaduke's Commandos (WW2 Commandos; humour; artist Richardson; featuring Major Marmaduke Chamberlain-Cooney; Lieutenant D'Alvarez, (Spanish); Private China O'Dowd;
Private Mangler Pilsudski, (Polish); Private Gloomy Mckay, (Scottish); The Gent; Con Man, Sergeant.
328 - 341 (first series).
- 402 - 415 (second series).
- Marshall, Doug (series character; adventure) see Hover Rovers, The.
- Marshall, Jim (series character; humour) see Forty Monkeys on his Back!
- Marti, Josep (Artist) see Artists.
- Martin, Lance-Corporal Jeff (series character; present day Army adventure; Royal Signal Corps) see Two Black Streaks.
- Marvel From Moose Creek (series characters; sport; football; featuring Rory MacGregor, Canadian lumberjack; Red-Eye (Indian native); Locheagle Rovers; artist Giralt).
- Mason, Mike (series character; music promoter) see Nightingale Nobbs.
- Massacre at Kandy (true front cover story; 1803 Ceylon (now Sri Lankya), Captain Arthur Johnston of the Ceylon Regt. court-martialed, but acquitted;
true front cover story; artist not known) 65.
- Massacre on the Tonquin (1810 Captain Thorn of Tonquin attacked by Indians, defending his ship and escaping; true front cover story; artist not known) 97.
- Masters, Lieutenant John (factual; Combat Man against beast; title – Tiger in the lines; 4th Gurkhas in the foothills of Bakloh, Himalayas ;
artist not known) 24.
- Me and My Two Fists! (factual/or fictional?; Nipper Gibbon; sport; boxing; artist not known; featuring Max Gibbon, (Guardian); Chick Paston, (Trainer) 69.
- Meade, Andy (series characters; sci-fi; dinosaurs) see Terror Mountain.
- Medicine Man From Grimsby (humour; artist? same as Phil the First; featuring ?).
- Meet the Groups (information about popstars).
- Arrows, The 576.
- Bay City Rollers 558.
- Brady Bunch, The 506.
- Candlewick Green 565.
- Chi-Lites, The 613.
- First Class 606.
- Geordie 527.
- Glitter, The 597.
- Humble Pie 512.
- Jackson Five 495.
- Led Zepplin 506.
- Scaffold 591.
- Showaddywaddy 575.
- Sparks 587.
- Steeleye Span 535.
- Sweet, The 499.
- Osibisa 485.
- Osmonds 494.
- Pilot 609.
- Queen 578.
- Talkington 609.
- Three Degrees, The 625.
- Wings 513.
- Wombles, The 561.
- Men in Battle (Prince Louis, son of Emperor Napoleon III exiled ruler of France, lived in England. Royal Artillery Zulu War 1874; artist not known;
front cover story) 29.
- Men Beneath the Ice, The (series characters; sci-fi; featuring Chris Thornton, Jeff Ollard, Tom Kipps, Professor Lessup; artist not known).
224 - 233.
- 965 - 974 RP in The Hotspur; different artist, unknown.
- Mercy Commandos (one issue complete story; Air-Sea Rescue; featuring Sergeant Jeff Britt, Corporal Ian Roberts and pilot Ken Kenton).
- Message For The General (complete story; Boxer Rebellion, 1900; Quee Ban took a message from Peking to Tientsin asking for help; artist not known) 508.
- Middle East themed stories see
- Mighty Mouth! (series character; humour; western; artist (J); featuring Cuthbert Crimp).
- Milton, Bruce (series character; sci-fi; text) see Lost Men in Space.
- Minden Boys, The (complete story; two thrilling deeds performed on Minden Day in two different centuries - 1st Aug 1759 and 1916 (Battle of the Somme;
true stories; artist not known) 627.
- Minchin, Sergeant-Major (WW2 Army; series characters; humour) see Coonskin Grenadier.
- Miracle Man From Mars (series character; sport; Olympic Games, Australia; humour; text; featuring Ugg, an alien from the planet Znort; note not Ugg the
- Miracle of the Seagulls (Seagulls eating grasshoppers; complete story; Seagulls saved Mormans from starving in 1848; statue of seagulls in Salt Lake City; artist not known) 15.
- Mirror of Life, The (WW2 RAF; 01st July, 1941; damaged bomber crashs into the North Sea, crew rescued after nine days at sea; true front cover story; artist not known) 210.
- Mister Frozen Face (series characters; sport; motorbike racing; artist Carrion?; featuring Jimmy Ellyk (note - Ellyk is really Jimmy Kelly); Eddie Young; Dick Potter; Smokestack Team).
- Misterio (series character; circus mind-reader, assistant to John Bright; crime) see Bent Copper, The.
- Mitchell, Mel (series character; trainer; sport boxing) see Champion Nobody Knew, The.
- Monsters of No Man’s Land (series; WW1 tanks; artist not known; featuring Sergeant Battle).
- Moorak, a pony (sport; pony trotting) see Moorak, the Little Racer.
- Moorak, the Little Racer (series, sport; pony trotting; featuring Jeff Peters; Claudius, an Aboriginal boy; Moorak, the pony; artist not known; set in Australia).
- Morgan, Glyn (series character; farmer; younger brother to Will) see War of the Wasps, The.
- Morgan, Johnny (series character; western; humour) see Saddle Tramp.
- Morgan, Lieutenant Lew (series character; New York policeman, dislikes Ransom) see Big Palooka, The.
- Morgan, Sam Sergeant (series character; Chicago policeman) see Big Palooka, The.
- Morgan, sergeant (series character; WW2 Army; special intelligence unit; featuring Sergeant Morgan; artist not known).
- 565 - Beasts of Braxton.
- 566 - Blue for Danger!
- 567 - The Phantoms of Fort Sensuss.
- 568 - Get Him Dead or Alive.
- 569 - The Ear They Fear.
- 570 - Riddle of Ratspel Pass.
- 571 - Island of the Blind. (last story).
- Morgan, Will (series character; farmer; older brother to Glyn) see War of the Wasps.
- Mosquito Had Too Many Secrets, The (WW2 RAF; complete story; Destruction of shot down Mosquito over France; Mike Bailey; artist not known) 418.
- Mountby, Lieutenant Lord Vere (WW1 Army) see Dandy of the Death's Head Hussars.
- Mountie Muldoon (humour; police; R.C.M.P.; artist not known; Canada; featuring Constable Muldoon; Sarge).
- Mud-Larks, The (complete story; N.W. Frontier 1847; Lumsden and the Corp of Guides; defeating Huzards with three pots of clay). 293
- Mudplugger, The (series character; sport; motor-cycle racing; artist ?; featuring ).
- Mudtown Marvels, The (series characters; sport; football; artist Briggs artist; featuring Jack Casey; Jack Hargreaves, player-manager ; Mudtown Athletic Football Club).
- Muir, Captain (series character; sci-fi) see Full Speed Ahead to the Worlds of Fear.
- Muldoon, Constable (series character; R.C.M.P.) see Mountie Muldoon.
- Muntar (ancient Britain) see First of the Iron Men.
- Muscles Malone (series character; sport; wrestling featuring Muscles Malone; artists Sutherland and (J)).
- 96 - 105 (first series; U.K.; artist Sutherland) RP ? - 570.
- 261? - 269 (second series; America; artist (J)).
- N##
- Nansen of the North (factual; Dr. Fridjof Nansen; artic explorer and the 24/6/1893 to 13/08/1896 expedition; artist not known) 31.
- Nelson, Barnstorm (series character; western) see Man's a Marvel, The.
- Nelson, Dick (series character; sport; football) see Ninety-Minute Nelsons, The.
- Nelson, Squadron Leader Grant (series character; sci-fi) see Day of the Drakkens.
- Nelson Story - Trail Driver (complete story; western; 1866 cattle drive to Montana from Texas; artist not known) 19.
- Nettlefield, Willoughby T. (series character; sport; cricket; humour) see Just Isn't Cricket, It.
- never Gamble With a Mississippi Gambler (complete story; western; artist Giraltz) 602.
- Nickel (series characters; schoolboy adventures; humour; featuring Nick and Bob Sparrow; Nickel; artist (J)).
- Nightingale Nobbs (series character; sport, wrestling; featuring Nightingale Nobbs, Ken Barry, Mike Mason; artist Sutherland).
- Ninety-Minute Nelsons, The (series character; sport; football; featuring Dick Nelson; Barford Black Hawks team; artist Garcia?)
- No Game for Jimmy (series character; sport; football; artist Giralt; featuring Jimmy Brewster).
- No Gun Lawman of Abilene, The (Tom Smith, Marshall of Abilene, Kansas 1869 used no gun; artist Shone; true front cover story) 30.
- No Place For an Englishman (Foreign Legion story, 1902 Algeria; complete story; artist not known; Bill Smith; Midnight; Fou, Fou) 285.
- No Return From Zorun (series character; sci-fi; artist Carrion?; featuring Space Cadet Alix Hood; Gifan).
- Nobbs, Nightingale (series character; sport, wrestling) see Nightingale Nobbs.
- Nolan, Lance-Corporal "Sparks" (series character; present day Army adventure; Royal Signal Corps) see Two Black Streaks.
- North American Mustang, The (factual; American airforce fighter; artist Shone) 596.
- Norton, Guardsman (George Medal; 24th Oct. 1964 Aden, saved life of Captain Fazil, after landrover they were travelling in was blown up; title - Second
to None; true front cover story; artist Farrugia) 86.
