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***Please note that I am using a standard thumbnail image for all the full size pictures on this page. This is purely being done to save myself sometime.***
page one. page two. page three. page four. page five. |
page six. page seven. page eight. page nine. |
The final part of this story is a combined effort between myself and Anthony. I was responsible for the page layout and lettering. Anthony provided me with a detailed script, showing which text went with each photograph. I had to decide on what type of font(s) to use throughout the story and work my way through one or two unexpected problems that cropped up. This made quite a change from me having to create my own comic. I found it to be quite a challenge, but an enjoyable one.
The reference to Shergar the famous Irish racing horse was my sole addition to the script for the third part of this story. This horse which won the 1981 Derby, Britain’s biggest flat race amongst other races was kidnapped and held for ransom. The ransom was never paid and the horse was never found. And his kidnapping has been a running joke ever since. (Sorry!)
My thanks to Anthony for working with me on this story. Working with someone else to produce a comic has allowed both of us to stamp our efforts and ideas onto the finished story. As neither of us have tried anything like this before, anything could have happened! As it turned out the finished story is a damned good show all round! We hope our readers enjoy reading the story.
Need to catch up with the second part of this story? Click on the Ballinabricky link below.
Ballinabricky comic. |