- Norwegian themed stories see
Phantom Fliers (series; WW2 RAF)
- Vengeance of the Snow Wolf
- Nuvolara, Tazio (front cover; title Fearless Flyer; Italian Motor sport; artist not known) 11.
- O##
- O'Rourke, Private (series character; WW2 Australian Army) see Treasure of Deep 99.
- O’Rourke, Iron (series character; western) see Lost Gold of the Haunted Canyons, The
- Olav, Pilot (series character; WW2 RAF; Norway ) see Phantom Fliers, The
- Old Blue (western; Old Blue is a lead steer; story set in America; complete story; artist not known, but same as 13 Knots series) 340.
- Ollard, Jeff (series character; sci-fi) seeMen Beneath the Ice, The.
- One Bullet From the Fire-gun! (Oct. 1899 Mafeking Siege; true front cover story; artist Sutherland) 95.
- One Bullet Was Not Enough! (1898 Marcus Daly white hunter shooting Buffalo in Africa; true front cover story; artist Ripol) 104.
- Once They Were warriors (WW1; East Africa; complete story; artists Philpotts) 606.
- One Bullet Too Many (WW2 Army; complete story; Sergeant Trent did everything by the book, if he hadn't his men would have died; artist not known) 616.
One Bullet Was Not Enough! (1898 Marcus Daly, white hunter, Africa shooting Buffalo
- One-Eyed Hooker Hawke (series character; pirates; artist not known; One-Eyed Hooker Hawke; Spade).
- One-Legged Crow, The (series characters; world war one, RFC; featuring Lieutenant 'Shorty' Brown; Major Skinner; artist Giralt).
- One Man Camel (series characters; humour; Australian Police).
- One Man on a Camel (series character; police; artist Farrugia; featuring Assistant Inspector Matt Justice; Commissioner; mid 20th century).
297 – 311? (first series)
- 392 – 403? (second series)
- One Pip Wonder (series character; WW2 army late 1944 / early 1945; artist Yaroslav Horak?; featuring Second Lieutenant Peter West; Sergeant Jenks).
- One Way to Win a Medal (WW2 RN seaman winning an Iron Cross; featuring Leading Seaman 'Midge' Martin; complete story; artist not known) 91.
- One Year to Live (series characters; WW1 RN; artist Winslade; featuring John Prince V.C.; Harry Lamb; orphans who ran away and joined the RN aged 15).
- Operation Pound-note (WW2 British Intelligence blowing up of forged British pound notes; complete story; artist Horak?) 218.
- Outcast of the Green Jackets, The (Napoleonic War; disgraced Sergeant Mayberry redeeming himself, he lost some money; complete story; artist not known) 287.
- P#
- Palooka, The Big (series character; police) see Big Palooka, The.
- Parkin, Professor (semi-series character; WW2; Secret Service) see Watcher, The.
- Partridge, Sergeant Leader (WW2 RAF; series character) see Flying Tiger, The.
- Pearson, Mr. (series character; toff boxer, also known as The Champion Nobody Knew; sport) see Champion Nobody Knew, The.
- Peerless, John L. (series character; sport; boxing; artist not known; featuring John L. Sullivan; manager Mike Clancy).
334 - 336, no episodes in 337, 338, 339, 340 -346?.
- Penrose, Jimmy/Johnny Pilot Officer (later Flight Lieutenant); (series character; WW2 RAF) see Blazing Ace of Space, The.
- Pepper, Fred (series character; humour) see Fred's Flying Bed.
- Perrot, Wing Commander (series character; WW2 RAF) see Blazing Ace of Space, The.
- Peters, Jeff (sport; pony trotting) see Moorak, the Little Racer.
- Phantom Fliers (series; WW2 RAF Norway; featuring Sergeant Pilot Mike Madden; pilot Olav; Flying Officers Peter Gaines, ‘Jacko’ Smith and ‘Shorty’ Wyatt; artist unknown, but same as Blazing Ace?)
- Phil the First (series character; humorous; artist not known)
- 284; 285; 288; 289; 290; 291; 293; 294; 295; 298; 299; 300; 302; 305; 308; 310; 311; 312; 322.
- Philpott, Frederick Alan see Artists
- Police# stories
- see
- Barefoot Detective (series character; Australian Aboriginal character Brutus Brown).
- Bee For Barmy (series character; text).
- Bent Copper, The (series character).
- Big Palooka, The (series character).
- Inspector Jellicoe’s Case-book (series character; humour).
- January, Captain (series; WW2 Royal Military Police).
- Mountie Muldoon (series character; humour; R.C.M.P.).
- One Man on a Camel (series character; colonial policeman in North Africa).
- Sergeant Sixty (series character; Sci-fi).
- Skeletons Rode By Night, The (Georgian Britain; Bow Street Runner; complete story).
- Spring-Heeled Jackson (series character; adventure; Victorian age;).
- Stand Back – A Crook’s Gonna Burst! (complete one issue story).
- Tehrune, Paul (series character; text; police/private investigator).
- Vengeance on Four Legs (series character; text; featuring Chum, the Alsatian Dog).
- Pony Express see Slade of the Pony Express.
- Poote, Reggie (WW2 Army; humour) see William Welkins War.
- Popspot (questions asked of famous people, no artist involved).
- Baldry, Long John 488.
- Bardy, David 484.
- Blue, Barry 547.
- Bolan, Marc 485.
- Campbell, Glen (singer) 516.
- Cash, Johnny 466.
- Cassidy, David (singer) 483.
- Como, Perry (singer) 542.
- Cook, Roger 532.
- Crease, Tony Pipe-Major (Army bagpipe player) 471.
- Crowther, Leslie (comedian) 473.
- Daltrey, Roger (singer) 522.
- Diamond, Neil (singer) 487.
- Dunn, Cliver (actor) 477.
- Eastwood, Clint (actor) 478.
- Essex, David (singer) 545.
- Everett, Kenny (comedian) 519.
- Ferry, Bryan (singer) 517.
- Fish, Cliff (singer from Paper Lace) 559.
- Gallagher, Rory 562
- Goodwin, Ken (comedian) 467.
- Gray, Les (singer of the pop group Mud) 528.
- Henry, Stuart 543.
- Hunter, Ian (singer of the pop group Mott the Hoople) 533.
- Jackson, Michael (singer) 493.
- Jones, Jack (singer) 541.
- Kristofferson, Kris 524.
- Lea, Jim 554.
- Lewis, Ian 479.
- Lulu (singer) 561.
- McCafferty, Dan 564.
- McCartney, Paul (singer) 489.
- McLure, Doug (actor) 472.
- McQueen, Steve (actor) 470.
- Nash, Johnny 530.
- Noonan, Mel 480.
- O'Sullivan, Gilbert 481.
- Oddie, Bill (comedian) 544.
- Oliver, Peter 552.
- Orlando, Tony 546.
- Osmond, Wayne (singer) 490.
- Poole, Glyn (singer) 540.
- Powell, Don (singer from the Nazareth) 550.
- Presley, Evis (singer) 469.
- Richard, Cliff (singer) 476.
- Rossi, Francis 521.
- Simon, Paul (singer) 518.
- Skellern, Peter (singer) 491.
- Stardust, Alvin (singer) 549.
- Starr, Ringo (singer) 556.
- Stewart, Eric 535.
- Tucker, Mick 563.
- Turner, Simon 560.
- Wakeman, Rick 520.
- Ward, Clifford T. 527.
- Wogan, Terry (radio disc jockey) 513.
- Williams, Charlie (comedian) 475.
- Zappa, Frank (singer) 526.
- Potter, Percy (series character; WW2 Army) see Private War of Percy Potter.
- Powder-Puff Puncher, The (series character; featuring ; artist ?)
- Powers, Monkton (series character; sci-fi) see Full Speed Ahead to the Worlds of Fear.
- Prentice, Captain Joe (series character; sci-f) see Red Dust of Derza.
- Pride of the Regiment (true military stories).
- see also Deeds of Glory and factual sections.
- 22 Scarlet Jacket of Badajoz, The (Redcoat of Lieutenant MacPherson, 45th Shrewood Foresters; artist not known).
- Prince, John V.C. (WW1 RN) see One Year to Live.
- Prisoner of the Rock, The (WW2 mining adventure; series character; artist not known; featuring Jim Jobson; British New Guinea).
- Private War of Percy Potter, The (series characters; WW2 Army; featuring Private Percy Potter).
- 295 - ? (first series).
- ? - 400 (second series?).
- 406; 407 (complete story each issue, not part of the main series).
- Prosperous to the Rescue (WW2 RN; H.M. Tug Prosperous answers distress call of small coastal steamer; true front cover story; artist not known) 116.
- Q#
- R##
- Rai, Nain Abahadur (M.M.; Borneo June 1966; 7th Duke of Edinburgh's Own Gurkha Rifles against terrorists; true front cover story; artist not known) 218.
- Raid on Wadi Radwan (WW2 LRDG; true story featuring Captain Ackroyd; artist Carrion) 619.
- Raiders Came at Dawn, The (factual; Korean War 1951-53; cover story; Canadian 25th Brigade) 226.
- Railway Lion, The (Building of a railway line in Uganda threatened by a lion 1898. Lion was killed; true front cover story; artist not known) 42.
- Railway stories see
- Blitz Kid issue 132.
- True story front cover issue 32.
- Ransom, Inspector (series character; police) see Big Palooka, The.
- Rayder, John (series character; sci-fi) see Sign of the Clutching Hands.
- Record Corner (information about pop groups and solo artists songs and new releases. Didn't appear in every issue. Starts prior to 598 - 642?).
- see also
- Hornet File on...
- Meet the Groups
- Talking Pop
- Red# Dagger (a 64 page compilation picture story from D.C. Thomson comics, including The Victor, Hornet and Wizard).
- 1 - Twisty (sport; football; featuring Twisty Lunnan; re-printed from the Bullet, issues 1 - 20, 1976; artist Barrie Mitchell).
- 2 - Tough of the Track (sport; athletics; featuring Alf Tupper; re-printed from the Victor, issues ? - ?; artist Sutherland?).
- 3 - Morgyn the Mighty (adventure; featuring Morgyn the Mighty; re-printed from the Victor, issues ? - ?; artist ?).
- 4 - Sniper (WW2 army; featuring Sniper Kelly; from the Warlord comic, issues 155 - 171, 1977; artist Carlos Cruz).
- 5 - Midge Miller - the original six stone weakling re-printed from the Bullet comic, issues 17 - 25, 28 - 30; 47 - 49, 52 - 57, 55 - 57;
artist not known).
- 6 - Cast-Iron Bill (sport; football; featuring 'Cast Iron' Bill Steele; re-printed from the Wizard comic, issues ? - ?, 1973).
- 7 - Killer Kane (WW2 RAF; featuring Pilot Officer 'Killer' Kane; re-printed from Warlord comic, issues 89 - 100, 1976; artist not known; cover
artist Kennedy).
- 8 - They Can't Tame Tasker (sport; boxing; featuring Alf Tasker; re-printed from the Bullet comic, issues 58 - 72, 1977; artist not known).
- 9 - Terror in the Tall Tower (adventure; featuring Don Ballard; re-printed from the Wizard comic, issues 28 - ?, 1975; artist Denis McLoughlin;
cover artist Kennedy).
- 10 - Killer Kennedy (WW2 RN; featuring Lieutenant-Commander Killer Kennedy; Sub-Lieutenant Bill Doyle; from the Victor comic;
artist Vicente Ibáńez Sanchis; cover artist Gordon Livingstone; re-printing Killer Kenndy's Rag-Tag Navy (issues 557 - 574).
- 11 - The Smasher (adventure; featuring Red Raglan; Ferret; Doctor Doom; re-printed from the Bullet, issues 61 - 62; 68 - 72; 90 - 101, 1977/78;
artist Terry Patrick; cover artist Ian Kennedy).
- 12 - Braddock and the Flying Tigers (WW2 RAF; featuring Sergeants Braddock and Bourne; re-printed from the Victor, issues 98 - 124; artist
Shone; cover artist Kennedy).
- 13 - The Frozen Man on the Mountain (secret service; featuring Jake Jeffords, British agent of Dept. X; re-printed from the Wizard comic;
artist Denis McLoughlin; cover artist Kennedy; original strip title - The Frozen Man).
- 14 - Morgyn the Mighty (adventure; featuring Morgyn the Mighty; re-printed from the Victor comic, issues ? - ?; artist Kearon?; cover
artist Kennedy).
- 15 - Cast-Iron Bill (sport; football; featuring 'Cast-Iron' Bill Steele; re-printed from the Wizard comic, issues ? - ?; artist not known).
- 16 - Tiger McTaggart (WW2 Army, Crete; featuring Sergeant 'Tiger' McTaggart; re-printed from the Wizard comic, issues ? - ?, 1973; artist
Kennedy; cover artist Kennedy).
- 17 - The Secret of Black Island (secret service; featuring Jake Jeffords, British agent of Dept. X; reprinted from the Wizard comic;
artist Denis McLoughlin; cover artist Kennedy; original strip title - Sign of the Shark).
- 18 - That Mascot Called Monty (sport; football; featuring Bernard Briggs; re-printed from the Hotspur comic, issues ? - ?, 1976; artist
Marti?; cover artist Kennedy).
- 19 - Braddock of the Rocket Squadron (WW2 RAF; featuring Sergeants Braddock and Bourne; re-printed from the Victor comic, issues 362 - 380;
artist Shone).
- 20 - The Black Sapper (Britain invaded adventure; featuring the Black Sapper; re-printed from the Hotspur comic, issues ? - ?, 1971;
artist Terry Patrick).
- 21 - Run Paul Run (19th Century American West; featuring Paul Emmett; re-printed from the Wizard comic, issues ? - ?, 1973; artist not
known; cover artist Kennedy).
- 22 - The Tough of the Track (sport; athletics; featuring Alf Tupper; re-printed from the Victor comic, issues 71 - 92; artist Sutherland).
- 23 - Dozy Danny (sport; football; featuring Dozy Danny; re-printed from the Hotspur comic, issues ? - ?; artist not known).
- 24 - Flying Fury (WW2 RAF; featuring Sergeant Fury; re-printed from the Hotspur comic, issues ? - ?; artist Ron Smith; cover artist not
- 25 - The Blitz Kid (WW2 Home Front; sport; football; featuring Arnold Tabbs; re-printed from the Hornet comic; issues 123 - ?; artist
- 26 - Death Rider (sport; motor-cycling; featuring Bernard Briggs; re-printed from the Hornet comic; issues ? - ?; artist not known).
- 27 - V for Vengeance (WW2 Resistance; featuring Alymar Gregson; The Deathless Men, known as Jack, followed by a number for example,
Jack Ten; re-printed from the Hornet comic, issues ? - ?; artist Philpotts; cover artist not known).
- 28 - Cast, Hook and Strike (sport; fishing; featuring Joe Dodds; Ernie Dodds; re-printed from the Hornet comic; issues ? - ?; artist
Sutherland; cover artist not known).
- 29 - Braddock of Bomber Command (WW2 RAF; featuring Sergeants Braddock and Bourne; re-printed from the Victor comic, issues 1 - 28; artist
Shone; cover artist Kennedy).
- 30 - Eleven Little Soccer Boys (sport; football; featuring Danny Hawke; re-printed from the Hornet comic, issues 273 - 292; artist Marti;
cover artist Kennedy).
- Red Dust of Derza (series; Sci-fi; artist unknown; featuring Captain Joe Prentice).
- Red-Eye, Indian native (series character; sport; football) see Marvel From Moose Creek.
- Red Hackle, The (story of the Black Watch Bonnets scarlet Vulture feather; true front cover story; artist Shone) 62.
- Red Jester, The (series character; text; featuring King Henry V, featuring Mak and Jack).
- Redvers Blake see Artists - Winslade, Harry.
- Reich, Colonel Von (series character; also known as Jack One and double agent Aylmer Gregson; British Secret Agent; WW2).
- Reid, Dick (series character) see Balancing Boy, The.
- Rhodes, Lieutenant (George Medal; 19/02/62 Grove kills a policeman Lieut. Rhodes and Sergeant Walker (also a George Medal) capture him; title - Mad
Killer of Kelvin Grove, The; true front cover story; artist Farrugia) 96.
- Rifle of Lalla Singh, The (1858 rebel sepoys being pursued by British officers, Ensign Patrick Roddy; true front cover story; artist Sturrock?) 35.
- Rifleman of the Rocks (series character; WW2 Army, Far East; Rifleman surviving behind enemy lines, harrassing the enemy; artist Giralt; featuring Sergeant Dick Harvey).
- Rin-Tin-Tin (WW1 dog found by American Lieutenant Lee Duncan in German dugout, France; later became a film dog star in 1920's; true front cover story;
artist Farrugia) 170.
- Roberts, Lieutenant Frederick (V.C.; Bengal Artillery Indian Mutiny 1857; true front cover story; artist Farrugia?) 41.
- Roberts, Petty Officer Greg (series character; WW2 RN) see Deep Sea Commandos.
- Robinson and his dog Crusoe (series character; humour; artist not known; note - episodes do not appear in consecutive issues).
starts prior to 396?; no episode in 397; 398; 399; 402; 404; 406 - 408; 410; 415.
- Robinson, Robert 'Robbie' (series character; WW2 Britain) see Run Away Robinson.
- Rodgers, Private Will (WW1 Army) see Todger the Dodger.
- Rooney, Sergeant Joe (series character; New York policeman, partner to Ransom) see Big Palooka, The.
- Royal Raiders, The (WW2 Army, after El Alamein 02nd Nov. 1942; Royal Dragoons dashed through lines harressing Germans; true front cover story; artist Carrion?) 114.
- Run Away Robinson (series child character; WW2 1940 Britain; artist Kearon?; featuring Robert 'Robbie' Robinson).
- Run Till You Drop (series; adventure; artist Carrion?; featuring charter pilot Tom Gann; Doctor Cope; Frenchy Carradine)
- Runs That Count, It's (series character; sport; cricket) see Wickets That Count, It's.
- S##
- Saddle Tramp (series characters; western; humour; featuring Johnny Morgan; 'Proper Poorly,' his horse; artist not known).
- Sammy, Mr. (series; humour; school boy shennigans) see Jammy, Mr. Sammy.
- Sampson the Signaller (series; WW2 Army; artist unknown; featuring Sergeant Sampson; Corporal George Grant).
- Saxon, John (Bee scout; series character; adventure; text) see Bee Man, The.
- Scarlet Hawks, Stories of the (series; sport; football; each story is a complete episode; artist not known; no recurring characters).
- 21 Dawson in the Team, A (Terry Dawson, his father's football reputation hanging over him, affecting his play).
- 20 Hoodoo on Number Nine, The (striker Larry Richards cursed by a gipsy).
- ? Famous Five, The (story set in 1913 to 1914; artist not known).
- 120 Leather Lungs Larkin (story set in the 1960's featuring Sam Larkin, supporter of the Hawks and his son Billy Larkin, centre forward
artist not known.
- School Bell Rings at Batty Green, The (series characters; school adventure; featuring Davers Peake; Pegleg Tatham; artist not known).
- Sci-fi# stories see
- Army of the Flames, The (series characters; United Nations space test pilot).
- Day of the Dragons (series characters).
- Day of the Drakkens (series characters).
- Experiment X (series characters; text).
- Floating Thing, The (series character; text; Merchant Navy).
- Full Speed Ahead to the Worlds of Fear (series characters).
- Lost Men in Space (series characters; text).
- March of the Bronze Men (series character; humour).
- Men Beneath the Ice, The (series).
- No Return From Zorun (series).
- Red Dust of Derza (series).
- Sergeant Sixty (series; police).
- Shark Squad (series).
- Sign of the Clutching Hands (series).
- Terror Mountain (series; dinosaurs).
- War of the Wasps (series).
- Sea Has Sixteen Secrets (series characters; artist not known; featuring ).
- Seagull, The (The name of the hovercraft in the series.) see Hover Rovers, The.
- Search For The Sacred Tooth, The (series characters; adventure; Ceylon 1817; featuing Ensign Hugo Calvert; Sergeant Sam Gully; Havildar Raale; Corporal
Jones; artist not known).
- Searcher of the Nile (series characters; Ancient Egypt; artist Ripol; featuriing Tubal).
- Secret of Jameson's School Days, The (series characters; school boy adventure; artist not known; featuring Mr. Jameson; Mr. Saul Hyde).
- Secret of the Mystery Spinner, The (series characters; sport; cricket) see Wickets That Count, It’s.
- Secret# Service stories see
'G' of the Secret Service (series character).
- John Rayder.
- Limping Man, The (series character).
- Man Who Knew Too Much, The (WW2 British Intelligence rescuing of British Officer from German POW camp; complete story).
- Morgan, Sergeant (series character; WW2 special intelligence unit).
- Operation Pound-note (WW2 British Intelligence blowing up of forged British pound notes; complete story).
- Seven Scarlet Tigers (series character).
- Suitcase of Secrets, The (complete story).
- Sign of the ... (series character).
- Spy in the Suitcase, The (series character).
- Twelve Days to Save Britain (series character).
- V for Vengeance (series character).
- Voice With Wings, The (series characters; story set in a contemporary setting).
- Volts of Vengeance (wW2; series character).
- Watcher, The (series character).
- Secret of Six Moon Swamp, The (series character; adventure; artist Carrion?).
- Send for Slim (Rescue specialist for the Sierra Mountains, America; true front cover story; artist Sturrock) 39.
- Send for Sid (series character; humorous; advertising agency; present day; featuring Jerry Webster, Sid Jackson).
- Sergeant Craddock's Christmas (WW2 RAF; Holland, 1944; complete story; droping presents to a local dutch population after they save Craddock, when he was shot down; artist not known) 67.
- Sergeant Leather Lungs (complete one issue story; army; humorous; artist Sutherland)
- Sergeant Sixty (police; sci-fi; artist Farrugia; featuring Sergeant Frank Martin, also known as Sergeant Sixty; Constable Jennings).
286 - 292 (first series).
- 427 - 438 (second series).
- Seven Men From Bellford (Nick Smith; complete story; sport; football; Bellford Utd; must win last match of the season with seven men; artist not known) 495.
- Seven Scarlet Tigers (series character; secret service; artist Garcia?; featuring John Landon, British Intelligence).
- Seven Swore Vengeance (Corps of Guides, N.W. Frontier 1878; Gurkhas thrown out of the Guides, until they retrieve guns they lost; true front cover story;
artist Ripol) 224.
- Shadow Men of the Sahara (series characters; adventure; artist not known; featuring John Dawson; Brian Dawson; Ali, camp cook; M'Kosi).
- Shark Squad (series characters; sci-fi; underwater adventure).
185 - 198 (artist Shone).
- 923 - 936RP in The Hotspur comic, artwork by a different artist)
- Shadow Ship of Valetta (WW2 RN; series characters; artist not known; featuring Lieutenant Joe Kendall; Sub-Lieutenant 'Tubby' Anscombe).
- Sherdil, mystic (series character; sport; boxing) see Shining Fist, The.
- Sherwood, Professor Neil (series character; text; sci-fi) see Experiment X.
- Shining Fist, The (series characters; boxing; artist Garcia?; featuring Azak, boxer; Sherdil, mystic; Jack Stevenson, boxing manager).
- Shone, Keith (artist) see Artists.
- Short Sutherland (factual; RAF coastal plane; artist not known) 597.
- Sign of the Clutching Hands (series character; sci-fi; artist not known; featuring John Rayder).
- Sign of the ... (series character; secret service; featuring Pete Calvin; tracking down a lost colleague John Taggart via clues; artist Philpotts; note -
each episode has a different title for example the Sign of the Winged Fox or the Sign of the Fifth Dagger and so on).
- Silent Rock (series character; sport; boxing/wrestling; American Indian; artist Marti; featuring Silent Rock, Chief of Chiefs; Bradley P. Allman, manager).
- Silver Hand of Kashkai, The (factual; how the Poona Horse was awarded the famous battle honour the silver hand of Khoosh-Ab defeating the Persian Field
Army; artist not known) 620.
- Simon, Doctor (series character; sci-fi) see Full Speed Ahead to the Worlds of Fear. Captain Muir, Luke Chubb - thief
- Sinclair, Jack (series character; text; western) see Singing Knife Man, The.
- Sinclair, Jerry (series character; adventure; S. Africa) see Ten Steps to Solomon’s Treasure.
- Singing Knife Man, The (series character; text; western; artist Sturrock; featuring Jack Sinclair).
- Skallagrim, Private (series character; WW2 Norwegian Commandos) see Vengeance of the Snow Wolf.
- Skeletons Rode By Night, The (Georgian Britain; Bow Street Runner; Complete story; artist not known) 490.
- Skinner, Major (series; World War One, RFC) see One-Legged Crow, The.
- Skulls Last Kill, The (WW1 Royal Flying Corp; complete story; artist not known) 593.
- Sky Soldiers (series character; WW2 Parachute Regiment; artist Leo Rawlings; featuring Sergeant Bill Allen)
- Slade of the Pony Express (series character; western; artist unknown;featuring J.A. Slade and Wal Loader).
Note:- Stories about Slade also appeared in The Victor. see the entry in The Victor.
- 1 - 19.
- Slave of the Lion Men (complete story; featuring Mbopa, story set in Kenya before white men arrived; boys becomes a lion, after he has killed a lion;
artist not known) 410.
- Slowest Gun in the West (series characters; humour; British army; American Wild West; two British soldiers delivering a gun in America;
featuring Sergeant-Major Fry; Gunner Mullins; artist Patrick).
- Smith, ‘Gunboat’ (series character; humorous) see Colorado Kid, The
- Smith, Flying Officer ‘Jacko’ (series character; WW2 RAF; Norway ) see Phantom Fliers, The
- Smith#, Nick (series character; sport, football)
- see also Tabbs, Arnold.
- 13 - 29 It's Goals That Count (text; artist Sturrock?)
- 65 – 73 (artist unknown; featuring Arnold Tabbs; Chidsea)
- 74 – 81 (artist unknown, different to above; featuring Arnold Tabbs; Manningford City) RP 454 - 462.
- 86 – 101 (Smith player/manager Third Diversion Kingsbury Rovers; featuring Arnold Tabbs; artist Joan Giralt) RP 463 - 479.
- 104 - 115 It' Goals That Count. (artist unknown; featuring Arnold Tabbs; Redburn Rovers)
- 118 - ?
- 173 - ?
- 482 - ? RP (title - It' Goals That Count).
- ? - 622 RP? (title - It's Goals That Count; Smith (with sideburns), a player for Blackford Wanderers; team owned by Vanex
Corporation; featuring Hal Bakerman; artist not known).
- Complete one issue stories
- Seven Men From Bellford (Nick Smith; complete story; Bellford Utd; must win last match of the season with seven men; artist not known) 495.
- Winger From Pit 19 (sport; football; featuring Nick Smith, when player manager of Hillstock Division 1; Joe Dantt; artist not known) 494.
- Snipers of Battery 4, The (M.C.; factual; WW1 Canadian Army; July 1915, France; Lieutenant Charles Craig; artist not known) 256.
- Son of the Big Palooka (character series; police; artist not known)see Big Palooka, The.
- Spade (series character; pirates) see One-Eyed Hooker Hawke.
- Sparrow, Bob (series; school boy adventures; humour) see Nickel.
- Sparrow, Nick (series; school boy adventures; humour) see Nickel.
- Sparta, Professor (series character?; adventure).
One Way to Tame a Tiger! 608.
- Special Squad (series characters; WW2 Army/Royal Engineers; artist Felix Carrion; featuring Sergeant Kit Cobbe; Corporal Tiny Kettle; Private Bats Batsford; Jimmy the Naga, a native Burmese boy).
- 361 - 372 (first series).
- 390 - 401 (second series).
- Spencer, Captain (series character; secret service; WW2) see Limping Man, The.
- Sport# see
- Abdul the Terrible (series character; wrestling; humour).
- Bailey Mends Broken Men (series characters; football).
- Ball of Fire (series characters; football).
- Big Red (series characters; boxing Kangeroo).
- Black Streak (series; motorbike speed racing).
- Brain Behind the Boxer (series characters; boxing).
- Briggs, Bernard (series character, various sports).
- Blitz Kid, The (series character; football).
- camp of Broken Men (series character; ?).
- Cast, Hook and Strike (series characters; fishing).
- Champion Nobody Knew, The (series character; boxing).
- Champions Don't Pull Punches (complete story; boxing; training Jack Daniel not to pull punches).
- Dopey Dan (series character; text; humour) see Dopey Dan.
- Eleven Little Soccer Boys (series characters; sport).
- Fielding That Counts, It’s (series; cricket) see Wickets That Count, It’s.
- Fifth Wicket Foster (series characters; cricket) see Wickets That Count, It’s.
- Five Tough Tests for ‘Lofty’ Foster (series characters; athletics).
- Friendly Flyer, The (series characters; athletics).
- Goalie Clinic (series; football).
- Goals No One Cheered (series; football).
- Goals That Count, It’s (series; football)see Smith, Nick.
- Golden Blades, The (series character; ice skating; Canada; text).
- Grant at Happy Valley (series character; boxing).
- Haddie (series character; football).
- Handsome Harry (series character; boxing; humour).
- Hitter From The Hills (series character; cricket).
- Hurricane hutch (series character; football).
- Incredible Manny Kritch, The (series; football).
- Island of Lost Champions (series; athletics).
- Marvel From Moose Creek (series characters; sport; football).
- Miracle Man From Mars (series character; athletics).
- Mister Frozen Face (series characters; motorbike racing).
- Moorak, the Little Racer (series, pony trotting).
- Mudplugger, The (series character; motor-cycle racing).
- Mudtown Marvels, The (series characters; football).
- Muscles Malone (series character; wrestling).
- Mystery of the Secret Spinner (series characters; cricket) see Wickets That Count, It's.
- Nameless One, The (series; cricket) see Wickets That Count, It's..
- Never Hits Sixes Now, He (series; cricket) see Wickets That Count, It's..
- Nightingale Nobbs (series character; wrestling).
- Ninety-Minute Nelsons, The (series character; football).
- No Game for Jimmy (series character; football).
- Runs That Count, It’s (series characters; cricket) see Wickets That Count, It's.
- Scarlet Hawks, Stories of the (football; each story is a complete episode).
- Shining Fist, The (series characters; boxing).
- Silent Rock (series character; boxing/wrestling).
- Smith, Nick (series character; football).
- Still - it's Cricket! (series characters; cricket; English cricket team touring Australia, 1861).
- Striker Kirby's Kid (series character; football).
- Swim, Jim, Swim (series character; swimming).
- Tabbs, Arnold (series character; football).
- Team From Terror Camp 13 (series characters; sport; football).
- Team From Trisidium, The (series character; football).
- Tough Tests of 'Lofty' Foster (series character; athletics).
- Ugg (series character; wrestling).
- Wickets That Count, It’s (series; cricket).
- Wilson, William (series character; any sport, Wilson seems to have participated and been an expert of all sports!)
- Wonder From Winter Island, The (series; football).
- Wonder of the Western Isles (series; football).
- Sporting Stars of Today (text information (with a cartoon head of the personality), located within one of the text stories).
- Best, George (footballer, Manchester United/N. Ireland) 90.
- Bremner, Billy (footballer, Leeds United/Scotland) 197.
- Byrne, Johnny (footballer, West Ham/England) 65.
- Brabham, Jack (Australian motor racing driver) 177.
- Charlton, Jack (footballer, Leeds United/England) 92.
- Close, Brian (cricketer, Yorkshire/England 94.
- Cowdrey, Colin (cricketer, Kent/England) 45.
- Crossan, Johnny (footballer, Sunderland and Ireland) 61.
- Dougan, Derek (footballer, Wolverhampton/Ireland) 210.
- Eastham, George (footballer, Arsenal/England) 62.
- Gilzean, Alan (footballer, Spurs/Scotland) 91.
- Hill, Graham (British motor racing driver) 93.
- McNeil, Billy (footballer, Celtic/Scotland) 63.
- O'Neill, Norman (cricketer, New South Wales/Australia) 48.
- Simpson, Bobby (cricketer, New South Wales/Australia) 46.
- Simpson, Ronnie (footballer, Celtic/Scotland) 201.
- Smith, Mike (cricketer, Warwickshire/England) 96.
- Parks, Jim (cricketer, Sussex/England) 98.
- Surtees, John (motor sport) 51.
- Venables, Terry (footballer, Chelsea/England) 71.
- Walker, Billy (boxing) 70.
- Wilson, Bobby (tennis) 44.
- Yeats, Ron (football, Liverpool/Scotland) 84.
- Spotlight# On... (one page article about the life of a famous person told in pictures, except for Charlie Rich, which is a text article, issue 577).
- Note - no Spotlight on in issues - 499; 506; 512; 513; 515; 521; 522; 528; 531; 532; 535 to 538; 540; 543 to 545; 547 to 550;
552 to 556; 558; 560 to 562; 564 to 568; 570; 572 to 576; 578 to 597.
- Amazing Grace (the story about the song; artist Sturrock) 477.
- Aspel, Michael (newsreader, presenter; artist Sturrock) 542.
- Barker, Ronnie (comedian; artist Patrick) 529.
- Bee Gees (pop group; artist Philpott) 488.
- Blackburn, Tony (Radio DJ; artist Vandeput) 474.
- Bolan, Marc (singer; artist Philpott) 496.
- Castle, Roy (artist Kearon?) 503.
- Chisholm, George (Jazz musician artist Sturrock) 489.
- Corbett, Ronnie (comedian; artist Patrick) 526.
- Crowther, Leslie (comedian; artist not known) 527.
- Curtis, Tony (American actor; artist Trevillion) 467.
- Dale, Jim (actor; comedian; artist Patrick) 534.
- Dawson, Les (comedian; artist not known) 517.
- Dodd, Ken (British comedian; artist Vandeput 466.
- Donovan (singer; artist Trevillion) 487.
- Dylan, Bob (singer; artist not known) 571.
- Emery, Dick (comedian; artist Kearon?) 491.
- Glitter, Gary (singer; artist Trevillion) 495.
- Green, Hughie (entertainer, television host; artist Philpott) 514.
- Harris, Rolf (Australian singer, painter, entertainer; artist Peter Ford) 475.
- Hill, Benny (British comedian; artist Sturrock) 479.
- Hill, Vince (singer; artist Peter Ford) 569.
- Hollies, The (pop group; artist Patrick) 490.
- Hull, Rod (comedian; artist Patrick) 509.
- Humperdinck, Englebert (singer; artist Peter Ford) 480.
- Ifield, Frank (singer; artist Peter Ford) 525.
- Jackson, Michael (singer; cover story; artist Patrick) 519.
- John, Elton (British singer; artist Vandeput) 478.
- Jones, Tom (Welsh singer; artist Patrick) 501.
- Kane, John (singer; artist Vandeput) 482.
- Kinks, The (British comedians; artist Trevillion) 483.
- Kristian, Marty (singer; Patrick) 507.
- Lewis, Stephen (artist not known) 531.
- McCallum, David (actor; title - Two From Colditz; artist Patrick) 559.
- McClure, Doug (American actor; artist not known) 563.
- Man, Manfred (Jazz player; artist Patrick) 541.
- Milligan, Spike (comedian; artist not known) 500.
- Moore, Roger (British actor; artist Vandeput) 471.
- Moody Blues, The (musical pop band; artist not known) 510.
- Morecambe and Wise (comedians; artist not known) 486.
- Noakes, John (T.V. presenter; artist Leo Rawlings) 524.
- O'Connor, Des (singer; presenter; artist Philpott) 493.
- O'Sullivan, Gilbert (singer; artist Trevillion) 492.
- Osmond, Donny (singer; cover story; artist not known) 530.
- Pertwee, Jon (British actor; artist Trevillion) 481.
- Price, Alan (English musician; artist not known) 598.
- Presley, Elvis (singer; actor; cover story; artist Patrick) 533.
- Reid, Neil (Scottish country singer; artist not known) 523.
- Rich, Charlie (singer; text article) 577.
- Richard, Cliff (singer; artist Patrick) 497.
- Rolling Stones, The (singing group; artist Peter Ford) 484.
- Saville, Jimmy (Radio DJ; artist Patrick) 468.
- Secombe, Harry (British comedian, actor; artist Bill Lacey?) 469.
- Sellers, Peter (comedian; artist Patrick) 505.
- Simon, Paul (singer; artist not known) 539.
- Slade (musical pop group; Patrick) 511.
- Spinners, The (pop group; artist Patrick) 546.
- Starr, Ringo (musician; artist Sturrock) 502.
- Stevens, Cat (singer; Trevillion) 485.
- Stewart, Ed (British Radio D.J.; artist Peter Ford) 470.
- Stewart, Rod (British singer; artist Carrion?) 473.
- Sweet, The (British pop group; artist Philpott) 508.
- Sykes, Eric (British comedian; artist Patrick) 504.
- Tarbuck, Jimmy (British comedian; artist Giralt) 494.
- Valentine, Anthony (actor; title - Two From Colditz; artist Patrick) 559.
- Varney, Reg (British comedy actor, artist Carrion / not known?) 476.
- Vaughan, Norman (British comedian, actor; artist Trevillion) 472.
- Whitman, Slim (singer; artist Sturrock) 557.
- Who, The (singing pop group; artist Patrick) 498.
- Williams, Charlie (comedian; artist Philpott) 520.
- Winters, Mike and Bernie (comedians; artist not known) 551.
- Wood, roy (musician; cover story; artist Patrick) 516.
- Yarwood, Mike (comedian; artist Trevillion) 518.
- Spring-Heeled Jackson (series character; adventure; police; Victorian age; featuring John Jackson; P.C. Brown first series only; Sergeant Drew).
616 - 627 (first series; artist Carrion).
- 941 - 955 (second series) in The Hotspur; artist Gibbons; Jackson's costume is slightly altered.
- Stories also appeared in the Hotspur annuals - 1985 (artist Gibbons); no story in 1986; 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992 (artist from 1986
onwards the same and not known).
- Spy in the Suitcase, The (series; WW2; Secret Service; artist Farrugia; featuring Monty Cass, Sergeant Mike Halsey).
- Squadron X (series; WW2 RAF; artist Farrugia; featuring Pilot Officer ‘Jumbo’ Tate also known as "Big Fellow")
- 25 – 41 (first series).
- 370 - 377 (second series; hunting for German V flying bomb bases).
- starts before 428 - ? stories about the "Big Fellow" also appeared in The Hotspur under the title The Nameless Squadron; artist Terry Patrick?.
- Stand Back – A Crook’s Gonna Burst! (complete one issue story; police; artist Sutherland)
- Starkad Curse (series character; 10th century Iceland; featuring Kol Starkad; artist not known).
- Starr, Richard Flight Lieutenant (later Squadron Leader); (series character; WW2 RAF) see Blazing Ace of Space, The.
- Steel, John (series; secret service) see Voice With Wings, The.
- Stephenson, Harry (series character; sport; cricket) see Still - it's Cricket!)
- Sterling, Detective Sergeant Jim (series character; text; police) see Bee For Barmy.
- Stevenson, Jack; boxing manager (series character; sport; boxing) see Shining Fist, The.
- Stewart, Greg (series character) see Greg Stewart - Special Agent.
- Still - it's Cricket! (series characters; sport; cricket; English cricket team touring Australia, 1861; artist not known; featuring Harry Stephenson; Johnny, Abroginal baggage boy).
- Stirling, David (D.S.O.; China 1901; attempted to halt the advance of Chunchuses; true front cover story; artist Sutherland) 151.
- Stoker, Ken (series character; text; sci-fi; Merchant Navy) see Floating Thing, The.
- Striker Kirby's Kid (series character; sport; football; artist Giralt; featuring Kirby).
- Strong, Doctor (series character; humorous) see Colorado Kid, The
- Stubbs, Alfie (series character; humour) see Alfy's Elephant.
- Suffolk, 20th Earl Of (George Cross; leader of an experimental UXB squad (included his chauffeur & secretary dealing with unexploded UXB's in 1940;
eventually killed by an exploding bomb, 12th May 1941; true front cover story; artist Sutherland) 194.
- Sturrock, Freddie see Artists
- Suitcase of Secrets, The (WW2 secret service; complete story; artist featuring British agent K9) 385.
- Sutherland, Peter see Artists.
- Swamp Rat, The (series character; WW2, Australian Coastal Watcher, mapping out the best invasion beaches on Japanese held islands for Allied forces; artist unknown; featuring Mong, a Mongoose).
- 11 - 22 RP 432 - ?.
- 62 – 76?
- 116 – ? (searching for a solid gold statue)
- 353 - 361 (Swamp Rat and the Men of Stone; Swamp Rat's adventures as a boy; artist not known).
- starts prior to 963 - ? RP The Swamp Rat and the Seven Samurai in The Hotspur; original artist.
- Swim, Jim, Swim (series character; sport; swimming; Australian; artist not known; featuring Jim Haynes).
- Swann, Johnny (series characters; musical adventure) see Johnny Guitar.
- Sword of the Fighting Farchards (series characters; historical series, following the Farchard sword through the ages; artist not known; featuring ).
- Sword of Kali, The (series characters; India 1920's; Indian Political Service fighting robbers; artist Ripol; featuring Captain Paul Hawkins; Colonel Chard).
- Swordsman of the Queen (series character; Elizabethan era; artist unknown; featuring Lord John Ainsworth and Dick Hazelrigg.)
- T##
- Tabbs, Arnold (series character; sport, football) see Blitz Kid, The.
- Talking Pop (half a page news about pop music; not always appearing in every issue) starts 541? - finishes 642.
- Tate, Pilot Officer ‘Jumbo’ (series character also known as Big Fellow).
- see
- Squadron X.
- Year of the Night Fighters.
- The Team From Trisidium (series characters; sport; football; humour; featuring Jimmy Hargreaves, inside right for Rottenham Hotspur; Zamonides, Trisidium captain).
- 293 - 306 (first series artist Joan Giralt).
- 621 - 644 (second series artist not known).
- Team From Terror Camp 13 (series characters; sport; football; artist Giralt; featuring ).
- Ten Red Troopers, The (present day display team of motor-cyclists foiling bank robbers; complete story; artist not known) 10.
- Ten Steps to Solomon’s Treasure (series characters; adventure, S. Africa ; featuring Jerry Sinclair; artist not known).
- Terhune, Paul (text; police/private investigator; artist Gifford; others?)
62 - 71 Circus of Sudden Death
- 88 – 97 The Unseen Stranger.
- 124 – 131 Who Killed the Handcuff King?
- 141 – 152 Was it the Gorilla?
- 166 – 171 Paul Terhune in Queer Town.
- 174 – 179? Beware of the Black Terror.
- 247 – 248?
- 278 – 277? The 'Tec on the Whisperer's Tail.
- 282 (continuation of story above?)
- Terror Island (small Caribbean island, still has large creatures living on it, giant turtles; Blue land crabs; true front cover story; artist Shone) 171.
- Terror Mountain (series characters; sci-fi; dinosaurs; artist not known; featuring Andy Meade, engineer).
- Terror of the Northland (series; sci-fi/adventure; Canada; artist Shone; featuring Larry Gain; Old Carcajou - a wolverine).
- text# stories (note one or two illustrations accompanied each weeks text story. A large half-page picture at the beginning of each story and a smaller illustration on the second or third page). see
- Bee For Barmy (series character; police).
- Bee Man, The (John Saxon; series character).
- Bluff's our Business (series characters; WW2).
- Dopey Dan (series character; sport; humour).
- Experiment X (series characters; sci-fi).
- Floating Thing, The (series character; sci-fi; Merchant Navy).
- Golden Blades, The (series character; sport; ice skating).
- Gunless Sheriff of Shotgun Gulch (series character; western).
- Island in the U-Boat Alley, The (series character; WW2 RN; giant monster).
- It's Goals That Count (series character; sport; football) see Smith, Nick.
- King of the Eagles (series character; hunting; Canada).
- Lost Men in Space (series characters; sci-fi).
- Mr. X (series character; adventure/crime).
- Miracle Man From Mars (series character).
- Red Jester, The (series character; set during the reign of Henry V).
- Runs That Count, It's (series character; sport; cricket) see Wickets That Count, It's.
- Singing Knife Man, The (series character; text; western).
- Terhune, Paul (series character; private detective, present day).
- V for Vengeance (series characters; WW2 European based Resistence; note - also appeared as picture stories).
- Vengeance with a Smile (Inspector Peter Dibben investigating mysterious deaths by an ancient Egyptian Mummy).
- When Santa Claus Wore Tusks (adventure; rescuing of elephants from a burning circus; complete story).
- Thanki, Oon (series; sport; athletics) see Friendly Flyer, The.
- Theron (series character; ancient Greece) see Brazen Bull, The.
- They Joined the Legion (series; French Foreign Legion; artist Carrion; individual stories about the soldiers of the Legion).
- 630 - 640.
- 645 - (An American film crew come to shoot a film at a Legion fort).
- 646 - (Emile an ex-boxer killed a man and swears never to fight in the ring again).
- 647 - 648 (two part story of Lieutenant Conti former thief in pursuit of his brother).
- They'll Never Forget That Christmas (WW2 RAF; Dec. 1944; 1066 Squadron; providing Christmas food to local Dutch people; F/O Paddy Bailey; complete story; artist Farrugia) 172.
- Thornton, Chris (series character; sci-fi) seeMen Beneath the Ice, The.
- Thirteen Knots in a Golden Cord (series; S. American western; treasure hunting; artist (p)?; featuring Mat and Jack Harmon; Pete Brough)
- Three Hours Until Dawn (WW2 Army; escape from Norway; complete story; artist Carrion?) 97.
- Tiger Shark (series; sea adventure; artist ?; featuring ?).
- Tigers of Crete, The (factual; Battle for Crete; 20th May, 1941 Royal Leicestershire Regt. 2nd Battalion; artist not known) 104?
- Tin Whistle Grenadiers, The (WW1; Major Tom Bridges uses a tin whistle to lead his men from St. Quentin, before being over run; true front cover story;
artist Sturrock) 59.
- Todger the Dodger (series; WW1 Army; featuring Private Will Rodgers; artist Carrion?; A 'Todger' is a nickname given to a soldier who avoids promotion).
- Starts 465, 491, 499, 512, 516 - 525, 622.
- 499 complete story (Todger gets a bullet in his shoulder).
- 512 complete story (escorting a captured German general back to England with Captain Garner).
- 622 complete story.
- Tomahawk - the Curtiss P40 (factual; US fighter; artist not known) 592.
- Tough Tests of 'Lofty' Foster (series character; sport; athletics; artist Philpotts?; featuring 'Lofty' Foster).
- Tower of Terror, The (Crusader siege of Acre 1189; true front cover story; artist not known) 45.
- Tower of Terror, The (adventure; complete story; lighthouse keeper John Thompson under siege in Cape Florida, 1836; artist not known) 69.
- Tranter, Jock and Alex (nephew) (series characters; adventure) see Year of the Ospreys.
- Treasure of Deep 99 (WW2 Australian Army; Far East; series characters; Major Harding; Lieutenant Patton; Private O'Rourke; artist not known).
- Treasure Plane to Toruna (adventure, escaping from S. American rebels; complete story; artist not known) 96?.
- Trumper, Major (series character; humour) see Forty Monkeys on his Back!
- Tubal (series character; ancient Egypt) see Searcher of the Nile.
- Tudor, Somerset (series character; adventure) see Greg Stewart - Special Agent.
- Twelve Days to Save Britain (series; WW2 secret service; poison gas X-12; artist Leo Rawlings; featuring John Fenwick).
- Two Black Streaks, The (series characters; Present day Royal Signal Corps Riders members of the motor cycle display team, the Black Streaks, who
travelling overland to re-join their unit in Singapore; featuring Lance-Corporal Jeff Martin; Lance-Corporal "Sparker" Nolan; artist Philpotts).
- Two Medals for the ‘Exeter’ Men (WW2 RN; Able Seaman Bill Gwilliam, CGM; Midshipman Arthur Cameron, DSC; factual; HMS Exeter vs. Graf Spee; artist Philpotts) 463.
- Two Men on a Torpedo (WW2 RN; Norway; complete story; featuring Able Seaman Bill Groves; Sub-Lieutenant Don Duncan; artist not known) 14.
- Two Thousand Miles From the Sea (factual; story of taking two British motorboats across land to Lake Tanganyika to attack three German motor launches; artist Antonios?; note story also told on The Victor covers, issue, ?) 295.
- Two V.C.'s for the Thirty Third (true front cover story; artist not known) 46.
- Tyson, Silvester J. 'Tight wad' (series character; sport; football) see Eleven Little Soccer Boys.
- U / V#
- Ugg (sport; athletics; alien from the planet Znort, not to be confused with Ugg the wrestler) see Miracle Man From Mars.
- Ugg (series character; sport; wrestling; artist unknown; featuring Ugg; Slick Watters, Manager; Mike Majurki, fellow wrestler)
- 37 – 44 (first series) RP 467 - 474.
- 120 - ?
- ? - 594.
- V for Vengeance (series characters; WW2 Secret Service/resistance; artist Philpotts; featuring various Jacks and Alymar Gregson
also known as Jack One and double agent Colonel Von Reich; note – some stories appeared as text stories.)
- 98 – 109 (first series; picture story; artist Philpotts).
- 123 - 134 (second series; artist Philpotts).
- 180 - 188 (third series; artist Philpotts).
- 213 - ?. (title - 'M' Marks the Spot).
- 286 - 297 (title - Voice of Berlin; text).
- 309 - 323 Deathless Men Strike Again. (capturing, killing of Nazi criminals after WW2).
- 419 - 426 (artist not known).
- a series from this strip RP and collected as Red Dagger issue 27.
- starts before 955 - ? RP of 'M' Marks the Spot series; in The Hotspur; different unknown artist.
- Vale, (series character; valet to Mr. Pearson; sport boxing) see Champion Nobody Knew, The.
- Valley of the Monsters, The (WW2 Army; Austrian Alps, just after end of war, destruction of German army flame-thrower tanks; complete story; artist not known) 226.
- Vengeance of Malik Khan (Indian North-West Frontier; featuring Malik Khan; artist Carrion).
- Vengeance of the Snow Wolf (series; WW2 Norwegian Commandos; featuring Sergeant Ames; artist Shone.)
- Vengeance on Four Legs (series character; adventure, police dog; text; artist not known; featuring Chum, the brown Alsatian police dog, framed for murder of his handler Sergeant Hammond!)
starts prior to 340 - 344.
- Vengeance with a Smile (Inspector Peter Dibben investigating mysterious deaths by an ancient Egyptian Mummy) 177?.
- Very Important Professor, The (WW2; case of mistaken identity; 'Professor' escaping from Germans, actually a magician who uses a trick to escape;
complete story; artist not known) 238 RP 635.
- Voice With Wings, The (series characters; secret service; artist not known; featuring John Steel, Scotland Yard; Rafe Panton, U.S.; Jean Bourges, (France); Octavius Wellington (Jamaican).
- Volts of Vengeance (wW2; series character; British Secret Service; featuring Eddie Harmon; artist not known).
- 313 - 332 (first series - fighting with the French Resistance against the Germans, WW2).
- ? - 582 (second series - takes place after the WW2, against smugglers.
- W#
- Walker, Private (WW2 Army) seeDexter of Squad 'D'.
- War Elephant of Mysore, The (1780; British native troops attacked near Madras, India, using rockets and elephants; true front cover story; artist not known) 115.
- War of the Wasps (adventure; artist Edmundo Fernandez; featuring Will and Glyn Morgan)
- War Pipes of the 74th (Piper Johnny McLaughlan, 74th Highlanders 1812 Peninsular War; true front cover story; artist Shone) 44.
- Was It a Goal? (sport; football; covers story; FA Cup Final 23rd April 1932; Arsenal vs Newcastle Utd; artist Girault) 3.
- Was Smith, The Biography (full captain at the age of 19; artist not known) 98.
- Watcher, The (series character; WW2; Secret Service; artist Leo Rawlings; featuring The Watcher; Professor Parkin)
- Waterloo 150th Anniversary 1815 - 1965. (factual; Facts about the battle; 1 page; artist not known) 93.
- Watson, Lieutenant Thomas Colclough (VC; title – Forward the Buffs; also Corporal Smith, VC; NW Frontier, 16th Sept. 1897; story told in a text box, within the text story; artist Ripol) 452.
- Watters, Slick (manager to Ugg) see Ugg.
- We Always Deliver (series characters; western; artist ?; featuring Sam Kirk; Al Brett; adventures of a delivery team).
- Webster, Jerry (series character) see Send for Sid.
- Welkins, William (WW2 Army; humour) see William Welkins War.
- Western# stories see
- Boss of the Ghost Herd (series characters).
- Buffalo Boy (series character).
- "Cat-fish" Keane's Biggest Catch (modern western; complete story).
- Duel In Dixon City (complete story).
- Duels of Lucky Loder (series character).
- Galloping Ghost, The (series characters).
- Gunless Sheriff of Shotgun Gulch (series character; text).
- Kid Coyote (series characters).
- Laramie (series characters).
- Law of the Lash, The (series characters).
- Lost Gold of the Haunted Canyons, The (series characters).
- Man's a Marvel, The (series character).
- Man Who Couldn't Die!, The (series character).
- Mighty Mouth! (series character; humour).
- Nelson Story - Trail Driver (complete story; 1866 cattle drive to Montana from Texas; artist not known).
- Never Gamble With a Mississippi Gambler (complete story).
- Saddle Tramp (series characters; humour).
- Singing Knife-Man, The (series character; text).
- Slade of the Pony Express (series character).
- Thirteen Knots in a Golden Cord (series characters; S. American western).
- We Always Deliver (series characters).
- You Can't Drink Gold Dust! (western 1960's; complete story).
- see also Complete stories heading.
- When Santa Claus Wore Tusks (adventure; text; rescuing of elephants from a burning circus; complete story; artist Sturrock) 172.
- Which One is the Rogue On the Run? (complete one issue story; humorous; artist (j); featuring Gassy Gibbons)
- Whinge, Constable Bruce (series character; humour; Australian Police) see Harry the Camel.
- White Star (series character - a dog0 see Wonder Dog.
- Who Dares Wins! (WW2 Army factual, North Africa ; story of David Stirling founder of the Special Air Service (SAS); artist not known) 254.
- Wickets# That Count, It’s (series; cricket; artist for all series, Freddie Sturrock; featuring Rob Higson & Highshire Cricket Club).
Note - series characters from this series, Rob Higson and Bert Bunting also appeared in the 'Wilson Did It' strip.
- 39 - ? It's Runs That Count (text).
- 87 – 97.
- 141 - 151 The Nameless One (featuring Rob Higson; Len Hamlet; Lord Grimston, Highshire Chairman; Albert Dawkins, an enquiry agent).
- Runs That Count, It’s (featuring Rob Higson; Bert Bunting, Len Hamlet, Highshire County Cricket Club).
- ? - 254 Fifth Wicket Foster (featuring Rob Higson, ).
- 342 - 351 It's Fielding That Counts.
- 571 - 582 RP (title - Secret of the Mystery Spinner (featuring Higson, Albert Dawkins, private detective; Len Hamlet; artist
- William Welkins War (series; WW2 Army; humour; artist Joan Giraltz; featuring Welkins, a valet to Private Reggie Poote).
- Williams, Bill (factual; title – Killer Elephant; Williams Assistant Forest Manager shoots a rogue elephant; artist Farrugia) 21.
- Wilson#, William (series character; sport; Wilson participated in many sports; artist Edmundo Fernandez, unless otherwise stated.)
- 53 - 79 (first series) Truth About Wilson, The.
- 75 – 94/95? (second series) Further Truth About Wilson (story about Wilson’s younger years).
- 119 - ? (third series) Has Wilson Come Back? (1941, Wilson calling himself Corp. Green).
- 180 - ? (Wilson and the Ship of Shivers; 1951, Wilson on an artifical ice floe turned into an aircraft carrier).
- ? - 212 (It’s Wilson Again).
- ? - 256 (Wilson Did It; features Rob Higson and Bert Bunting).
- ? - 380 (Wilson - Trainer of Champions; artist ?).
- 408 - 416 (Wilson - The Ageless Athlete; 1952).
- 471 - 481 (The Great Wilson; Wilson poses as Dr. Martin Roberts).
- 500 - ? (title - The Truth About Wilson. 1st panel Wilson leaping over crowd) RP 1st series 53 - 79.
- 567 - 590 (title - Wilson at War; RP; artist Ripol).
- 594 - 614 (title - The Further Truth About Wilson) RP.
- 615 - ? (title - The Forbidden Quest of William Wilson) RP?
- 634 - 647 (title - Wilson and the Secret Olympics) RP?
- 648 - (title - Wilson's Wonders. note - issue 648 was the last issue of the Hornet, series continued in the Hotspur 14th Feb. 1976.
- Winger From Pit 19 (complete story; sport; football; featuring Nick Smith, when player manager of Hillstock Division 1; Joe Dantt; artist not known) 494.
- Winslade, Harry (also known as Redvers Blake) see Artists.
- Winston, Pilot Officer see Hurricane Commando, The (WW2 RAF; series character).
- Wizard of Syracuse, The (Archimedes, Scientist helps to defeat some invaders, ancient Greece using catapaults 209 B.C.; true front cover story; artist
not known) 113.
- Wonder Dog (series characters; adventure; featuring Lachie Harkness; Jem, an Alsatian, also known by his stage name White Star, Wonder Dog; Tab, a
mongrel dog; all three work in the film business; artist Carrion).
- Wonder From Winter Island, The (series characters; sport; football; artist Giralt; featuring Gordon Jones evacuated from Winter Island in the South
Atlantic after a volcanic eruption. Plays football for Portsea).
- World Cup Capers (one page humorous true stories) 352.
- World War One# stories see
- Bring 'em Back Barney (WW1 Australian Army; series character).
- Campbell of the Camels (series character; WW1 Army).
- Dandy of the Death's Head Hussars (series characters; Amrmoured cars).
- Diggers Were There, The (series characters; Aussies; Army; note - same characters also appeared in WW2).
- Eagles of Kambut (series character).
- Monsters of No Man’s Land (series characters; tanks).
- Once They Were warriors (WW1; East Africa; complete story).
- One-Legged Crow (series characters; World War One, RFC).
- One Year to Live (series characters; WW1 RN).
- Todger the Dodger (series; Army).
- see also Complete stories heading.
- World War Two# stories see
Blazing Ace of Space, The (series, RAF).
- Bluff's our Business (series characters; WW2; text).
- Captain January (series; police).
- Case for Sergeant Morgan, A (series; Military Police; Sergeant Morgan investigating unexplainable events on the battlefield).
- Cat's Eyes Cooney (complete story; RAF; use of experimental Radar Beaufighter).
- Coonskin Grenadier (WW2 Army; series characters; humour).
- Corporal 'Q'- Can Do! (series character; WW2 Army, S.A.S. Quarter-master; humour).
- Cossack From the Old Kent Road, The (drafted into the Russian Army to drive a truck, escapes with American soldiers; complete story).
- Deep Sea Commandos (series; RN).
- Dexter of Squad 'D' (series; Royal Engineers).
- Diggers Were There, The (Aussies; Army; note - same characters also appeared in a series set in WW1).
- Dolphin Patrol (series character; Civilian; Pacific Ocean).
- Driver, Tom Leading Seaman (series characters; RN; true stories?).
- Find, Fix and Strike (a Deeds of Glory story; complete story; WW2 Fleet Air Arm).
- Flynn of the Flying Doctors (Italy and Far East; series character; humour).
- Flying Tiger, The (series; RAF).
- Force Viper (series; Army; Far East).
- Fuzzy Wuzzy Phantoms, The (Army).
- Gibson of the Guns (series; Army).
- Go Get That Gold (series characters; Australian Army).
- Hank the Yank (series; Army; humour).
- Hurricane Commando, The (RAF; series characters).
- January, Captain (series; Royal Military Police).
- Limping Man, The (series; Secret service).
- Lion With Wings, The (series; Army Gilders).
- McGraw’s Marauders (series characters; WW2 Army Far East).
- Marmadukes Commandos (series Characters; WW2 Army; humorous).
- Morgan, Sergeant (series character; WW2 Special Intelligence).
- Mosquito Had Too Many Secrets, The (WW2 RAF; complete story; Destruction of shot down Mosquito over France; Mike Bailey; artist not known) see Complete Stories.
- One Bullet Too Many (WW2 Army; complete story; Sergeant Trent did everything by the book, if he hadn't his men would have died).
- One Pip Wonder (series character; Army 1944).
- Phantom Fliers (series; RAF Norway).
- Prisoner of the Rock, The (WW2 mining adventure).
- Private War of Percy Potter (series; Army).
- Raiders of Wreck 16 (series; RN).
- Rifleman of the Rocks (series; Far East; Rifleman surviving behind enemy lines).
- Run Away Robinson (civilian series).
- Sampson the Signaller (series; Army).
- Shadow ship of Valetta (series; RN).
- Sky Soldiers (series character; Parachute Regiment).
- Special Squad (series; Army; Far East).
- Squadron X (series; RAF).
- Special Squad (Army).
- Spy in the Suitcase, The (series; Secret Service).
- Swamp Rat, The (series character; WW2 Australian Coastal service)
- Treasure of Deep 99 (WW2 Australian Army; Far East).
- Twelve Days to Save Britain (series; secret service).
- V for Vengeance (series; Resistance).
- Vengeance of the Snow Wolf (series; WW2 Norwegian Commandos).
- Volts of Vengeance (WW2 British Secret Service).
- Watcher, The (series character; Secret Service).
- William Welkins War (series character; WW2 Army).
- Year of the Night Fighters (series characters; WW2 RAF).
- see also Complete stories heading.
- Wreck That Never Was, The (WW2 RN 1941; Crete evacuation; complete story; artist not known) 159.
- Writers#
- Fitzsimons, Chris
- Flying Tiger, The.
- Hover Rovers, The.
- note - the author also wrote many other text and picture stories not only for the Hornet, but also for other Thomson boys and girls comics.
- Wyatt, Flying Officer ‘Shorty’ (series character; WW2 RAF; Norway ) see Phantom Fliers, The.
- X# / Y# / Z#
- Year of the Night Fighters (series characters; WW2 RAF; featuring Big Fellow; Bat Squadron night fighters; artist Shone).
starts prior to 511 - 516.
- Year of the Ospreys (series characters; Canadian adventure, fighting a mining company wanting to purchase an area of wildlife land from Tranters;
featuring Jock Tranter and his nephew Alex Tranter; artist Arnau?).
- Yellow Jacket of Courage (factual; story of ‘Chinese’ Gordon and the Ever Victorian Army; artist not known) 292.
- You Can't Drink Gold Dust! (western 1960's; artist not known; featuring Danny Dawson leading bank robbers in a circle around the desert) 9.
- You Never Know Your Luck (complete one issue superstitious stories; artist not known).
- 384; no story in issue 385; 386.
- Young, Lieutenant (V.C.; Nov. 1857 Indian Mutiny; won for storming (with other soldiers), the Shah Nujjiff; Lieutenant Salmon; Able Seaman Hall also
won the V.C.; a true front cover story; artist Farrugia) 64.
- Youngest V.C., The (Story of a boy of fifteen who wins the V.C.) 1.
- Zamonides (sport; football; alien being) see The Team From Trisidium.
- Abbreviations
- C.G.M. - Conspicuous Gallantry Medal.
- D.C.M. - Distinguished Conduct Medal.
- D.F.C. - Distinguished Flying Cross.
- D.F.M. - Distinguished Flying Medal.
- D.S.C. - Distinguished Service Cross.
- D.S.M. - Distinguished Service Medal.
- D.S.O. - Distinguished Service Order.
- L.R.D.G. - Long Range Desert Group.
- M.M. - Military Medal.
- R.A.F. - Royal Air Force.
- R.A.F.V.C. - Royal Air Force Volunteer Corp.?
- R.F.C. - Royal Flying Corp.
- R.N. - Royal Navy.
- RNAS - Royal Naval Air Service.
- SAS - Special Air Service.
- SBS - Special Boat Service.
- V.C. - The Victoria Cross medal. The highest order of gallantry to be awarded to members of the British
and Commonwealth armed forces.
© Adrian Banfield, 2014.